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class TokenRequest
import { TokenRequest } from "";

Request to Authlete /auth/token API.


clientCertificate: string

Client certificate (used in MTLS auth and bound access tokens).

clientCertificatePath: string[]

Client certificate path (used in PKI-based MTLS auth when certificates are validated by the Authlete service).

clientId: string

The client ID extracted from Authorization header of the token request from the client application.

If the token endpoint of the authorization server implementation supports Basic Authentication as a means of client authentication, and the request from the client application contained its client ID in Authorization header, the value should be extracted and set as this parameter.

clientSecret: string

The client secret extracted from Authorization header of the token request from the client application.

If the token endpoint of the authorization server implementation supports Basic Authentication as a means of client authentication, and the request from the client application contained its client secret in Authorization header, the value should be extracted and set as this parameter.

parameters: string

OAuth 2.0 token request parameters which are the request parameters that the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint of the authorization server implementation received from the client application.

The value of parameters is the entire entity body (which is formatted in application/x-www-form-urlencoded) of the request from the client application.

properties: Property[]

Extra properties to associate with an access token.