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Inspired by Go & Clojure Channels, async_channels provides channels as an asynchronous communication method between asynchronous functions.
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interface Receiver
implements AsyncIterable<T>
import { type Receiver } from "";

Type Parameters


The type of value that can be received.


receive(abortCtrl?: AbortController): Promise<[T, true] | [undefined, false]>

Receive returns a promise that will be resolved with [T, true] when a value is available, or rejected if a provided AbortController is aborted

If the channel is closed, then the promise will be resolved immediately with [undefined, false].

Receiving from a closed channel:

  import {Channel} from "./channel.ts";
  const ch = new Channel();
  const [val, ok] = await ch.receive()
  console.assert(val === undefined)
  console.assert(ok === false)

Receiving from a buffered channel:

  import {Channel} from "./channel.ts";
  const ch = new Channel(1);
  await ch.send("Hello world!")
  const [val, ok] = await ch.receive()
  console.assert(val === "Hello world!")
  console.assert(ok === true)

Aborting a receive request:

  import {Channel, AbortedError} from "./channel.ts";
  const ch = new Channel(1);
  await ch.send("Hello world!")
  const abortCtrl = new AbortController()
  try {
    await ch.receive(abortCtrl);
    console.assert(false, "unreachable");
  } catch (e) {
    console.assert(e instanceof AbortedError);
[[Symbol.asyncIterator]](): AsyncGenerator<T, void, void>

Creates an AsyncGenerator that yields all values sent to this channel, and returns when the channel closes.

fn: (val: T) => TOut | Promise<TOut>,
bufferSize?: number,
): Receiver<TOut>

map returns a receiver channel that contains the results of applying fn to each value of this channel.

The receiver channel will close, when the original channel closes.

fn: (val: T) => Iterable<TOut> | AsyncIterable<TOut>,
bufferSize?: number,
): Receiver<TOut>
fn: (val: T) => void | Promise<void>,
bufferSize?: number,
): Receiver<void>

forEach applies fn to each value in this channel, and returns a channel that will close after this channel closes.

fn: (val: T) => boolean | Promise<boolean>,
bufferSize?: number,
): Receiver<T>
fn: (prev: T, current: T) => T | Promise<T>,
bufferSize?: number,
): Receiver<T>