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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-env --allow-read=${HOME}/.aws --allow-net
import { ApiFactory } from '../client/mod.ts';import { S3, BucketLocationConstraint } from '../services/s3/mod.ts';
const factory = new ApiFactory();const s3 = factory.makeNew(S3);const Bucket = 'ahshyawyjiajhshdh';
// make our buckettry { // S3 regions are weird.. need to clarify which we want here // us-east-2 can _create_ a us-west-1 bucket, but not _access_ it // also us-east-1 refuses a region config entirely const region = await factory.determineCurrentRegion(); await s3.createBucket({ Bucket, CreateBucketConfiguration: region == 'us-east-1' ? null : { LocationConstraint: region as BucketLocationConstraint, }});
await s3.waitForBucketExists({ Bucket });} catch (err) { // This error means the bucket already exists just fine if (err.code !== 'BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou') throw err;}console.log('Bucket created:', Bucket);
console.log('Bucket location:', await s3.getBucketLocation({ Bucket }));
console.log('Bucket ACL:', await s3.getBucketAcl({ Bucket }));
await s3.putBucketCors({Bucket, CORSConfiguration: { CORSRules: [{ AllowedOrigins: [''], AllowedHeaders: ['content-type'], AllowedMethods: ['GET'], ExposeHeaders: [], }],} })console.log('Bucket CORS:', await s3.getBucketCors({ Bucket }));
await s3.putBucketEncryption({ Bucket, ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: { Rules: [{ ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault: { SSEAlgorithm: 'AES256', }, BucketKeyEnabled: false, }],} })console.log('Bucket encryption:', await s3.getBucketEncryption({ Bucket }));
{ // enable "Block Public Access" feature await s3.putPublicAccessBlock({ Bucket, PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: { BlockPublicAcls: true, BlockPublicPolicy: true, IgnorePublicAcls: true, RestrictPublicBuckets: true, }});}
console.log('Bucket PublicAccessBlock:', await s3.getPublicAccessBlock({ Bucket }));
{ // attach an arbitrary tag to the bucket await s3.putBucketTagging({ Bucket, Tagging: { TagSet: [{Key: 'Purpose', Value: 'Deno Test'}], }});}
console.log('Bucket tagging:', await s3.getBucketTagging({ Bucket }));
{ // enable versioning await s3.putBucketVersioning({ Bucket, VersioningConfiguration: { Status: "Enabled", }}); console.log('Object versioning enabled');}
console.log('Bucket versioning:', await s3.getBucketVersioning({ Bucket }));
{ // write some versions in console.log(await s3.putObject({ Bucket, Key: 'test/hello', Body: 'hello world! 1', ContentType: 'text/plain', }).then(x => x.VersionId)); console.log(await s3.putObject({ Bucket, Key: 'test/hello', Body: 'hello world! 2', ContentType: 'text/plain', }).then(x => x.VersionId)); console.log(await s3.putObject({ Bucket, Key: 'test/hello', Body: 'hello world! 3', ContentType: 'text/plain', }).then(x => x.VersionId)); console.log('Wrote 3 versions');}
{ // look at / cleanup our versions const versions = await s3.listObjectVersions({ Bucket, Delimiter: '/', Prefix: 'test/', }); for (const version of versions.Versions) { console.log(version.VersionId, ':', await s3.getObject({ Bucket, Key: version.Key!, VersionId: version.VersionId, }).then(x => new TextDecoder().decode(x.Body!))); await s3.deleteObject({ Bucket, Key: version.Key!, VersionId: version.VersionId, }); } console.log('Deleted all versions');}
{ // delete the bucket await s3.deleteBucket({ Bucket }); await s3.waitForBucketNotExists({ Bucket }); console.log('Bucket deleted');}