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interface AuthleteApi
import { type AuthleteApi } from "";

Authlete API Interface.


authorization(request: AuthorizationRequest): Promise<AuthorizationResponse>

Call /auth/authorization API.

authorizationIssue(request: AuthorizationIssueRequest): Promise<AuthorizationIssueResponse>

Call /auth/authorization/issue API.

authorizationFail(request: AuthorizationFailRequest): Promise<AuthorizationFailResponse>

Call /auth/authorization/fail API.

token(request: TokenRequest): Promise<TokenResponse>

Call /auth/token API.

tokenIssue(request: TokenIssueRequest): Promise<TokenIssueResponse>

Call /auth/token/issue API.

tokenFail(request: TokenFailRequest): Promise<TokenFailResponse>

Call /auth/token/fail API.

revocation(request: RevocationRequest): Promise<RevocationResponse>

Call Authlete /auth/revocation API.

userInfo(request: UserInfoRequest): Promise<UserInfoResponse>

Call Authlete /auth/userinfo API.

userInfoIssue(request: UserInfoIssueRequest): Promise<UserInfoIssueResponse>

Call Authlete /auth/userinfo/issue API.

introspection(request: IntrospectionRequest): Promise<IntrospectionResponse>

Call Authlete /auth/introspection API.

standardIntrospection(request: StandardIntrospectionRequest): Promise<StandardIntrospectionResponse>

Call Authlete /auth/introspection/standard API.

getService(apiKey: number): Promise<Service>

Get information about a service.

getServiceList(start?: number, end?: number): Promise<ServiceListResponse>

Get list of services.

createService(service: Service): Promise<Service>

Create a service.

updateService(service: Service): Promise<Service>

Update a service.

deleteService(apiKey: number): Promise<void>

Delete a service.

getServiceJwks(pretty?: boolean, includePrivateKeys?: boolean): Promise<string | null>

Get the JWK Set of a service.

This methods returns the value of the service's jwks property or the value provided at the service's jwksUri location. If both properties have been set, the value of the jwks property is returned in preference to the other one.

For more details, see RFC 7517: JSON Web Key (JWK).

getServiceConfiguration(pretty?: boolean): Promise<string>

Get the configuration of the service in JSON format that complies with OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0.

The value returned from this method can be used as the response body from /.well-known/openid-configuration. See "4. Obtaining OpenID Provider Configuration Information" in OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 for details.

getClient(clientId: number): Promise<Client>

Get information about a client application.

developer?: string,
start?: number,
end?: number,
): Promise<ClientListResponse>

Get list of client applications.

createClient(client: Client): Promise<Client>

Create a client application.

updateClient(client: Client): Promise<Client>

Update a client application.

deleteClient(clientId: number): Promise<void>

Delete a client application.