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Map, filter, reduce for AsyncIterables in Deno.
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interface IAsyncIter
implements AsyncIterable<T>
import { type IAsyncIter } from "";


map<U>(mapFn: (item: T) => U | Promise<U>): IAsyncIter<U>
concurrentMap<U>(mapFn: (item: T) => Promise<U>, concurrency?: number): IAsyncIter<U>
concurrentUnorderedMap<U>(mapFn: (item: T) => Promise<U>, concurrency?: number): IAsyncIter<U>
filter(filterFn: (item: T) => boolean | Promise<boolean>): IAsyncIter<T>
reduce<U>(zero: U, reduceFn: (acc: U, item: T) => U | Promise<U>): Promise<U>
forEach(forEachFn: (item: T) => void | Promise<void>): Promise<void>
first(): Promise<T | null>
collect(): Promise<T[]>