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import { assert, assertEquals, assertNotEquals} from 'std/testing/asserts.ts'import { SEP } from 'std/path/separator.ts'import { existsDir, existsFile, ensureTextFile, lazyRemove} from './fs.ts'
Deno.test(`fs: existsDir`, async () => { // true test cases const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir() assert(await existsDir(dir)) assert(await existsDir(await Deno.realPath(getStandardFolder()))) // false test cases const file = await Deno.makeTempFile() assertEquals(await existsDir(file), false) assertEquals(await existsDir(`${dir}${SEP}foo${SEP}bar`), false)})
Deno.test(`fs: existsFile`, async () => { // true test cases const file = await Deno.makeTempFile() assert(await existsFile(file)) // false test cases const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir() assert(!await existsFile(`${dir}`)) assert(!await existsFile(`${dir}${SEP}foo${SEP}bar`))})
Deno.test('fs: ensureTextFile', async () => { // true test case const dirPath = await Deno.makeTempDir() const textFilePath = `${dirPath}${SEP}test.txt` const content = 'This is a test' await ensureTextFile(textFilePath, content) assert(await existsFile(textFilePath)) const testContent = await Deno.readTextFile(textFilePath) assertEquals(testContent, content) // false test case // illegal folder name const textFilePath2 = `${SEP}test2.txt` let testContent2 = '' try { await ensureTextFile(textFilePath2, content) testContent2 = await Deno.readTextFile(textFilePath2) } catch (error) { assertNotEquals(testContent2, content) }})
Deno.test('fs: lazyRemove', async () => { // true test case const filePath = await Deno.makeTempFile() await lazyRemove(filePath) assertEquals(await existsFile(filePath), false) // false test case const dirPath = await Deno.makeTempDir() await lazyRemove(`${dirPath}${SEP}foo${SEP}bar.bin`) assert(await existsDir(dirPath))})
/** * Returns an operating system-specific * example folder. * @returns 'C:\Windows' for Windows or * '/tmp' for unix-based operating systems */const getStandardFolder = () => { return === 'windows' ? "C:\\Windows" : '/tmp'}