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A JavaScript extension package for building strong and modern applications.
import * as ayonliJsext from "";


Displays a dialog with a message, and to wait until the user dismisses the dialog.

Displays a dialog with a message, and to wait until the user either confirms or cancels the dialog.

Downloads the file of the given URL to the file system.

Opens the directory picker dialog and selects all its files to open.

Opens the file picker dialog and selects multiple files to open.

Opens the file picker dialog and pick a directory, this function returns the directory's path or FileSystemDirectoryHandle in the browser.

Opens the file picker dialog and pick a file, this function returns the file's path or a FileSystemFileHandle in the browser.

Opens the file picker dialog and pick multiple files, this function returns the paths or FileSystemFileHandle objects in the browser of the files selected.

Displays a dialog with a progress bar indicating the ongoing state of the fn function, and to wait until the job finishes or the user cancels the dialog.