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Inspired by Go & Clojure Channels, async_channels provides channels as an asynchronous communication method between asynchronous functions.
import { AbortedError } from "./internal/errors.ts";import { Queue } from "./internal/queue.ts";import { Idle, InvalidTransitionError, isClosed, isGetStuck, isIdle, isSendStuck, SendOnClosedError, State,} from "./internal/state_machine.ts";import { ignoreAbortedError, isSafeInteger, makeAbortCtrl, raceAbort,} from "./internal/utils.ts";import { ChannelDuplicateOptions, ChannelPipeOptions, duplicate, filter, flat, flatMap, forEach, groupBy, map, reduce, subscribe, SubscribeOptions, SubscribeReturnType,} from "./pipe.ts";
export { UnreachableError } from "./internal/errors.ts";export { AbortedError, InvalidTransitionError, SendOnClosedError };
/** * Extra options for new channels. */export interface ChannelOptions { /** * @type {boolean} * When true, debugging messages will be printed (using `console.debug`) in the lifecycle of the channel. */ debug?: boolean;
/** * @type {Record<string, unknown>} * When `debug` is `true`, this struct will be added to the debug messages. */ debugExtra?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** * Provide a custom logger - defaults to `console` */ logger?: Console;}
export type Closer = Pick<Channel<unknown>, "close">;
/** * @template T The type of value that can be sent. */export type Sender<T> = Pick<Channel<T>, "send">;
/** * @template T The type of value that can be received. */export type Receiver<T> = Omit<Channel<T>, "close" | "send">;
export interface ClosedReceiver extends Receiver<unknown> { get(abortCtrl?: AbortController): Promise<[undefined, false]>;}
/** * @template T The type of value that can be sent to or received by this channel. */export class Channel<T> implements AsyncIterable<T>, AsyncIterator<T, void, void> { #queue: Queue<T>; #state: State<T>; #logger: Console;
/** * Constructs a new Channel with an optional buffer. * * @param {number} [bufferSize=0] A safe integer representing the channel buffer size. * A `bufferSize` of `0` indicates a channel without any buffer. * A negative `bufferSize` indicates a channel with an endless buffer. * @param {ChannelOptions} [options] */ constructor( readonly bufferSize: number = 0, protected readonly options?: ChannelOptions, ) { if (!isSafeInteger(bufferSize)) { throw new RangeError("bufferSize must be a safe integer."); } this.#state = Idle(this.debug.bind(this)); this.#queue = new Queue<T>(bufferSize); this.#logger = options?.logger ?? console; }
/** * Sends a value on the channel, and returns a promise that will be resolved when a the value is received (see * `Channel.get`), or rejected if a provided `AbortController` is aborted. * * If the channel is closed, then the promise will be rejected with an `InvalidTransitionError`. * * ```ts * import {Channel, InvalidTransitionError} from "./channel.ts" * * const ch = new Channel() * ch.close(); * try { * await ch.send("should fail") * console.assert(false, "unreachable") * } catch (e) { * console.assert(e instanceof InvalidTransitionError) * } * ``` * * @param {T} val * The value to pass to the channel. * @param {AbortController} [abortCtrl] * When provided `send` will `abort` the controller after `val` is successfully received. * But if the controller is aborted before that, the promise returned by `send` will be rejected. * @returns {Promise<void>} * will be resolved when message was passed, or rejected if `abortCtrl` was aborted or the channel is closed. */ async send(val: T, abortCtrl?: AbortController): Promise<void> { this.debug("send(val)", { val }); if (abortCtrl?.signal?.aborted) throw new AbortedError("send"); if (isClosed(this.#state)) throw new SendOnClosedError(); if (isSendStuck(this.#state)) { await raceAbort(this.#state.promise, "send", abortCtrl?.signal); return this.send(val, abortCtrl); }
if (isIdle(this.#state) && !this.#queue.isFull) { abortCtrl?.abort(); this.#queue.enqueue(val); return; }
if (isGetStuck(this.#state)) { abortCtrl?.abort(); this.#state = this.#state.send(val); return; }
this.#state = this.#state.send(val); await raceAbort(this.#state.promise, "send", abortCtrl?.signal); abortCtrl?.abort(); }
