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Deno API middleware Server
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import Denomander from "";import { start } from "./cli/start.ts";import { dev } from "./cli/dev.ts";import { initializer } from "./cli/init.ts";import { startBuild } from "./cli/build.ts";
function envValidater(env?: any) { if (typeof env !== "string") { throw new Error(`--env must be either PRODUCTION or DEVELOPMENT`) }
const uppercasedENV = env.toUpperCase(); if (uppercasedENV === "PRODUCTION") { return uppercasedENV; } else if (uppercasedENV === "DEVELOPMENT") { return uppercasedENV; } else { throw new Error(`'${env}' must be either PRODUCTION or DEVELOPMENT`) }}
const program = new Denomander( { app_name: "Attain Command Line Interface", app_description: "React - Attain Framework Tool", app_version: "0.0.1", });
program .command("start", "Start the production server") .action(async () => { await start(); });

program .command("development", "Start the development server") .alias("dev", "Start the development server") .action(async () => { await dev(); });
program .command("initialize [path]", "initialize the React-Attain project") .alias("init", "initialize the React-Attain project") .action(async ({ path }: any) => { await initializer(path); });
program .command("build", "Build the packages") .action(async () => { await startBuild(); });

try { program.parse(Deno.args);} catch (err) { console.error("[Error]", err.message);}