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import { ensureDir } from "";import { join } from "";import init, { parcelCSS, parseDeps as parseDepsWasmFn, transform as transformWasmFn,} from "./dist/compiler.js";import wasm from "./dist/wasm.js";import type { DependencyDescriptor, TransformCSSOptions, TransformCSSResult, TransformOptions, TransformResult,} from "./types.ts";import { VERSION } from "./version.ts";
let modulesCache: string | null = null;let wasmReady: Promise<void> | boolean = false;
if (typeof === "function") { const p ={ cmd: [Deno.execPath(), "info", "--json"], stdout: "piped", stderr: "null", }); const output = (new TextDecoder()).decode(await p.output()); const info = JSON.parse(output); modulesCache = info?.modulesCache || null; await p.status(); p.close();}
/* check whether or not the given path exists as regular file. */async function existsFile(path: string): Promise<boolean> { try { const stat = await Deno.lstat(path); return stat.isFile; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return false; } throw err; }}
/** initialize the compiler wasm module. */export async function initWasm() { if (import.meta.url.startsWith("https://") && modulesCache) { const cacheDir = join( modulesCache, `https/${VERSION}/dist`, ); const cachePath = join(cacheDir, "compiler.wasm"); if (await existsFile(cachePath)) { const file = await, { read: true }); await init( new Response(file.readable, { headers: [["Content-Type", "application/wasm"]], }), ); } else { const wasmData = await wasm(); await init(wasmData); await ensureDir(cacheDir); await Deno.writeFile(cachePath, new Uint8Array(wasmData)); } } else { await init(await wasm()); } wasmReady = true;}
async function getWasmReady() { if (wasmReady === true) return; if (wasmReady === false) { wasmReady = initWasm().catch(() => { wasmReady = false; }); } await wasmReady;}
/** Parse the deps of the modules. */export async function parseDeps( specifier: string, code: string, options: Pick<TransformOptions, "importMap" | "lang"> = {},): Promise<DependencyDescriptor[]> { await getWasmReady(); return parseDepsWasmFn(specifier, code, options);}
/** * Transforms the JSX/TS module into a JS module. * * ```tsx * transform( * '/app.tsx', * ` * import React from ''; * * export default function App() { * return <h1>Hello world!</h1> * } * ` * ) * ``` */export async function transform( specifier: string, code: string, options: TransformOptions = {},): Promise<TransformResult> { await getWasmReady(); try { return transformWasmFn(specifier, code, options); } catch (error) { if ( options.minify && (error.stack ?? error.messsage ?? "").includes("ThreadPoolBuildError") ) { // retry and disable minify if ThreadPoolBuildError if (options.minify.compress) { return await transform(specifier, code, { ...options, minify: { compress: false }, }); } else { return transformWasmFn(specifier, code, { ...options, minify: undefined, }); } } else { throw error; } }}
/** * Compiles a CSS file, including optionally minifying and lowering syntax to the given * targets. A source map may also be generated, but this is not enabled by default. */export async function transformCSS( specifier: string, code: string, options: TransformCSSOptions = {},): Promise<TransformCSSResult> { await getWasmReady(); return parcelCSS(specifier, code, options);}