/** * `get` returns a promise that will be resolved with `[T, true]` when a value is available, or rejected if a * provided `AbortController` is aborted. * * If the channel is closed, then the promise will be resolved immediately with `[undefined, false]`. * * Receiving from a closed channel: * ```ts * import {Channel} from "./channel.ts"; * const ch = new Channel(); * ch.close(); * const [val, ok] = await ch.get() * console.assert(val === undefined) * console.assert(ok === false) * ``` * * Receiving from a buffered channel: * ```ts * import {Channel} from "./channel.ts"; * const ch = new Channel(1); * await ch.send("Hello world!") * ch.close(); * const [val, ok] = await ch.get() * console.assert(val === "Hello world!") * console.assert(ok === true) * ``` * * Aborting a get request: * ```ts * import {Channel, AbortedError} from "./channel.ts"; * const ch = new Channel(1); * await ch.send("Hello world!") * ch.close(); * const abortCtrl = new AbortController() * abortCtrl.abort() * try { * await ch.get(abortCtrl); * console.assert(false, "unreachable"); * } catch (e) { * console.assert(e instanceof AbortedError); * } * ``` * * @param {AbortController} [abortCtrl] * When provided `get` will `abort` the controller when a value is available. * But if the controller is aborted before that, the promise returned by `get` will be rejected. * @returns {Promise<[T, true] | [undefined, false]>} * will be resolved when message was passed, or rejected if `abortCtrl` was aborted or the channel is closed. */ async get( abortCtrl?: AbortController, ): Promise<[T, true] | [undefined, false]> { this.debug("get()"); if (abortCtrl?.signal?.aborted) throw new AbortedError("get"); if (isGetStuck(this.#state)) { await raceAbort(this.#state.promise, "get", abortCtrl?.signal); return this.get(abortCtrl); }
if (isSendStuck(this.#state)) { abortCtrl?.abort(); const valP = this.#state.promise; this.#state = this.#state.get(); const val = await valP; if (this.#queue.isEmpty) return [val, true]; const valFromQueue = this.#queue.dequeue(); this.#queue.enqueue(val); return [valFromQueue, true]; }
if (!this.#queue.isEmpty) { abortCtrl?.abort(); return [this.#queue.dequeue(), true]; }
if (isClosed(this.#state)) { abortCtrl?.abort(); return [undefined, false]; }
this.#state = this.#state.get(); const res = await raceAbort(this.#state.promise, "get", abortCtrl?.signal); abortCtrl?.abort(); return res; }
/** * Closes the channel. * * Closing a closed channel have no effect (positive or negative). * * Sending a message to a closed channel will throw an `AbortedError`. * * Receiving a message from a closed channel will resolve the promise immediately. * See `Channel.get` for more information. */ close() { this.#state = this.#state.close(); }
/** * Creates an `AsyncGenerator` that yields all values sent to this channel, * and returns when the channel closes. */ public async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncGenerator<T, void, void> { while (true) { const res = await this.get(); if (!res[1]) return; yield res[0]; } }
/** * Blocks until a value is available on the channel, or returns immedietly if the channel is closed. */ public async next(): Promise<IteratorResult<T, void>> { const [value, ok] = await this.get(); if (!ok) return { done: true, value: void 0 }; return { value, done: false }; }
/** * Closes the channel, and returns an empty result. */ public return() { this.close(); return; }
/** * Logs the error, closes the channel, and returns an empty result. */ public throw(e?: unknown) { this.error(e); return this.return(); }
/** * Applies `fn` on `this` and returns the result. * * @example * ```ts * import { Channel } from "./channel.ts"; * import { map } from "./pipe.ts"; * const srcCh = new Channel<number>(1); * const resCh = srcCh.with(map(n => n * 2)); * await srcCh.send(5); * srcCh.close(); * console.assert(await resCh.get() === [10, true]); * ``` * * @param {(ch: typeof this) => TOut} fn * @returns {TOut} */ with<TOut, TThis extends Receiver<T>>( this: TThis, fn: (t: TThis) => TOut, ): TOut { return fn(this); }
/** * map returns a receiver channel that contains the results of applying `fn` * to each value of `this` channel. * * The receiver channel will close, when the original channel closes (or if * the provided signal is triggered). * * @template TOut * @param {(val: T) => TOut} fn * @return {Receiver<TOut>} */ map<TOut>( fn: (val: T) => TOut | Promise<TOut>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions, ): Receiver<TOut> { return this.with(map(fn, pipeOpts)); }
