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Alosaur - Deno web framework with many decorators
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import { HttpContext } from "../models/http-context.ts";import { HookMethod } from "../models/hook.ts";import { HookMetadataArgs } from "../metadata/hook.ts";import { Context } from "../models/context.ts";import { ActionResult } from "../models/response.ts";
// type HookActionName = "onCatchAction" | "onPostAction" | "onPreAction";
/** * Run hooks function and return true if response is immediately */export async function resolveHooks<TState, TPayload>( context: Context<TState>, actionName: HookMethod, hooks?: HookMetadataArgs<TState, TPayload>[],): Promise<boolean> { const resolvedHooks = new Set<HookMetadataArgs<TState, TPayload>>();
if (hasHooks(hooks)) { // @ts-ignore: Object is possibly 'undefined'. for (const hook of hooks) { const action: Function | undefined = (hook as any).instance[actionName];
if (action !== undefined) { await (hook as any).instance[actionName](context, hook.payload);
if (context.response.isImmediately()) { let reverseActionName: HookMethod = actionName === "onCatchAction" ? "onCatchAction" : "onPostAction";
// run reverse resolved hooks await runHooks( context, reverseActionName, Array.from(resolvedHooks).reverse(), );
if (context instanceof HttpContext) { const respondWith = (context.request.serverRequest as any).respondWith; respondWith(getResponse(context.response.getMergedResult())); } return true; } } resolvedHooks.add(hook); } }
return false;}
export function hasHooks<TState = any, TPayload = any>( hooks?: HookMetadataArgs<TState, TPayload>[],): boolean { return hooks !== undefined && hooks.length > 0;}
export async function runHooks<TState, TPayload>( context: Context<TState>, actionName: HookMethod, hooks: HookMetadataArgs<TState, TPayload>[],) { for (const hook of hooks) { const action: Function | undefined = (hook as any).instance[actionName];
if (action !== undefined) { await (hook as any).instance[actionName](context, hook.payload); } }}
export function hasHooksAction<TState, TPayload>( actionName: HookMethod, hooks?: HookMetadataArgs<TState, TPayload>[],): boolean { return !!(hooks && hooks.find((hook) => (hook as any).instance[actionName] !== undefined));}
function getResponse(result: ActionResult): Response { return new Response(result.body, { status: result.status, headers: result.headers, });}