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Alosaur - Deno web framework with many decorators
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// -------------------------------------------------------------------------// Main exports// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Http errors
export * from './http-error/HttpError.ts';export * from './http-error/InternalServerError.ts';export * from './http-error/BadRequestError.ts';export * from './http-error/ForbiddenError.ts';export * from './http-error/NotAcceptableError.ts';export * from './http-error/MethodNotAllowedError.ts';export * from './http-error/NotFoundError.ts';export * from './http-error/UnauthorizedError.ts';
// Rendererexport * from './renderer/content.ts';export * from './renderer/view.ts';
// Decoratorsexport * from './decorator/Area.ts';export * from './decorator/Controller.ts';export * from './decorator/Get.ts';export * from './decorator/Post.ts';export * from './decorator/Patch.ts';export * from './decorator/Put.ts';export * from './decorator/Delete.ts';
// Action decoratorsexport * from './decorator/Cookie.ts';export * from './decorator/QueryParam.ts';export * from './decorator/Body.ts';export * from './decorator/Req.ts';export * from './decorator/Res.ts';export * from './decorator/Param.ts';
// Http exportsexport { Response, ServerRequest } from './package.ts';
// Standart middlwaresexport { CorsBuilder } from './middlewares/cors-builder.ts';
// DIexport * from './injection/index.ts';
// Interfacesexport * from './models/view-render-config.ts';
import { MetadataArgsStorage } from './metadata/metadata.ts';import { serve, Response } from './package.ts';import { getAction, notFoundAction } from './route/get-action.ts';import { getActionParams } from './route/get-action-params.ts';import { container } from './injection/index.ts';import { send } from './static/send.ts';import { StaticFilesConfig } from './models/static-config.ts';import { ViewRenderConfig } from './models/view-render-config.ts';import { CorsBuilder } from './middlewares/cors-builder.ts';import { Content } from './renderer/content.ts';import { MetaRoute } from './models/meta-route.ts';
const global = {};
export function getMetadataArgsStorage(): MetadataArgsStorage { if (!(global as any).routingControllersMetadataArgsStorage) (global as any).routingControllersMetadataArgsStorage = new MetadataArgsStorage();
return (global as any).routingControllersMetadataArgsStorage;}
export function getViewRenderConfig(): ViewRenderConfig { return (global as any).viewRenderConfig;}export interface AppSettings { areas: Function[]; middlewares?: Function[];}export class App { private classes: any[] = []; private metadata: MetadataArgsStorage; private routes: MetaRoute[] = []; private staticConfig: StaticFilesConfig; private viewRenderConfig: ViewRenderConfig;
constructor(settings: AppSettings) { this.metadata = getMetadataArgsStorage(); this.registerAreas(this.metadata); this.registerControllers(this.metadata.controllers); }
async listen(address: string = '') { const s = serve(address); console.log(`Server start in ${address}`); for await (const req of s) { try { const res: Response = {}; res.headers = new Headers(); if (await this.getStaticFile(req, res)) { await req.respond(res); } else { // Get middlewares in request const middlewares = this.metadata.middlewares.filter(m => m.route.test(req.url) );
// Resolve every pre middleware for (const middleware of middlewares) { await, res); }
const action = getAction(this.routes, req.method, req.url);
if (action === null) { req.respond(notFoundAction()); } else { // Get arguments in this action const args = await getActionParams(req, res, action);
// Get Action result const result = await[action.actionName](...args);
// Resolve every post middleware for (const middleware of middlewares) { await, result); }
req.respond(result); } } } catch (error) { req.respond(Content(error, error.httpCode || 500)); } } }
public useStatic(config: StaticFilesConfig) { this.staticConfig = config; } public useViewRender(config: ViewRenderConfig) { this.viewRenderConfig = config; (global as any).viewRenderConfig = config; } public useCors(builder: CorsBuilder) { this.metadata.middlewares.push({ type: 'middleware', target: builder, route: /\// }); }
private addRoute(route: MetaRoute) { this.routes.push(route); }
// Add area to controllers private registerAreas(metadata: MetadataArgsStorage) { => { if (c.area == null) { const area: any = metadata.areas.find(area => { return !!area.controllers.find( areaController => areaController === ); }); c.area = area; } return c; }); }
private registerControllers(controllers: any[] = []) { // TODO: add two route Map (with route params / exact match) // example: new Map(); key = route, value = object
controllers.forEach(controller => { const actions = getMetadataArgsStorage().actions.filter( action => === ); const params = getMetadataArgsStorage().params.filter( param => === );
// TODO: if obj not in classes // resolve from DI const obj = container.resolve(; this.classes.push(obj);
console.log( `register Controller: `, || ); let areaRoute = ``; if (controller.area.baseRoute) { areaRoute = controller.area.baseRoute; } actions.forEach(action => { const metaRoute: MetaRoute = { route: `${areaRoute}${controller.route}${action.route}`, target: obj, action: action.method, method: action.type, params: params.filter(param => param.method === action.method) }; console.log(`register route: `, metaRoute.route); this.addRoute(metaRoute); }); }); } private async getStaticFile(req, res) { if (this.staticConfig == null) { return false; } let url = req.url; if (this.staticConfig.baseRoute) { const regexUrl = new RegExp(`^${this.staticConfig.baseRoute}`); if (regexUrl.test(req.url)) { url = req.url.replace(regexUrl, '/'); } else { return false; } } const pathname = new URL(url, '/').pathname; try { const filePath = await send( { request: req, response: res }, pathname, this.staticConfig ); return filePath ? true : false; } catch (error) { // TODO: exception if (this.staticConfig.baseRoute) { console.warn(error); } return null; } }}