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Light, Embeddable, NoSQL database for Deno 🦕
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interface DatabaseConfig
import { type DatabaseConfig } from "";

Database initialization config


path: string

Path to the database file.

pretty: boolean

Save data in easy-to-read format. ( Default: true )

immutable: boolean

Automatically deeply clone all returned objects. ( Default: true )

safeWrite: boolean

Write data to the file without risk of loss. Instead of simply writing data to a file, the data will be written to a temporary file, which will then be renamed the main file. ( Default: true )

onlyInMemory: boolean

Do not write data to the database file. If "path" specified, data will be read from the file, but new data will not be written.

schemaValidator: SchemaValidator

Manual document validation function. If the document does not pass the validation, just throw the error. Works well with Superstruct!