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class DynamicScope
import { DynamicScope } from "";

Dynamic Scope.

Concept of Parameterized Scopes

"Scope" is a technical term in the context of OAuth 2.0. It represents a permission which is necessary to access protected resources.

When a client application asks an authorization server to issue an access token, the client application includes a list of scopes in the request. If the specified scopes are supported by the server, the server issues an access token that has the scopes.

If unsupported scopes are included in a request, the server ignores such scopes. As a result, the access token which will be issued based on the request will include supported scopes only. For example, if a request including "scope1" and "scope2" is sent to a server that supports "scope1" only, the issued access token will include "scope1" only.

If a server supports OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 or [RFC 8414] OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata, it is highly likely that the discovery document advertised by the server includes the "scopes_supported" server metadata which is a list of scopes supported by the server.

[RFC 6749] The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, the core specification of OAuth 2.0, restricts the range of characters which are allowed to be used in scope strings. To be concrete, the range is printable ASCII letters except SPACE (U+0020), QUOTATION MARK (U+0022), REVERSE SOLIDUS (U+005C) and DELETE (U+007F).

On the other hand, the specification does not define scope strings themselves and leaves them to authorization server implementations. Some implementations use simple English words such as "publish_video" and "read_insights" (from Facebook Permissions Reference), others may use URIs such as "" (from Google OAuth 2.0 Scopes for Google APIs). Of course, other styles also may exist.

And, in the history, some deployments invented their own local rules to embed variable information into scope strings. For instance, like "payment:36fc67776" where the part "payment:" is a fixed text but the part "36fc67776" is variable. This approach is often called "parameterized scopes".

As you can easily imagine, rules for parameterized scopes can be invented in various ways. A colon (:) is used as a delimiter in the example above, but it does not necessarily have to be so. Another local rule may introduce an asterisk (*) to make it represent all options in the field like "*:view". Yet another rule may become more complex like "printer:print,manage:lp7200".

After years of experience and discussion, experts in the OAuth community reached a consensus that "parameterized scopes" is not a good approach. And the community has developed a new specification titled "OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests" (RAR). The specification introduces a new parameter "authorization_details" by which client applications can express variable information in a flexible way. Therefore, new deployments should use RAR instead of inventing yet another rule for parameterized scopes. Authlete 2.2 and onwards support RAR.

However, it is not always possible to use RAR, and people have to use parameterized scopes. For example, because Open Banking Brasil Financial-grade API Security Profile 1.0 Implementers Draft 1 has introduced "Dynamic Consent Scope", financial institutions in Brazil must support the dynamic scope, a kind of parameterized scopes.

A big problem here is that most vendor solutions for generic purposes do not support local rules of parameterized scopes off the shelf. One of the authors of the RAR specification mentioned the problem in his blog post as follows.

Open Banking implementation experience has shown that this kind of dynamically parameterized authorization process requires changes to most existing OAuth implementations.

Vendors that want to enter local markets may fork their products to support local rules of parameterized scopes, but forking is a burden on vendors.

Authlete's Approach

Authlete has a mechanism by which each scope can have scope attributes, which are arbitrary key-value pairs. Developers can utilize scope attributes for their own purposes but must keep in mind that some keys such as "fapi" and "access_token.duration" have special meanings in Authlete.

To cover most possible patterns of local rules of parameterized scopes, Authlete has defined a new key, "regex". The value of a "regex" attribute should be a regular expression which matches a scope string that may include dynamic values. Authlete uses regular expressions defined by "regex" attributes to check whether requested scopes are supported or not.

For example, suppose that the server supports "consent" scope and the scope has an "regex" attribute whose value is "^consent:.+$". In this case, the server accepts "consent:urn:bancoex:C1DD33123" as a valid scope.

Responses from some Authlete APIs (e.g. /auth/authorization API) include information about scopes as an array of Scope. However, dynamic scopes are not included in the array. Instead, they are listed in a separate array named "dynamicScopes" whose elements can be mapped to this class, DynamicScope.

For example, if the value of the "scope" request parameter of an authorization request is "email consent:urn:bancoex:C1DD33123", the JSON response from the /auth/authorization API will include the "dynamicScopes" array and the "scopes" array like below.

"dynamicScopes": [
    "name": "consent",
    "value": "consent:urn:bancoex:C1DD33123"
"scopes": [
    "defaultEntry": false,
    "description": "(abbrev)",
    "descriptions": [
        "tag": "en",
        "value": "(abbrev)"
        "tag": "ja",
        "value": "(abbrev)"
    "name": "email"

Note that in the array of the "dynamicScopes" array, scope strings specified in the "scope" request parameter are set in the "value" field. On the other hand, the "name" field of DynamicScope holds the name of the scope. The scope name will appear in the discovery document like below.

"scopes_supported": [

This "Dynamic Scope" feature is available since Authlete 2.2.9.


name: string

Scope name.

value: string

Scope value.