/** * flatMap returns a receiver channel that contains the flattened (1 level) * results of applying `fn` to each value of `this` channel. * * The receiver channel will close, when the original channel closes (or if * the provided signal is triggered). * * @template TOut * @param {(val: T) => Iterable<TOut> | AsyncIterable<TOut>} fn * @param {number} [bufferSize] * @param {ChannelPipeOptions} [options] */ flatMap<TOut>( fn: ( val: T, ) => | Iterable<TOut> | AsyncIterable<TOut> | Promise<Iterable<TOut>> | Promise<AsyncIterable<TOut>>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions, ): Receiver<TOut> { return this.with(flatMap(fn, pipeOpts)); }
/** * flat returns a receiver channel that contains the flattened (1 level) * values of each value of `this` channel. * * The receiver channel will close, when the original channel closes (or if * the provided signal is triggered). * * @param {number} [bufferSize] * @param {ChannelPipeOptions} [options] */ flat<K>( this: Receiver<Iterable<K> | AsyncIterable<K>>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions, ): Receiver<K> { return this.with(flat(pipeOpts)); }
/** * forEach applies `fn` to each value in `this` channel, and returns a channel * that will contain the results. * The returned channel will close after `this` channel closes (or if * the provided signal is triggered). * * @param {(val: T) => void} fn * @return {Receiver<void>} */ forEach( fn: (val: T) => unknown | Promise<unknown>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions, ): Receiver<void> { return this.with(forEach(fn, pipeOpts)); }
/** * filter applies `fn` to each value in `this` channel, and returns a new channel * that will only contain value for which `fn` returned `true` (or a promise that resolves to `true`). * * The returned channel will close after `this` channel closes (or if the provided signal is triggered). * * @param {(val: T) => boolean | Promise<boolean>} fn The filter function to use. * @param {number} [bufferSize] * @param {ChannelPipeOptions} pipeOpts * @returns {Receiver<T>} */ filter( fn: (val: T) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions, ): Receiver<T> { return this.with(filter(fn, pipeOpts)); }
reduce( fn: (prev: T, current: T) => T | Promise<T>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions, ): Receiver<T> { return this.with(reduce(fn, pipeOpts)); }
groupBy<TKey extends (string | symbol)>( fn: (val: T) => TKey | Promise<TKey>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions, ): Record<TKey, Receiver<T>> { return this.with(groupBy(fn, pipeOpts)); }
/** * duplicate creates multiple channels (determined by `n`), and consumes `this` channel. * The consumed values are then sent to all channels * @param {number} [n=2] A safe interger larger than 1. * @param {number} [bufferSize] * @param {ChannelDuplicateOptions} [pipeOpts] * @returns {Receiver<T>[]} * @throws {TypeError | RangeError} */ duplicate(n = 2, pipeOpts?: ChannelDuplicateOptions): Receiver<T>[] { return this.with(duplicate(n, pipeOpts)); }
subscribe<TObj>( fn: (_: T) => string | number | symbol, topics: (keyof TObj)[], options?: SubscribeOptions, ): SubscribeReturnType<T, TObj> { return this.with(subscribe(fn, topics, options)); }
static from<T>( input: Iterable<T> | AsyncIterable<T>, pipeOpts?: ChannelPipeOptions, ): Receiver<T> { const { signal, bufferSize, ...options } = pipeOpts ?? {}; const outChan = new Channel<T>(bufferSize, options);
(async () => { for await (const item of input) { await outChan.send(item, makeAbortCtrl(signal)); } })().catch(ignoreAbortedError) .catch((err) => outChan.error("Channel.from", err)) .finally(() => outChan.close());
return outChan; }
/** * @internal */ error(...args: unknown[]): void { this.#logger.error(...args, { [Symbol.for("time")]: new Date(), [Symbol.for("state")]:, ...this.options?.debugExtra, }); }
/** * @internal */ debug(...args: unknown[]): void { if (this.options?.debug) { this.#logger.debug(...args, { [Symbol.for("time")]: new Date(), [Symbol.for("state")]:, ...this.options?.debugExtra, }); } }}