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Extensible CLI arguments parser for Deno with intelligent TypeScript inference
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import { ValueType } from './types.ts'
import { ok, err } from './utils.ts'
import { NotANumber, NotAnInteger, InvalidChoice } from './value-errors.ts'
const sharedProps = (typeName: string) => ({ [Symbol.toStringTag]: typeName,})
/** Type and parser of text (string) value */export const Text: ValueType<string, readonly [string]> = { extract: ([raw]) => ok(raw), getTypeName: () => 'text', ...sharedProps('Text'),}
/** Type and parser of all number values except NaN and Infinity */export const FiniteNumber: ValueType<number, readonly [string]> = { extract([raw]) { const value = Number(raw) return isFinite(value) ? ok(value) : err(new NotANumber(raw)) }, getTypeName: () => 'number', ...sharedProps('FiniteNumber'),}
/** Type and parser of all BigInt values */export const Integer: ValueType<bigint, readonly [string]> = { extract([raw]) { try { return ok(BigInt(raw)) } catch (error) { return err(new NotAnInteger(raw, error)) } }, getTypeName: () => 'integer', ...sharedProps('Integer'),}
/** * Create type and parser of choice (union) * @template Value Union type of choices to make * @param choices Choices to make * @returns Type and parser of choices */export function Choice< Value extends number | string,>( ...choices: { readonly value: Value readonly describe?: string }[]): ValueType<Value, readonly [string]> { const values = => x.value) const valueStrings = => String(x))
{ // check for duplication const duplications = valueStrings.filter((x, i) => valueStrings.indexOf(x) !== i) if (duplications.length) { throw new RangeError(`Duplicated choices: ${duplications.join(' ')}`) } }
{ // check for invalid numbers const invalidNumbers = values.filter(x => typeof x === 'number' && !isFinite(x)) if (invalidNumbers.length) { throw new RangeError(`Invalid numbers: ${invalidNumbers.join(' ')}`) } }
return { extract([raw]) { for (const value of values) { if (value === raw || value === Number(raw)) return ok(value) } return err(new InvalidChoice(raw, values)) }, getTypeName: () => 'choice', help() { let text = '' for (const { value, describe } of choices) { const suffix = describe ? `${value}: ${describe}` : String(value) text += '‣ ' + suffix + '\n' } return text.trim() }, ...sharedProps(`Choice(${values.join(',')})`), }}