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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-env --allow-read=${HOME}/.aws --allow-net
import { ApiFactory } from './client/mod.ts';const factory = new ApiFactory();
await factory.ensureCredentialsAvailable();
// These imports reference a web service that generates Typescript on the fly
// This import includes full documentation text for each API callimport { STS } from '';const sts = new STS(factory);await sts.getCallerIdentity().then(identity => { console.log('You are', identity.UserId, 'in account', identity.Account); console.log('ARN:', identity.Arn);}).catch(console.log);

// This import only includes one specific API callimport { EC2 } from '';const ec2 = new EC2(factory);console.log(await ec2.describeInstances().then(x => x.Reservations).catch(err => err));

import { SQS } from '';const sqs = new SQS(factory);console.log(await sqs.listQueues().catch(err => err));

import { SNS } from '';const sns = new SNS(factory);console.log(await sns.listTopics().catch(err => err));

import { S3 } from '';const s3 = new S3(factory);console.log(await s3.listBuckets().catch(err => err));