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Light, Embeddable, NoSQL database for Deno 🦕
// Copyright 2020-2021 the AloeDB authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { Document, DocumentValue, Query, QueryValue, QueryFunction, Update, UpdateValue, UpdateFunction,} from './types.ts';
import { cleanArray, deepClone, deepCompare, isArray, isBoolean, isFunction, isNull, isNumber, isObject, isObjectEmpty, isRegExp, isString, isUndefined, numbersList, prepareObject,} from './utils.ts';
/** * Find documents positions. * @param query Documents selection criteria. * @param documents Array of documents to search. * @returns Found positions. */export function searchDocuments(query: Query | QueryFunction | undefined, documents: Document[]): number[] { let found: number[] = []; let firstSearch: boolean = true;
if (isFunction(query)) { for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) { const document: Document = documents[i]; const isMatched: boolean = query(document); if (isMatched) found.push(i); }
return found; }
if (isUndefined(query) || isObjectEmpty(query)) return numbersList(documents.length - 1);
for (const key in query) { const queryValue: QueryValue = query[key];
if (firstSearch) { firstSearch = false;
for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) { const document: Document = documents[i]; const documentValue: DocumentValue = document[key]; const isMatched: boolean = matchValues(queryValue, documentValue); if (isMatched) found.push(i); }
if (found.length === 0) return []; continue; }
for (let i = 0; i < found.length; i++) { if (isUndefined(found[i])) continue; const position: number = found[i]; const document: Document = documents[position]; const documentValue: DocumentValue = document[key]; const isMatched: boolean = matchValues(queryValue, documentValue); if (isMatched) continue; delete found[i]; } }
return cleanArray(found);}
/** * Create new document applying modifications to specified document. * @param document Document to update. * @param update The modifications to apply. * @returns New document with applyed updates or null. */export function updateDocument(document: Document, update: Update | UpdateFunction): Document | null { let newDocument: Document | null = deepClone(document);
if (isFunction(update)) { newDocument = update(newDocument); if (!newDocument) return null; if (!isObject(newDocument)) throw new TypeError('Document must be an object');
} else { for (const key in update) { const value: UpdateValue = update[key]; const result: DocumentValue | undefined = isFunction(value) ? value(newDocument[key]) : value;
if (isUndefined(result)) { delete newDocument[key]; continue; }
newDocument[key] = result; } }
prepareObject(newDocument); if (isObjectEmpty(newDocument)) return null;
return deepClone(newDocument);}
/** * Compares the value from the query and from the document. * @param queryValue Value from query. * @param documentValue Value from document. * @returns Are the values equal. */export function matchValues(queryValue: QueryValue, documentValue: DocumentValue): boolean { if (isString(queryValue) || isNumber(queryValue) || isBoolean(queryValue) || isNull(queryValue)) { return queryValue === documentValue; }
if (isFunction(queryValue)) { return queryValue(documentValue) ? true : false; }
if (isRegExp(queryValue)) { return isString(documentValue) && queryValue.test(documentValue); }
if (isArray(queryValue) || isObject(queryValue)) { return deepCompare(queryValue, documentValue); }
if (isUndefined(queryValue)) { return isUndefined(documentValue); }
return false;}
/** * Parse database storage file. * @param content Content of the file. * @returns Array of documents. */export function parseDatabaseStorage(content: string): Document[] { const trimmed: string = content.trim(); if (trimmed === '') return [];
const documents: any = JSON.parse(trimmed); if (!isArray(documents)) throw new TypeError('Database storage should be an array of objects');
for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) { const document: Document = documents[i]; if (!isObject(document)) throw new TypeError('Database storage should contain only objects'); prepareObject(document); if (isObjectEmpty(document)) delete documents[i]; }
return cleanArray(documents);}