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aws_api for Deno

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From-scratch Typescript AWS API client built for Deno.

A leading focus of this library is to be as lean as possible on the number of files downloaded to use a specific service. Each service has its own isolated Typescript module; you’ll need to make an ApiFactory from client/mod.ts and then pass it to the service you want to use.

Package layout:

  • client/: A handwritten generic AWS API client (credentials, signing, etc)
  • encoding/: Shared modules for dealing with XML, JSON, & querystrings
  • services/: Generated Typescript classes and interfaces for a few most-useful AWS services
  • demo.ts: A trivial example of using this library
  • examples/: Several full examples of using individual services

A full listing of all AWS services and their import URLs can be found on the /x/aws_api Web Service. More information on the accompanying Wiki page.

Please reach out on Github Issues about missing features, weird exceptions, or API issues, or ping dantheman#8546 in the Deno Discord if you just wanna chat about this effort.


Basic example: (a subset of demo.ts)

import { ApiFactory } from '';
import { STS } from '';

const sts = new ApiFactory().makeNew(STS);
const identity = await sts.getCallerIdentity();
console.log('You are', identity.UserId, 'in account', identity.Account);
console.log('Identity ARN:', identity.Arn);

A couple more-detailed examples are in examples/ and show concepts such as managing an EC2 instance’s lifecycle, redriving SQS messages, and working directly with a Kinesis stream.

To use a customized build, or a less-common service, you can import from the web service:

import { ApiFactory } from '';
import { Pricing } from '';

const pricing = new ApiFactory().makeNew(Pricing);
const { Services } = await pricing.describeServices('AmazonEC2');
console.log('Found', Services.length, 'services:');
for (const serviceItem of Services) {
  console.log('  -', serviceItem.ServiceCode);

ApiFactory Configuration

The opts bag can contain a few settings if necesary:

  • credentialProvider?: CredentialsProvider to use a specific credential source. CredentialsProvider can refresh tokens and implementing one could be useful for dynamic configuration. The default provider is DefaultCredentialsProvider, a singleton CredentialsProviderChain instance.
  • credentials?: Credentials to force a particular credential. No refresh support.
  • region?: string to configure a specific AWS region, ignoring the default region. Useful for apps working in multiple regions.
  • fixedEndpoint?: string to force a particular base URL to send all requests to. Useful for MinIO or localstack. Specify a full URL including protocol://. Also disables subdomain-style S3 access.
  • endpointResolver?: EndpointResolver to swap out the API endpoint detection logic. There are three different implementations exported by /client/mod.ts.
    • If you want to disregard global endpoints and always used regional endpoints, configure an AwsEndpointResolver instance and pass it in here.
    • If you are using a vendor which has their own “S3-compatible” endpoints, check out some example configurations in the Github Wiki.
const ec2_europe = new ApiFactory({
  region: 'eu-west-1',


  • v0.6.0 on 2022-01-19: codegen v0.3
    • Breaking change: Some response types now have nullable lists and maps. Workarounds:
      • Add a nullcheck around any broken fields if you just want to get going again.
      • If you aren’t already, add an ?actions=... filter to your import to produce more-concise types.
    • Test on Deno 1.11 up to 1.17 (the current latest)
    • Use Deno’s /std@0.120.0
    • Fix specific issues with Glacier, ApiGateway, S3, and EC2
    • Fix 404 when requesting several APIs incluiding Lex and DynamoDBStreams
    • Block APIs needing AWS’s “eventstream” protocol (so, S3.SelectObjectContent)
    • Set docs=short as the default. For the least bytes, please specify docs=none.
    • Add experimental request hooks to ApiFactory, helps with debugging
    • Use Lambda’s new IPv6-enabled API endpoints
    • Allow selecting IPv6 endpoints for IMDSv2
    • Fix incorrect logic reuse between rest-json and json clients
    • Adjust which headers are used for request signatures
    • Rewrite of response error parsing
  • v0.5.0 on 2021-08-27: codegen v0.2
    • Support Deno 1.11 or later
    • Use definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.971.0
    • Formalize .makeNew(constructor) method on ApiFactory
    • Complete rewrite of the endpoint selection logic
      • Automatically selects GovCloud or AWS China domains
      • Uses the S3 and EC2 dualstack endpoints when offered.
    • Add fixedEndpoint option to ApiFactory for localstack, minio, etc.
    • Remove pre-generated EC2 API because of how large it is on disk.
    • Implement request cancellation via AbortSignal pass-thru
    • Remove /std/uuid import in favor of crypto.randomUUID()
  • v0.4.1 on 2021-05-23: Also fix Deno 1.9 regression for unsigned requests.
    • Addresses startup issue when using EKS Pod Identity.
  • v0.4.0 on 2021-05-01: Deno 1.9 compatibility. Remove most less-common AWS services.
    • To use a service that is no longer bundled, use the Web Service.
    • API Version has been removed from module filenames.
    • The primary export of each service module is no longer export default.
  • v0.3.1 on 2021-03-28: Fix ini-parsing edgecase. Remove zero-field API types.
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.874.0
  • v0.3.0 on 2021-02-14: Clean up generation, rename modules to match AWS-SDK
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.839.0
  • v0.2.1 on 2020-12-21: Add EC2 instance metadata integration (IMDSv2)
    • Now supports using EC2 Instance IAM Roles automatically.
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.814.0
  • v0.2.0 on 2020-11-07: Completed bindings for all API services.
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.784.0
  • v0.1.1 on 2020-11-02: Generation improvements, most services have been generated.
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.780.0
  • v0.1.0 on 2020-10-15: Initial publication with about half of the services bound.
    • Using definitions from aws-sdk-js@2.768.0


