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Deno API middleware Server
import type { Request, Response } from "../mod.ts";
export interface XXssProtectionOptions { mode?: "block" | null; reportUri?: string;}
const doesUserAgentMatchOldInternetExplorer = ( userAgent: string | null | undefined,): boolean => { if (!userAgent) { return false; }
const matches = /msie\s*(\d{1,2})/i.exec(userAgent); return matches ? parseFloat(matches[1]) < 9 : false;};
const getHeaderValueFromOptions = (options: XXssProtectionOptions): string => { const directives: string[] = ["1"];
let isBlockMode: boolean; if ("mode" in options) { if (options.mode === "block") { isBlockMode = true; } else if (options.mode === null) { isBlockMode = false; } else { throw new Error('The `mode` option must be set to "block" or null.'); } } else { isBlockMode = true; }
if (isBlockMode) { directives.push("mode=block"); }
if (options.reportUri) { directives.push(`report=${options.reportUri}`); }
return directives.join("; ");};
export const xXssProtection = (options: XXssProtectionOptions = {}) => { const headerValue = getHeaderValueFromOptions(options);
return (req: Request, res: Response) => { const value = doesUserAgentMatchOldInternetExplorer(req.headers.get("user-agent")) ? "0" : headerValue; res.setHeader("X-XSS-Protection", value); };};