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Deno API middleware Server
import type { CallBackType } from "./types.ts";import version from "../version.ts";import { etag, fileStream, last, normalizeType, readableStreamFromReader } from "./utils.ts";import { AttainRequest } from "./request.ts";
type ContentsType = Uint8Array | Deno.Reader | string | object | boolean;function instanceOfReader(object: any): object is Deno.Reader { return "read" in object;}
const generalBody = ["string", "number", "bigint", "boolean", "symbol"];const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const isHtml = (value: string): boolean => { return /^\s*<(?:!DOCTYPE|html|body)/i.test(value);};
export class AttainResponse<T = any> { #serverRequest?: Request; #headers: Headers; #status: number; #statusText?: string; #body?: BodyInit; #pending: Function[]; #resources: number[] = []; #processDone: boolean;
constructor(_serverRequest: Request) { this.#serverRequest = _serverRequest; this.#headers = new Headers(); this.#body = undefined; this.#status = 200; this.#pending = []; this.#processDone = false; this.setHeader("X-Powered-By", `Deno, Attain v${version}`); }
destroy(): void { this.#serverRequest = undefined; for (const rid of this.#resources) { try { Deno.close(rid); } catch(e) {} } this.#resources = []; }
get processDone(): boolean { return this.#processDone; }
/** * Return the original ServerRequest class object. */ get serverRequest(): Request { if (!this.#serverRequest) { throw new Error("already responded"); } return this.#serverRequest; }
/** * Return the current response object which will be used for responding */ get getResponse(): Response { return new Response(this.getBody, { headers: this.getHeaders, status: this.getStatus, statusText: this.getStatusText, }); }
/** * Return the current header class object. */ get getHeaders(): Headers { return this.#headers; }
/** * Return the current status number */ get getStatus(): number | undefined { return this.#status; }
get getStatusText(): string | undefined { return this.#statusText; }
/** * Return the current body data */ get getBody() { return this.#body; }
/** * Execute pend jobs, It's automatically executed after calling the `end()` or `send()`. * @param request - latest Request class object */ public async executePendingJobs(request: AttainRequest): Promise<void> { if (this.#pending.length === 0) { return; } for await (const job of this.#pending) { await job(request, this); } }
/** * Pend the jobs which will execute right before responding. * @param fn - An array of callback types * * pend((afterReq, afterRes) => {}) */ public pend(...fn: CallBackType<T>[]): void { this.#pending.push(...fn); }
/** * Set the status * @param status - number of the http code. */ public status(status: number, statusText?: string) { this.#status = status; this.#statusText = statusText; return this; }
/** * Set the body without response * @param body - contents */ public body(body: ContentsType) { if (generalBody.includes(typeof body)) { this.#body = encoder.encode(String(body)); this.setContentType( isHtml(String(body)) ? "text/html; charset=utf-8" : "text/plain; charset=utf-8", ); } else if (body instanceof Uint8Array) { this.#body = body; } else if (body && instanceOfReader(body)) { this.#body = readableStreamFromReader(body); } else if (body && typeof body === "object") { this.#body = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(body)); this.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8"); } return this; }
/** * Replace the current entire header object with new Headers * @param headers - Headers(deno) class object */ public setHeaders(headers: Headers) { this.#headers = headers; return this; }
/** * Get the header data by a key * @param name - key */ public getHeader(name: string) { return this.#headers.get(name); }
/** * Set the header data * @param name - key * @param value - header data * * setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); */ public setHeader(name: string, value: string) { this.#headers.set(name, value); return this; }
/** * Remove data from the header by a key. * @param name - header key */ public removeHeader(name: string) { this.#headers.delete(name); return this; }
/** * Set the Content-Type header * It'll append the data * @param type - content type like "application/json" */ public setContentType(type: string) { if (this.getHeaders.has("Content-Type")) { const contentType = this.getHeaders.get("Content-Type"); if (contentType && contentType.includes(type)) { return this; } this.#headers.append("Content-Type", type); } else { this.setHeader("Content-Type", type); } return this; }
private format(obj: any) { const defaultFn = obj.default; if (defaultFn) delete obj.default; const keys: any = Object.keys(obj);
const tempRequest = new AttainRequest(this.serverRequest); const key: any = keys.length > 0 ? tempRequest.accepts(keys) : false;
if (key) { this.setHeader("Content-type", normalizeType(key).value); this.body(key()); } else if (defaultFn) { this.body(defaultFn()); } else { this.status(406); } }
/** * Set the body and respond with response object. * @param contents - the body contents */ public async send(contents: ContentsType): Promise<void> { try { this.body(contents); this.end(); } catch (error) { throw error; } }
/** * Serve the static files * @param filePath - path of the static file * * Required `await` */ public async sendFile(filePath: string): Promise<void> { let fileInfo = await Deno.stat(filePath); if (fileInfo.isFile) { const stream = await fileStream(this, filePath); this.#resources.push(stream.rid); this.status(200).body(stream).end(); } else { throw new Error(`${filePath} can't find.`); } }
/** * Serve the static file and force the browser to download it. * @param filePath - path of the static file * @param name - save as the `name` * * Required `await` */ public async download(filePath: string, name?: string): Promise<void> { try { let fileName = filePath; if (!name) { const splited = filePath.split("/"); fileName = last(splited); } else { const hasFileType = name.split(".").length > 1 ? true : false; if (hasFileType) { fileName = name; } else { throw `${name} dosen't have filetype`; } }
const hasFileType = fileName.split(".").length > 1 ? true : false; if (hasFileType) { this.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", `attachment; filename="${fileName}"`, ); } else { throw `${fileName} dosen't have filetype`; }
await this.sendFile(filePath); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }
/** * Redirection * @param url */ public redirect(url: string | "back") { let loc = url; if (url === "back") { loc = this.serverRequest.referrer || "/"; } this.setHeader("Location", encodeURI(loc));
this.format({ text: function () { return 302 + ". Redirecting to " + loc; }, html: function () { var u = escape(loc); return "<p>" + 302 + '. Redirecting to <a href="' + u + '">' + u + "</a></p>"; }, default: function () { return ""; }, });
this.status(302).end(); }
/** * End the current process and respond */ public async end(): Promise<void> { try { this.setHeader("Date", new Date().toUTCString()); const currentETag = this.getHeader("etag"); const len = this.getHeader("content-length") || (this.getBody as Uint8Array).length.toString(); const newETag = etag( (this.getBody as Uint8Array), parseInt(len, 10), ); if (currentETag && currentETag === newETag) { this.status(304); } else { this.setHeader("etag", newETag); } this.#processDone = true; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Deno.errors.BadResource) { console.log("Connection Lost"); } else { console.error(error); } } }}