This is NOT a port of the official AWS SDK JS. Though every AWS service has an API module here, most have not actually been used yet and the bindings might make bad assumptions about the API contracts.

Do not use this module in mission critical stuff. It’s supposed to be for automation scripts, quick & dirty pieces of infrastructure, and prototype microservices and so on.

If you just want the real, full-fat AWS SDK, a port of it has been uploaded at /x/aws_sdk.

The generated source code is still pretty messy. I used this project to learn more about the practicallity of API codegen. I’ll be going through and neatening up the services/ source which shouldn’t affect the published APIs.

Finally, the APIs within client/ and encoding/ are liable to change. For best upgradability, stick to making an ApiFactory object and passing it to the services. At some point (before 1.0.0) the APIs should be ready to lock in.


All of the clients are compiled from aws-sdk-js’s JSON data files. The code to generate clients isn’t uploaded to /x/, so if you want to read through it, make sure you’re in the source Git repo.

“Most” of the heavy lifting (such as compiling waiter JMESPaths) runs in the generation step so that the downloaded code is ready to run.


The following clients have been used in actual scripts and should work quite well:

  • SQS
  • STS
  • EC2
  • S3
  • Kinesis
  • DynamoDB

The following credential sources are supported:

  • Environment variables
  • Static credentials in ~/.aws/credentials
  • EKS Pod Identity (web identity token files)
  • EC2 instance credentials

Some individual features that are implemented:

  • Waiters (as .waitForXYZ({...}))
  • Automatic credential detection / loading
  • EC2 instance metadata server v2
  • Custom alternative endpoints
  • AWS endpoints other than ** (#3)
    • govcloud, China AWS, IPv6, etc.

Multiple bits are missing:

  • Automatic pagination (#1)
  • AssumeRole credentials (#4)
  • Debug logging/tracing of API calls
  • Automatic retries
  • Getting EKS credentials from regional STS endpoints (#2)

List of Pre-Generated API Clients

All API definitions are current as of aws-sdk-js v2.1060.0.

Class Module Protocol
CloudWatch cloudwatch/mod.ts query
DynamoDB dynamodb/mod.ts json
ECR ecr/mod.ts json
Kinesis kinesis/mod.ts json
KMS kms/mod.ts json
Lambda lambda/mod.ts rest-json
Route53 route53/mod.ts rest-xml
S3 s3/mod.ts rest-xml
SESV2 sesv2/mod.ts rest-json
SNS sns/mod.ts query
SQS sqs/mod.ts query
STS sts/mod.ts query

For any other services, please check out the code generation web service which performs on-the-fly code generation. You can import the generated URL directly in your application, or download a copy of the file and save it in your source code for safe keeping.

The last version of this library to include every then-current API client on /x/ is v0.3.1.

Breaking Changes Archive: v0.4.0

  1. Version 0.4.0 of this library stopped including every service’s API in the published module. Instead, the code-generation process is running on Deno Deploy and allows importing extremely precise modules, generated on the fly based on multiple configuration options.

Check out this Web Service wiki page for more details on this new URL endpoint. Please report any issues or concerns with this new approach.

  1. For services that are still bundled (SQS, S3, SNS, etc), the import URL no longer includes an API version (the @year-month-date part). Only the most recent API version gets bundled.

  2. The primary class export on each service module is no longer ‘default’. So instead of import SQS from ..., you’ll do import { SQS } from .....