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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
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import type { EndpointParameters, EndpointResolver, ResolvedEndpoint,} from "./common.ts";export type { EndpointParameters, EndpointResolver,} from "./common.ts";
/** * The default resolver, designed specifically for Amazon AWS. * A couple options provide for: * - disabling upgrades to newer endpoints (on .aws TLS and/or IPv6-enabled) * - forcing regional endpoints (disabling the global endpoint logic) * Otherwise, the URL used is determined fully automatically. * The provided `region` is used to select the AWS partition endpoint. * * Several services have separate dual-stack (IPv6-ready) hostnames available. * This library will upgrade to the dual-stack hostnames by default, whenever they are known. * More info on AWS API IPv6: */export class AwsEndpointResolver implements EndpointResolver { constructor({ upgradeEndpoints = true, forceRegional = false, } = {}) { this.upgradeEndpoints = upgradeEndpoints; this.forceRegional = forceRegional; } upgradeEndpoints: boolean; forceRegional: boolean;
resolveUrl(parameters: EndpointParameters): ResolvedEndpoint { const { serviceId, globalEndpoint } = parameters.apiMetadata; let serviceLabel = parameters.apiMetadata.endpointPrefix; let signingRegion = parameters.region;
// S3: Dualstack, and/or Host-Style Routing if (serviceId === 'S3') { if (this.upgradeEndpoints) serviceLabel += '.dualstack'; perhapsUpgradeEndpointParametersToHostStyleRouting(parameters); } if (serviceId === 'S3 Control') { if (this.upgradeEndpoints) serviceLabel += '.dualstack'; }
// Select AWS partition (GovCloud, etc) const partition = getPartition(parameters.region); let upgradeEndpoint = false; let rootDomain = '';
// Use the global endpoint if present and not disallowed if (globalEndpoint && !this.forceRegional) { // Global endpoints always sign as us-east-1 signingRegion = 'us-east-1'; // Still need to follow AWS partition serviceLabel = globalEndpoint.slice(0, globalEndpoint.indexOf('.')); // Maybe the default partition has a weird URL though if (partition == 'aws') { rootDomain = globalEndpoint.slice(globalEndpoint.indexOf('.')); } } else { // Add region after the service token serviceLabel = `${serviceLabel}.${parameters.region}`; }
if (this.upgradeEndpoints) { // Several services use the .aws TLD for dual-stack if (partition == 'aws' && ( servicesWithNewEndpoints.has(serviceId) || (serviceId === 'EC2' && dualStackEc2Regions.has(parameters.region)) || (serviceId === 'RDS' && dualStackRdsRegions.has(parameters.region)) )) { upgradeEndpoint = true; }
// A few services have similar dualstacking for the CN regions if (partition == 'aws-cn' && dualStackChinaServices.has(serviceId)) { upgradeEndpoint = true; } }
rootDomain ||= getRootDomain(partition, upgradeEndpoint);
// Build final URL const urlPrefix = `https://${parameters.hostPrefix ?? ''}`; const fullUrl = `${urlPrefix}${serviceLabel}${rootDomain}`; return { url: new URL(parameters.requestPath, fullUrl), partition, signingRegion, }; }}
function getPartition(region: string) { // separate china internet instance if (region.startsWith('cn-')) return 'aws-cn'; // seperate US government instance if (region.startsWith('us-gov-')) return 'aws-us-gov'; // "air gapped" partitions that aren't on the regular internet if (region.startsWith('us-iso-')) return 'aws-us-iso'; if (region.startsWith('us-isob-')) return 'aws-us-isob'; // old faithful (commercial) return 'aws';}type AwsPartition = ReturnType<typeof getPartition>;
// getRootDomain(partition: AwsPartition, newStyle: boolean) { // non-default partitions if (partition == 'aws-cn') { return newStyle ? '' : ''; } if (partition == 'aws-us-iso') return ''; // not in the Internet DNS if (partition == 'aws-us-isob') return ''; // not in the Internet DNS return newStyle ? '' : '';}
// Services in this list should have dual-stack names in every region// servicesWithNewEndpoints = new Set([ 'App Mesh', 'Athena', 'EBS', 'Lambda',]);
// dualStackEc2Regions = new Set([ 'ap-south-1', 'eu-west-1', 'sa-east-1', 'us-east-1', 'us-east-2', 'us-west-2', 'us-gov-east-1', 'us-gov-west-1',]);
// dualStackRdsRegions = new Set([ 'af-south-1', 'ap-east-1', 'ap-south-1', 'ap-northeast-3', 'ap-northeast-2', 'ap-southeast-1', 'ap-southeast-2', 'ap-northeast-1', 'ca-central-1', 'eu-central-1', 'eu-west-1', 'eu-west-2', 'eu-south-1', 'eu-west-3', 'eu-north-1', 'me-south-1', 'sa-east-1', 'us-east-2', 'us-east-1', 'us-west-1', 'us-west-2',])
// dualStackChinaServices = new Set([ 'App Mesh', 'Athena', 'EBS', 'Firehose', 'Lambda', 'RDS',]);
/** * Resolves S3 requests using a simplified regional scheme. * This is tested with Vultr Objects and should be compatible with * other similar offerings, such as Linode Objects. * The service is expected to have regional subdomains, * and support virtualhost-style bucket URLs. * Requests for any other APIs such as EC2 will be rejected. * * Example: [example-bucket.] * Code: new S3CompatibleEndpointResolver('') * * For services without those URL features * please consider setting a fixed endpoint instead. */export class S3CompatibleEndpointResolver implements EndpointResolver { constructor( public readonly baseDomain: string, ) { if (this.baseDomain.includes('/')) throw new Error( `Fixed domain must be a naked domain name, without protocol or path`); } resolveUrl(parameters: EndpointParameters): ResolvedEndpoint { if (parameters.apiMetadata.serviceId !== 'S3') throw new Error( `${} only implements S3 requests`);
const endpoint = `https://${parameters.hostPrefix ?? ''}${parameters.region}.${this.baseDomain}`; return { url: new URL(parameters.requestPath, endpoint), signingRegion: parameters.region, }; }}

/** * A simple EndpointResolver which always uses the given base URL, * unconditionally appending the given request path. * Intended for 'localhost' and other small-scale API mocks. */export class FixedBaseEndpointResolver implements EndpointResolver { constructor( baseUrl: string, ) { if (!baseUrl.includes('://')) throw new Error( `Fixed endpoint must be a full URL including https:// or http://`); this.baseUrl = new URL(baseUrl); } public readonly baseUrl: URL;
resolveUrl(parameters: EndpointParameters): ResolvedEndpoint { return { url: new URL(parameters.requestPath.slice(1), this.baseUrl), signingRegion: parameters.region, }; }}

/** * Possibly mutates an EndpointParameters to S3's host-based routing. * Effectively, if at least one path element is found, * it can be shifted out of the path and into the "hostPrefix" field. * Values containing a dot are currently skipped because of TLS complications. */function perhapsUpgradeEndpointParametersToHostStyleRouting(parameters: EndpointParameters) { if (!parameters.requestPath || parameters.hostPrefix) return;
const [bucketName] = parameters.requestPath.slice(1).split(/[?/]/); if (bucketName.length > 0 && !bucketName.includes('.')) { parameters.hostPrefix = `${bucketName}.`; const path = parameters.requestPath.slice(bucketName.length+1); parameters.requestPath = path.startsWith('/') ? path : `/${path}`; }}