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From-scratch Typescript client for accessing AWS APIs
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#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run --allow-env --allow-read=${HOME}/.aws --allow-net
import { ApiFactory } from '../client/mod.ts';import { S3 } from '../services/s3/mod.ts';
// This helper will manage uploading the stream to S3, using a 'multi-part' upload when possibleimport { managedUpload } from "../extras/s3-upload.ts";
if (Deno.args.length != 2) { console.error(``); console.error(`Usage: s3-upload-stream.ts [BUCKET] [KEY] < FILE`); console.error(`The file or stream that you pipe in will be uploaded to the given location on S3.`); console.error(``); Deno.exit(2);}
const s3 = new ApiFactory({ fixedEndpoint: Deno.env.get('AWS_S3_ENDPOINT'),}).makeNew(S3);
console.error(`Uploading standard input to s3://${Deno.args.join('/')} ...`);
const result = await managedUpload(s3, { Bucket: Deno.args[0], Key: Deno.args[1], Body: Deno.stdin.readable,});
console.error(`Upload complete:`, result);