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The Full-stack Framework in Deno.
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import { concat } from "";import { join } from "";import type { Comment, DocumentEnd, Element, TextChunk } from "";import initLolHtml, { HTMLRewriter } from "";import lolHtmlWasm from "";import util from "../lib/util.ts";import { applyImportMap, getAlephPkgUri, getDeploymentId, toLocalPath } from "./helpers.ts";import type { ImportMap } from "./types.ts";
// init `lol-html` Wasmawait initLolHtml(lolHtmlWasm());
export type HTMLRewriterHandlers = { element?: (element: Element) => void; comments?: (element: Comment) => void; text?: (text: TextChunk) => void;};
type LoadOptions = { isDev: boolean; importMap: ImportMap; ssr?: { dataDefer?: boolean }; hmrWebSocketUrl?: string; cwd?: string;};
// load and fix the `index.html`// - fix relative url to absolute url of `src` and `href`// - add `./framework/core/hmr.ts` when in `development` mode// - add `./framework/core/nomodule.ts`// - check the `<head>` and `<body>` elements// - check the `<ssr-body>` element if the ssr is enabled// - add `data-defer` attribute to `<body>` if possibleexport async function loadAndFixIndexHtml(options: LoadOptions): Promise<Uint8Array> { const { html, hasSSRBody } = await loadIndexHtml(options.cwd); return fixIndexHtml(html, hasSSRBody, options);}
async function loadIndexHtml(cwd = Deno.cwd()): Promise<{ html: Uint8Array; hasSSRBody: boolean }> { const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; let hasHead = false; let hasBody = false; let hasSSRBody = false; const rewriter = new HTMLRewriter("utf8", (chunk: Uint8Array) => chunks.push(chunk));
rewriter.on("head", { element: () => hasHead = true, }); rewriter.on("body", { element: () => hasBody = true, }); rewriter.on("ssr-body", { element: () => hasSSRBody = true, }); rewriter.on("*", { element: (e: Element) => { if (e.hasAttribute("data-ssr-root")) { if (hasSSRBody) { e.removeAttribute("data-ssr-root"); } else { e.setInnerContent("<ssr-body></ssr-body>", { html: true }); hasSSRBody = true; } } }, comments: (c: Comment) => { const text = c.text.trim(); if (text === "ssr-body" || text === "ssr-output") { if (hasSSRBody) { c.remove(); } else { c.replace("<ssr-body></ssr-body>", { html: true }); hasSSRBody = true; } } }, }); rewriter.onDocument({ end: (end: DocumentEnd) => { if (!hasHead) { end.append(`<head></head>`, { html: true }); } if (!hasBody) { end.append(`<body></body>`, { html: true }); } }, });
let html: Uint8Array; try { html = await Deno.readFile(join(cwd, "index.html")); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { html = util.utf8TextEncoder.encode(`<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"></head><body><h2>Not Found</h2></body></html>`); } else { throw err; } }
try { rewriter.write(html); rewriter.end(); return { html: concat(...chunks), hasSSRBody, }; } finally {; }}
function fixIndexHtml(html: Uint8Array, hasSSRBody: boolean, options: LoadOptions): Uint8Array { const { isDev, importMap, ssr, hmrWebSocketUrl } = options; const alephPkgUri = getAlephPkgUri(); const chunks: Uint8Array[] = []; const rewriter = new HTMLRewriter("utf8", (chunk: Uint8Array) => chunks.push(chunk)); const deployId = getDeploymentId();
rewriter.on("link", { element: (el: Element) => { let href = el.getAttribute("href"); if (href) { href = applyImportMap(href, importMap); const isHttpUrl = util.isLikelyHttpURL(href); if (!isHttpUrl) { href = util.cleanPath(href); if (deployId) { href += (href.includes("?") ? "&v=" : "?v=") + deployId; } el.setAttribute("href", href); } else { href = toLocalPath(href); } el.setAttribute("href", href); if (isDev && !isHttpUrl && href.split("?")[0].endsWith(".css")) { const specifier = `.${href}`; el.setAttribute("data-module-id", specifier); el.after( `<script type="module">import hot from "${toLocalPath(alephPkgUri)}/framework/core/hmr.ts";hot(${ JSON.stringify(specifier) }).accept();</script>`, { html: true }, ); } } }, }); let nomoduleInserted = false; rewriter.on("script", { element: (el: Element) => { let src = el.getAttribute("src"); if (src) { src = applyImportMap(src, importMap); if (!util.isLikelyHttpURL(src)) { src = util.cleanPath(src); if (deployId) { src += (src.includes("?") ? "&v=" : "?v=") + deployId; } el.setAttribute("src", src); } else { src = toLocalPath(src); } el.setAttribute("src", src); } if (!nomoduleInserted && el.getAttribute("type") === "module") { el.after( `<script nomodule src="${toLocalPath(alephPkgUri)}/framework/core/nomodule.ts"></script>`, { html: true }, ); nomoduleInserted = true; } }, }); rewriter.on("head", { element: (el: Element) => { if (isDev) { el.append( `<script type="module">import hot from "${ toLocalPath(alephPkgUri) }/framework/core/hmr.ts";hot("./index.html").decline();</script>`, { html: true }, ); } }, }); rewriter.on("body", { element: (el: Element) => { if (ssr?.dataDefer) { el.setAttribute("data-defer", "true"); } if (deployId) { el.setAttribute("data-deployment-id", deployId); } if (ssr && !hasSSRBody) { el.prepend("<ssr-body></ssr-body>", { html: true }); } }, });
if (isDev && hmrWebSocketUrl) { rewriter.on("head", { element(el: Element) { el.append(`<script>window.__hmrWebSocketUrl=${JSON.stringify(hmrWebSocketUrl)};</script>`, { html: true, }); }, }); }
try { rewriter.write(html); rewriter.end(); return concat(...chunks); } catch (err) { throw err; } finally {; }}
export function parseHtmlLinks(html: string | Uint8Array): Promise<string[]> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { const links: string[] = []; const rewriter = new HTMLRewriter("utf8", (_chunk: Uint8Array) => {}); rewriter.on("link", { element(el: Element) { const href = el.getAttribute("href"); if (href) { links.push(href); } }, }); rewriter.on("script", { element(el: Element) { const src = el.getAttribute("src"); if (src) { links.push(src); } }, }); rewriter.onDocument({ end: () => { resolve(links); }, }); try { rewriter.write(typeof html === "string" ? util.utf8TextEncoder.encode(html) : html); rewriter.end(); } finally {; } } catch (error) { reject(error); } });}
export { Element, HTMLRewriter };