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Inspired by Go & Clojure Channels, async_channels provides channels as an asynchronous communication method between asynchronous functions.
import { isSafeInteger } from "./utils.ts";
/** @internal */export class Queue<T> { #queue: T[] = [];
constructor(readonly capacity: number) { if (!isSafeInteger(capacity)) { throw new RangeError("queue capacity must be a safe integer"); } }
enqueue(val: T) { if (this.isFull) throw new RangeError("queue is full"); this.#queue.push(val); }
dequeue(): T { if (this.isEmpty) throw new RangeError("queue is empty"); return this.#queue.shift() as T; }
get isFull(): boolean { if (this.capacity < 0) return false; return this.#queue.length === this.capacity; }
get isEmpty(): boolean { return this.#queue.length === 0; }}