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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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A high-level puppeteer/playwright-like library for Deno
type alias Overlay_GridHighlightConfig
import { type Overlay_GridHighlightConfig } from "";

Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elements.

definition: { showGridExtensionLines?: boolean; showPositiveLineNumbers?: boolean; showNegativeLineNumbers?: boolean; showAreaNames?: boolean; showLineNames?: boolean; showTrackSizes?: boolean; gridBorderColor?: DOM_RGBA; cellBorderColor?: DOM_RGBA; rowLineColor?: DOM_RGBA; columnLineColor?: DOM_RGBA; gridBorderDash?: boolean; cellBorderDash?: boolean; rowLineDash?: boolean; columnLineDash?: boolean; rowGapColor?: DOM_RGBA; rowHatchColor?: DOM_RGBA; columnGapColor?: DOM_RGBA; columnHatchColor?: DOM_RGBA; areaBorderColor?: DOM_RGBA; gridBackgroundColor?: DOM_RGBA; }