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Error constructor for test and validation frameworks that implements standardized AssertionError specification.
const canElideFrames = 'captureStackTrace' in Errorconst startStackFrames = new WeakMap()
interface Result { name: 'AssertionError' | 'AssertionResult' ok: boolean toJSON(...args: unknown[]): Record<string, unknown>}
export class AssertionError<T> extends Error implements Result { [key: string]: unknown
get name(): 'AssertionError' { return 'AssertionError' }
get ok() { return false }
constructor(public message = 'Unspecified AssertionError', props?: T, ssf?: Function) { super(message) if (canElideFrames && ssf) startStackFrames.set(this, ssf) for (const key in props) { if (!(key in this)) { // @ts-ignore this[key] = props[key]; } } }
get stack() { if (canElideFrames) { return (Error as any).captureStackTrace(this, startStackFrames.get(this) || AssertionError); } else { return super.stack } }
toJSON(stack: boolean): Record<string, unknown> { return { ...this, name:, message: this.message, ok: false, // include stack if exists and not turned off stack: stack !== false ? this.stack : undefined, } }
export class AssertionResult<T> implements Result { [key: string]: unknown
get name(): 'AssertionResult' { return 'AssertionResult' }
get ok() { return true }
constructor(props?: T) { for (const key in props) { if (!(key in this)) { // @ts-ignore this[key] = props[key]; } } }
toJSON(): Record<string, unknown> { return { ...this, name:, ok: this.ok, } }}