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Light, Embeddable, NoSQL database for Deno 🦕
// Copyright 2020-2021 the AloeDB authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { Writer } from './writer.ts';import { Reader } from './reader.ts';import { searchDocuments, updateDocument, parseDatabaseStorage } from './core.ts';import { Document, DatabaseConfig, Query, QueryFunction, Update, UpdateFunction, Acceptable } from './types.ts';import { cleanArray, deepClone, isObjectEmpty, prepareObject, isArray, isFunction, isObject, isString, isUndefined } from './utils.ts';
/** * # AloeDB 🌿 * Light, Embeddable, NoSQL database for Deno * * [Deno]( | [Github]( */export class Database<Schema extends Acceptable<Schema> = Document> { /** * In-Memory documents storage. * * ***WARNING:*** It is better not to modify these documents manually, as the changes will not pass the necessary checks. * ***However, if you modify storage manualy, call the method `await` to save your changes.*** */ public documents: Schema[] = [];
/** Data writing manager. */ private readonly writer?: Writer;
/** Database configuration. */ private readonly config: DatabaseConfig = { path: undefined, pretty: true, autoload: true, autosave: true, optimize: true, immutable: true, validator: undefined };
/** * Create database collection to store documents. * @param config Database configuration or path to the database file. */ constructor(config?: Partial<DatabaseConfig> | string) { if (isUndefined(config)) config = { autoload: false, autosave: false }; if (isString(config)) config = { path: config, autoload: true, autosave: true }; if (!isObject(config)) throw new TypeError('Config must be an object or a string');
// Disable autosave if path is not specified if (isUndefined(config?.path)) config.autosave = false;
// Merge default config with users config this.config = { ...this.config, ...config };
// Writer initialization if (this.config.path) { this.writer = new Writer(this.config.path) if (this.config.autoload) this.loadSync(); } }
/** * Insert a document. * @param document Document to insert. * @returns Inserted document. */ public async insertOne(document: Schema): Promise<Schema> { const { immutable, validator, autosave } = this.config; if (!isObject(document)) throw new TypeError('Document must be an object');
prepareObject(document); if (isObjectEmpty(document)) return {} as Schema; if (validator) validator(document);
const internal: Schema = deepClone(document); this.documents.push(internal); if (autosave) await;
return immutable ? deepClone(internal) : internal; }
/** * Inserts multiple documents. * @param documents Array of documents to insert. * @returns Array of inserted documents. */ public async insertMany(documents: Schema[]): Promise<Schema[]> { const { immutable, validator, autosave } = this.config; if (!isArray(documents)) throw new TypeError('Input must be an array');
const inserted: Schema[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) { const document: Schema = documents[i]; if (!isObject(document)) throw new TypeError('Documents must be an objects');
prepareObject(document); if (isObjectEmpty(document)) continue; if (validator) validator(document);
const internal: Schema = deepClone(document); inserted.push(internal); }
this.documents = [...this.documents, ...inserted]; if (autosave) await;
return immutable ? deepClone(inserted) : inserted; }
/** * Find document by search query. * @param query Document selection criteria. * @returns Found document. */ public async findOne(query?: Query<Schema> | QueryFunction<Schema>): Promise<Schema | null> { const { immutable } = this.config; if (!isUndefined(query) && !isObject(query) && !isFunction(query)) throw new TypeError('Query must be an object or function');
// Optimization for empty queries if (!isFunction(query) && (isUndefined(query) || isObjectEmpty(query))) { if (this.documents.length === 0) return null; const document: Schema = this.documents[0]; return immutable ? deepClone(document) : document; }
const found: number[] = searchDocuments(query as Query, this.documents); if (found.length === 0) return null;
const position: number = found[0]; const document: Schema = this.documents[position];
return immutable ? deepClone(document) : document; }
/** * Find multiple documents by search query. * @param query Documents selection criteria. * @returns Found documents. */ public async findMany(query?: Query<Schema> | QueryFunction<Schema>): Promise<Schema[]> { const { immutable } = this.config; if (!isUndefined(query) && !isObject(query) && !isFunction(query)) throw new TypeError('Query must be an object or function');
// Optimization for empty queries if (isUndefined(query) || (isObject(query) && isObjectEmpty(query))) { return immutable ? deepClone(this.documents) : [...this.documents]; }
const found: number[] = searchDocuments(query as Query, this.documents); if (found.length === 0) return [];
const documents: Schema[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < found.length; i++) { const position: number = found[i]; const document: Schema = this.documents[position]; documents.push(document); }
return immutable ? deepClone(documents) : documents; }
/** * Modifies an existing document that match search query. * @param query Document selection criteria. * @param update The modifications to apply. * @returns Found document with applied modifications. */ public async updateOne(query: Query<Schema> | QueryFunction<Schema>, update: Update<Schema> | UpdateFunction<Schema>): Promise<Schema | null> { const { validator, autosave, immutable } = this.config;
