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Alosaur - Deno web framework with many decorators
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import { getPathNameFromUrl } from "../route/route.utils.ts";import { send } from "../static/send.ts";import { StaticFilesConfig } from "../models/static-config.ts";import { Context } from "../models/context.ts";
export async function getStaticFile<T>( context: Context<T>, staticConfig?: StaticFilesConfig, showError: boolean = true,) { if (staticConfig == null) { return false; }
let url = context.request.url;
if (staticConfig.baseRoute) { const regexpUrl = new RegExp(`^${staticConfig.baseRoute}`);
if (regexpUrl.test(url)) { url = url.replace(regexpUrl, "/"); } else { return false; } }
try { const filePath = await send( { request: context.request.serverRequest, response: context.response }, getPathNameFromUrl(url), staticConfig, ); return !!filePath; } catch (error) { // TODO: exception if (staticConfig.baseRoute && showError) { console.warn(error); } return null; }}