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import { AmqpChannel } from "./amqp_channel.ts";import type { AmqpSocket } from "./amqp_socket.ts";import type { ConnectionClose, ConnectionStart, ConnectionTune } from "./amqp_types.ts";
import { CHANNEL, CHANNEL_OPEN, CHANNEL_OPEN_OK, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_CLOSE, CONNECTION_CLOSE_OK, CONNECTION_OPEN, CONNECTION_OPEN_OK, CONNECTION_START, CONNECTION_START_OK, CONNECTION_TUNE, CONNECTION_TUNE_OK, HARD_ERROR_CONNECTION_FORCED,} from "./amqp_constants.ts";import { AmqpMultiplexer, createAmqpMux } from "./amqp_multiplexer.ts";import { serializeConnectionError } from "./error_handling.ts";import { createResolvable, ResolvablePromise } from "./resolvable.ts";
export interface AmqpConnectionOptions { username: string; password: string; vhost?: string; heartbeatInterval?: number; frameMax?: number; loglevel: "debug" | "none";}
const NULL_CHAR = String.fromCharCode(0);function credentials(username: string, password: string) { return `${NULL_CHAR}${username}${NULL_CHAR}${password}`;}
const clientProperties = Object.freeze({ product: "deno-amqp", platform: `Deno ${Deno.version.deno}`, version: "0", information: "",});
function tune(ours: number | undefined, theirs: number) { if (ours === undefined) { return theirs; }
if (ours === 0) { return Math.max(ours, theirs); }
return Math.min(ours, theirs);}
export class AmqpConnection implements AmqpConnection { #channelMax = -1; #isOpen = false; #channelNumbers: number[] = []; #username: string; #password: string; #vhost: string; #closedPromise: ResolvablePromise<void>; #options: AmqpConnectionOptions; #socket: AmqpSocket; #mux: AmqpMultiplexer;
constructor(socket: AmqpSocket, options: AmqpConnectionOptions) { this.#options = options; this.#socket = socket; this.#mux = createAmqpMux(this.#socket); this.#username = options.username; this.#password = options.password; this.#vhost = options.vhost || "/"; this.#closedPromise = createResolvable<void>();
this.#mux.receive(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_CLOSE) .then(this.#handleClose) .catch(this.#closedPromise.reject) .finally(() => { this.#isOpen = false; }); }
#handleClose = async (args: ConnectionClose) => { this.#isOpen = false; await this.#mux.send(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_CLOSE_OK, args); this.#closedPromise.reject(new Error(serializeConnectionError(args))); this.#socket.close(); };
#handleStart = async (_args: ConnectionStart) => { await this.#mux.send(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_START_OK, { clientProperties, response: credentials(this.#username, this.#password), }); };
#handleTune = async (args: ConnectionTune) => { const heartbeatInterval = tune( this.#options.heartbeatInterval, args.heartbeat, );
this.#channelMax = tune(undefined, args.channelMax); const frameMax = tune(this.#options.frameMax, args.frameMax);
await this.#mux.send(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_TUNE_OK, { heartbeat: heartbeatInterval, channelMax: this.#channelMax, frameMax, });
this.#socket.tune({ frameMax, sendTimeout: heartbeatInterval * 1000, readTimeout: heartbeatInterval * 1000 * 2, });
await this.#mux.send(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_OPEN, { virtualHost: this.#vhost, });
await this.#mux.receive(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_OPEN_OK); };
/** * Open this connection. */ async open() { await this.#socket.start();
await this.#mux.receive(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_START).then( this.#handleStart, ); await this.#mux.receive(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_TUNE).then( this.#handleTune, );
this.#isOpen = true; }
/** * Creates and opens a new channel */ async openChannel(): Promise<AmqpChannel> { for ( let channelNumber = 1; channelNumber < this.#channelMax; ++channelNumber ) { if (!this.#channelNumbers.find((num) => num === channelNumber)) { this.#channelNumbers.push(channelNumber);
await this.#mux.send(channelNumber, CHANNEL, CHANNEL_OPEN, {}); await this.#mux.receive(channelNumber, CHANNEL, CHANNEL_OPEN_OK); const channel = new AmqpChannel(channelNumber, this.#mux);
return channel; } }
throw new Error(`Maximum channels ${this.#channelMax} reached`); }
/** * Gracefully close this connection. */ async close() { if (this.#isOpen) { await this.#mux.send(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_CLOSE, { classId: 0, methodId: 0, replyCode: HARD_ERROR_CONNECTION_FORCED, });
await this.#mux.receive(0, CONNECTION, CONNECTION_CLOSE_OK);
this.#socket.close(); } this.#isOpen = false; this.#closedPromise.resolve(); }
/** * Returns a promise that is settled when this connection is closed. * * If the connection is gracefully closed, the promise will _resolve_. * * If the connection is unexpectedly closed by the server or from an error, the promise * will _reject_ with the reason. */ async closed() { return await this.#closedPromise; }}