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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
Extremely Popular
export class IMDSv2 { constructor({ serviceEndpoint, // ec2_metadata_service_endpoint endpointMode, // ec2_metadata_service_endpoint_mode endpointPath = 'latest/', timeoutMs = 1000, apiTimeoutMs = 5000, tokenTtlSeconds = 21600, }: { serviceEndpoint?: string; endpointMode?: 'IPv4' | 'IPv6'; endpointPath?: string; timeoutMs?: number; apiTimeoutMs?: number; tokenTtlSeconds?: number; } = {}) {
let disabled = false; try { disabled = Deno.env.get('AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED') == 'true'; } catch (err) {} if (disabled) throw new Error( `IMDSv2 client is disabled via environment: AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED=true`);
if (!serviceEndpoint) { try { serviceEndpoint = Deno.env.get('AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT'); } catch (err) {} } if (!serviceEndpoint) { try { if (!endpointMode && Deno.env.get('AWS_EC2_METADATA_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_MODE') == 'IPv6') { endpointMode = 'IPv6'; } } catch (err) {} if (endpointMode == 'IPv6') { serviceEndpoint = 'http://[fd00:ec2::254]'; } else { serviceEndpoint = ''; } }
this.baseUrl = new URL(endpointPath, serviceEndpoint); this.timeoutMs = Math.floor(timeoutMs); this.apiTimeoutMs = Math.floor(apiTimeoutMs); this.tokenTtlSeconds = Math.floor(tokenTtlSeconds); } baseUrl: URL; timeoutMs: number; // How long we wait for the initial discovery request apiTimeoutMs: number; // How long we'll wait after IMDS is discovered tokenTtlSeconds: number;
cachedToken: string | null = null; async getToken() { if (this.cachedToken) return this.cachedToken; // Fetch fresh token const [newToken, expireAfterMillis] = await this.fetchNewToken();
// Cache for a limited time. Don't auto renew, will happen next request // TODO: abandon setTimeout as it keeps Deno's loop alive this.cachedToken = newToken; setTimeout(() => { if (this.cachedToken === newToken) { this.cachedToken = null; } }, Math.max(1000, expireAfterMillis));
return newToken; }
async fetchNewToken(): Promise<[string, number]> { const ttlSeconds = this.tokenTtlSeconds;
const respText = await this.#performRawRequest({ method: 'PUT', path: 'api/token', timeoutMs: this.cachedToken ? this.apiTimeoutMs : this.timeoutMs, headers: { "x-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds": ttlSeconds.toFixed(0), }});
return [ respText, Math.floor(ttlSeconds * 0.95 * 1000), ]; }
async performRequest( method: 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'PUT' = 'GET', path = 'meta-data/', ) { return await this.#performRawRequest({ method, path, timeoutMs: this.apiTimeoutMs, headers: { "x-aws-ec2-metadata-token": await this.getToken(), }}); }
async #performRawRequest(opts: { method: 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'PUT', path: string, timeoutMs: number, headers: HeadersInit, }) { const aborter = new AbortController(); const timeoutText = `Instance Metadata Timeout: ${opts.timeoutMs}ms`; // TODO: this API changed in Deno v1.17, remove hack after some time const stopTimeout = setTimeout(() => (aborter.abort as Function)(new Error(timeoutText)), opts.timeoutMs);
const resp = await fetch(new URL(opts.path, this.baseUrl).toString(), { method: opts.method, headers: opts.headers, signal: aborter.signal, }).catch(err => { // Rethrow aborted fetches as nicer timeouts if (err instanceof DOMException && err.message.includes('aborted')) { return Promise.reject(new Error(timeoutText)); } return Promise.reject(err); }).finally(() => { clearTimeout(stopTimeout); });
if (resp.status >= 400 && resp.status < 500 && opts.path == 'api/token') { resp.body?.cancel(); throw new Error(`Metadata server gave HTTP ${resp.status } when asked for an IMDSv2 token; is this not AWS?`); } else if (resp.status > 299) { resp.body?.cancel(); const err: any = new Error( `Metadata server gave HTTP ${resp.status} to ${opts.method} /${opts.path}`); err.status = resp.status; throw err; }
return await resp.text(); }
// TODO: typed interfaces around all the metadata endpoints// dynamic/instance-identity/document - JSON// user-data - arbitrary binary data from the user// meta-data - Theses paths have some interesting data for talking to AWS services:// meta-data/services/domain and meta-data/services/partition// TODO: autoconfigure AWS hostnames and signing partitions from IMDSv2 ^^