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A JSON-like data structure (a CRDT) that can be modified concurrently by different users, and merged again automatically.
class Counter
import { Counter } from "";

The most basic CRDT: an integer value that can be changed only by incrementing and decrementing. Since addition of integers is commutative, the value trivially converges.


Counter(value?: number)


value: number


decrement(_delta: number): number

Decreases the value of the counter by delta. If delta is not given, decreases the value of the counter by 1.

Will throw an error if used outside of a change callback.

increment(_delta: number): number

Increases the value of the counter by delta. If delta is not given, increases the value of the counter by 1.

Will throw an error if used outside of a change callback.

toJSON(): number

Returns the counter value, so that a JSON serialization of an Automerge document represents the counter simply as an integer.

toString(): string

Returns the counter value as a decimal string. If x is a counter object, this method is called e.g. when you do ['value: ', x].join('') or when you use string interpolation: value: ${x}.

valueOf(): number

A peculiar JavaScript language feature from its early days: if the object x has a valueOf() method that returns a number, you can use numerical operators on the object x directly, such as x + 1 or x < 4. This method is also called when coercing a value to a string by concatenating it with another string, as in x + ''.