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Run your Alfred workflows in Deno

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This is a Deno library, inspired by Alfy (a Node.JS library for running Alfred workflows).

⚠️ This project is work in progress. Expect breaking changes.


Install the client:

deno install --allow-read --allow-write --allow-env -f --reload -n alfredo

You can use the client to scaffold a new Alfred Workflow

$ alfredo --help

  Usage:   alfredo
  Version: 0.1.0


    Let's do Deno things in Alfred (


    -h, --help     - Show this help.
    -V, --version  - Show the version number for this program.


    generate  <identifier> [folder]  - Generate a Alfred workflow
    link      [folder-name]          - Link the folder to the Alfred workflow folder
    unlink    [folder-name]          - Unlink the folder to the Alfred workflow folder


Run the client:

alfredo generate <identifier> <optional:foldername>


  • identifier needs to be a unique identifier, something like com.alfredo.somethinguseful (it’s totally up to you)
  • foldername is optional. If you omit it, alfredo will try to scaffold one in the current folder, otherwise it will create a folder with foldername

This will add the following to the folder:

  • run.ts A script to get you started, with a link to the Alfredo library on
  • icon.png This icon will be used in the workflow, obviously you can replace that when you start editing the workflow in Alfred
  • info.plist A starting workflow file that is automatically picked up by Alfred. You should start by editing the name, description etc in the workflow in Alfred.

The starter workflow

script filter

The starter workflow will be a Script Filter Input (Inputs -> Script Filter) with the following settings:

  • Keyword: Set a usefull keyword to be used by Alfred to determine if it needs to run the script
  • Language: Personally I am using Zsh, so I set this to /bin/zsh
  • You should set the script to with input as argv, but obviously that is up to you
  • Script:
if [ -f "/opt/homebrew/bin/deno" ]
  /opt/homebrew/bin/deno run -A run.ts $@
elif [ -f "$HOME/.deno/bin/deno"]
  "$HOME/.deno/bin/deno" run -A run.ts $@

Note: Because I have installed Deno using Homebrew, I will run it from ‘/opt/homebrew’. You can find it out yourself by testing in your terminal where the deno bin is: which deno. For the starter script I am keeping it as generic as possible

alfredo link <optional:foldername>

This will try to link the folder to your Alfred workflow folder. Alfredo will try to determine this by checking for the workflow folder in your Alfred settings

alfredo unlink <optional:foldername>

This will try to unlink the folder from your Alfred workflow folder. Note that it will fail if it can’t find the folder, or determine the folder in your Alfred workflow folder to not be a symlink.


Coming soon


MIT License