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Promise based HTTP client for Deno
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export const methods = [ "get", "post", "put", "delete", "options", "head", "connect", "trace", "patch",];
// /**// * Deep copy function for TypeScript.// * @param T Generic type of target/copied value.// * @param target Target value to be copied.// * @see Source project, ts-deeply * @see Code pen */// export const deepCopy = <T>(target: T): T => {// if (target === null) {// return target;// }// if (target instanceof Date) {// return new Date(target.getTime()) as any;// }// // First part is for array and second part is for Realm.Collection// // if (target instanceof Array || typeof (target as any).type === 'string') {// if (typeof target === "object") {// if (typeof target[(Symbol as any).iterator] === "function") {// const cp = [] as any[];// if ((target as any as any[]).length > 0) {// for (const arrayMember of target as any as any[]) {// cp.push(deepCopy(arrayMember));// }// }// return cp as any as T;// } else {// const targetKeys = Object.keys(target);// const cp = {};// if (targetKeys.length > 0) {// for (const key of targetKeys) {// cp[key] = deepCopy(target[key]);// }// }// return cp as T;// }// }// // Means that object is atomic// return target;// };