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Animals - a fully modular API wrapper. 🐢

Animals is an API wrapper that can make customizable HTTP requests to the URL specified making it fully modular!

Version Node License

Integrating ✨

If you would like to integrating animals into your project, you have to import it.

import Animals from "";

After you import the file, you can call functions like this:

Animals.getAnimals(); // [ ]
Animals.get(); // <string>

Documentation 📖




 * Animals.getAnimals() returns an Array containing every `name` of the animals
 * available for you to call `get()` on.
 * Animal.registerAnimal() returns a Boolean if the animal was succesfully registered.
 * Takes in 4 parameters `name, method, url, key` (all 4 must be set)
 * This registers an animal for you to call `get()` on later
Animals.registerAnimal(name, method, url, key);
 * Animal.get(); returns a String if the animal was succesfully requsted.
 * Takes in a singular `name` parameter, if not set, it will be randomised
 * for a list of valid options for `name`, call `getAnimals();`
 * Throws an error if you provide an invalid name
 * Don't use this.

If you would like more use case, please see example.ts

Contributions 🎉

All contributions are accepted, simply open an Issue / Pull request.