if (!isUndefined(query) && !isObject(query) && !isFunction(query)) throw new TypeError('Query must be an object or function'); if (!isObject(update) && !isFunction(update)) throw new TypeError('Update must be an object or function');
const found: number[] = searchDocuments(query as Query, this.documents); if (found.length === 0) return null;
const position: number = found[0]; const document: Schema = this.documents[position]; const updated: Schema | null = updateDocument(document, update as Update) as Schema | null;
if (!updated) { this.documents.splice(position, 1); return {} as Schema; }
if (validator) validator(updated);
this.documents[position] = updated; if (autosave) await;
return immutable ? deepClone(updated) : updated; }
/** * Modifies all documents that match search query. * @param query Documents selection criteria. * @param update The modifications to apply. * @returns Found documents with applied modifications. */ public async updateMany(query: Query<Schema> | QueryFunction<Schema>, update: Update<Schema> | UpdateFunction<Schema>): Promise<Schema[]> { const { validator, autosave, immutable } = this.config;
if (!isUndefined(query) && !isObject(query) && !isFunction(query)) throw new TypeError('Query must be an object or function'); if (!isObject(update) && !isFunction(update)) throw new TypeError('Update must be an object or function');
const found: number[] = searchDocuments(query as Query, this.documents); if (found.length === 0) return [];
let temporary: Schema[] = [...this.documents]; let deleted: boolean = false; const updatedDocuments: Schema[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < found.length; i++) { const position: number = found[i]; const document: Schema = temporary[position]; const updated: Schema | null = updateDocument(document, update as Update | UpdateFunction) as Schema | null;
if (!updated) { deleted = true; delete temporary[position]; continue; }
if (validator) validator(updated);
temporary[position] = updated; updatedDocuments.push(updated); }
this.documents = deleted ? cleanArray(temporary) : temporary; if (autosave) await;
return immutable ? deepClone(updatedDocuments) : updatedDocuments; }
/** * Deletes first found document that matches the search query. * @param query Document selection criteria. * @returns Deleted document. */ public async deleteOne(query?: Query<Schema> | QueryFunction<Schema>): Promise<Schema | null> { const { autosave } = this.config;
if (!isUndefined(query) && !isObject(query) && !isFunction(query)) throw new TypeError('Query must be an object or function');
const found: number[] = searchDocuments(query as Query, this.documents); if (found.length === 0) return null;
const position: number = found[0]; const deleted: Schema = this.documents[position];
this.documents.splice(position, 1); if (autosave) await;
return deleted; }
/** * Deletes all documents that matches the search query. * @param query Document selection criteria. * @returns Array of deleted documents. */ public async deleteMany(query?: Query<Schema> | QueryFunction<Schema>): Promise<Schema[]> { const { autosave } = this.config;
if (!isUndefined(query) && !isObject(query) && !isFunction(query)) throw new TypeError('Query must be an object or function');
const found: number[] = searchDocuments(query as Query, this.documents); if (found.length === 0) return [];
let temporary: Schema[] = [...this.documents]; const deleted: Schema[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < found.length; i++) { const position: number = found[i]; const document: Schema = temporary[position];
deleted.push(document); delete temporary[position]; }
this.documents = cleanArray(temporary); if (autosave) await;
return deleted; }
/** * Count found documents. * @param query Documents selection criteria. * @returns Documents count. */ public async count(query?: Query<Schema> | QueryFunction<Schema>): Promise<number> { if (!isUndefined(query) && !isObject(query) && !isFunction(query)) throw new TypeError('Query must be an object or function');
// Optimization for empty queries if (isUndefined(query) || (isObject(query) && isObjectEmpty(query))) return this.documents.length;
const found: number[] = searchDocuments(query as Query, this.documents); return found.length; }
/** * Delete all documents. */ public async drop(): Promise<void> { this.documents = []; if (this.config.autosave) await; }
/** * Load data from storage file. */ public async load(): Promise<void> { const { path, validator } = this.config; if (!path) return;
const content: string = await; const documents: Document[] = parseDatabaseStorage(content);
// Schema validation if (validator) { for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) validator(documents[i]) }
this.documents = documents as Schema[]; }
/** * Synchronously load data from storage file. */ public loadSync(): void { const { path, validator } = this.config; if (!path) return;
const content: string = Reader.readSync(path); const documents: Document[] = parseDatabaseStorage(content);
// Schema validation if (validator) { for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) validator(documents[i]) }
this.documents = documents as Schema[]; }
/** * Write documents to the database storage file. * Called automatically after each insert, update or delete operation. _(Only if `autosave` mode enabled)_ */ public async save(): Promise<void> { if (!this.writer) return;
const encoded: string = this.config.pretty ? JSON.stringify(this.documents, null, '\t') : JSON.stringify(this.documents);
if (this.config.optimize) { this.writer.add(encoded); // Should be without await } else { await this.writer.write(encoded); } }}