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AnsiML - Markup Language for ANSI Colors

AnsiML is a library for inserting ANSI Colors into strings, implemented in TypeScript for Deno. Text and colors are strictly separated, thus enabling semantic operations on ANSI colored text and rendering to different output formats.

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ANSI colors are character codes for adding colors to console output. Yet, once the color codes are mixed with the text, operations on the text become difficult. Consider these scenarios:

  • We want to print colored text with a maximum of 80 columns. If we do not handle the color codes while calculating the positions of the line breaks, the lines will end up shorter than they need to be.

  • We want to print syntax-highlighted source code with colored line numbers to the console. Inserting the line numbers into the source might break the parser of the syntax highlighter. Inserting the line numbers after syntax highlighting might overwrite the colors of the highlighted code.

AnsiML solves this with an intermediate representation that keeps color codes separate from the actual text. It represents colored text as a tree of terminal string values (leaf nodes) and non-terminal Node objects or Node[] arrays (internal nodes). A node object can have a sequence of color commands.

type Node = string | Node[] | {
  commands?: Command[];
  children?: Node;

The commands are based on the ANSI colors module found in the Deno standard library. Each command is an array, where the first element is the name of a formatter, and the remaining elements are the arguments of the formatter.

Note on jsx-runtime

The modern way of configuring JSX is via the jsxImportSource compiler option, specified either in the TypeScript compilerOptions file or as a pragma comment. This can be an URL or bare specifier (defined in an import map). TypeScript will then append /jsx-runtime to this specifier and try to import it as a module. This module is expected a bunch of functions, mainly jsx, jsxs, and Fragment.

Unfortunately, Deno will fail to interpret a module named jsx-runtime as a TypeScript module because it does not end in .ts or .tsx. The workaround is to host the module on a CDN that serves the module with the correct MIME type. In order to run the examples in the repository, use deno run -A server.ts to serve the module locally.