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Alosaur - Deno web framework with many decorators
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const INJECTIONS = new WeakMap();
export interface InjectableObject { inject: any[];}
export function applyInjection(object: InjectableObject, v: any, context?: any) { const injections: any[] = INJECTIONS.get(v) || [];
if (object?.inject) { for (const injectionKey of object.inject) { injections.push({ injectionKey, context }); } }
INJECTIONS.set(v as any, injections);}
function createInjections() { function Injectable(object?: InjectableObject) { return function applyInjection(v: any, context?: any) { const injections: any[] = INJECTIONS.get(v) || [];
if (object?.inject) { for (const injectionKey of object.inject) { injections.push({ injectionKey, context }); } }
INJECTIONS.set(v as any, injections); }; }
function Inject(injectionKey: any) { return function applyInjection(v: any, context: any) { const injections: any[] = INJECTIONS.get(v) || []; injections.push({ injectionKey, context }); }; }
return { Injectable, Inject };}
export class Container { private _parentContainer: Container | null = null;
registry = new Map();
register<T>(injectionKey: any, value: any) { this.registry.set(injectionKey, value); }
lookup<T>(injectionKey: any): T { return this.registry.get(injectionKey) || this._parentContainer?.lookup(injectionKey); }
create<T>(_class: any) { const Class = this.lookup(_class) || _class;
const injections: any[] = INJECTIONS.get(Class) || [];
const constructorInjections = injections.filter(({ context }) => context.kind === "class"); const instance = new Class({ injectionKey }) => this.lookup(injectionKey)));
for (const { injectionKey, context } of INJECTIONS.get(Class) || []) { if (context !== undefined) { instance[context] = this.lookup(injectionKey); } }
return instance; }
public set parentContainer(container: Container) { this._parentContainer = container; }
createChildContainer(): Container { const container = new Container(); container.parentContainer = this; return container; }}
export const { Injectable, Inject } = createInjections();export const SLContainer = new Container();
// // class Store {}//// @Injectable// class C {// @Inject('store') store: any;// }//// let container = new Container();// let store = new Store();//// container.register('store', store);//// let c = container.create(C);//// console.log( === store); // true
export function getOrSetInjectId(context: { metadata?: Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> }): string { context.metadata = context.metadata || {};
if (context.metadata._injectId) { return context.metadata._injectId as string; } else { const id = crypto.randomUUID(); context.metadata["_injectId"] = id; return id; }}