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Deno module for interacting with the anilist api (WIP)
variable media
import { media } from "";


`query ($id: Int, $format: MediaFormat, $search: String, $type: MediaType) { Media(id: $id, search: $search, type: $type, format: $format) { id idMal title { romaji english native userPreferred } format status episodes description startDate { year month day } endDate { year month day } season seasonYear duration countryOfOrigin isLicensed source hashtag trailer { id site } updatedAt coverImage { large: extraLarge medium: large small: medium color } bannerImage genres synonyms averageScore meanScore favourites popularity trending tags { id name isMediaSpoiler } relations { nodes { id title { english native romaji userPreferred } type } } characters { nodes { id name { english: full } } } staff { nodes { id name { english: full } } } studios { nodes { id name isAnimationStudio } } isFavourite isAdult isLocked nextAiringEpisode { timeUntilAiring airingAt episode } airingSchedule { nodes { airingAt timeUntilAiring episode } } trends { nodes { date trending popularity inProgress } } externalLinks { url } streamingEpisodes { title thumbnail url site } rankings { rank type context year season } mediaListEntry { id status } reviews { nodes { id score summary body } } siteUrl autoCreateForumThread modNotes stats { scoreDistribution { score amount } statusDistribution { status amount } } isRecommendationBlocked recommendations { nodes { mediaRecommendation { id title { romaji english native userPreferred } type } } } } } `