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Run Deno 🦕 on Azure Functions ⚡️
import { parse, readZip, ensureDir, move, walk, semver,} from "./deps.ts";
const baseExecutableFileName = "worker";const bundleFileName = "worker.bundle.js";const commonDenoOptions = ["--allow-env", "--allow-net", "--allow-read"];const additionalDenoOptions:string[] = [];const parsedArgs = parse(Deno.args);
const bundleStyles = ["executable", "jsbundle", "none"];const STYLE_EXECUTABLE = 0;const STYLE_JSBUNDLE = 1;const STYLE_NONE = 2;
if (parsedArgs._[0] === "help") { printHelp(); Deno.exit();}
if (parsedArgs._.length >= 1 && parsedArgs._[0] === "init") { const templateDownloadBranch: string | undefined = parsedArgs?._[1]?.toString(); await initializeFromTemplate(templateDownloadBranch);} else if ( parsedArgs._.length === 1 && parsedArgs._[0] === "start" || parsedArgs._.length === 2 && parsedArgs._.join(' ') === "host start") { await generateFunctions(); await createJSBundle(); await runFunc("start");} else if (parsedArgs._[0] === "publish" && parsedArgs._.length === 2) { const bundleStyle = parsedArgs["bundle-style"] // use specified bundle style || (semver.satisfies(Deno.version.deno, ">=1.6.0") // default style depends on Deno runtime version ? bundleStyles[STYLE_EXECUTABLE] // for v1.6.0 or later : bundleStyles[STYLE_JSBUNDLE] // for others ); if (!bundleStyles.includes(bundleStyle)) { console.error(`The value \`${parsedArgs["bundle-style"]}\` of \`--bundle-style\` option is not acceptable.`) Deno.exit(1); } else if (semver.satisfies(Deno.version.deno, "<1.6.0") && bundleStyle === bundleStyles[STYLE_EXECUTABLE]) { console.error(`Deno version v${Deno.version.deno} doesn't support \`${bundleStyles[STYLE_EXECUTABLE]}\` for bundle style.`); Deno.exit(1); } // adding options which names start with `--allow-` and are not included in `commonDenoOptions`. additionalDenoOptions.splice(0, 0, ...Object.keys(parsedArgs).map(p => `--${p}`) .filter(key => key.startsWith('--allow-') && !commonDenoOptions.includes(key)) ); const appName = parsedArgs._[1].toString(); const slotName = parsedArgs["slot"]?.toString(); const platform = await getAppPlatform(appName, slotName); if (!["windows", "linux"].includes(platform)) { console.error(`The value \`${platform}\` for the function app \`${appName + (slotName ? `/${slotName}` : "")}\` is not valid.`); Deno.exit(1); } await updateHostJson(platform, bundleStyle); await generateFunctions();
if (bundleStyle === bundleStyles[STYLE_EXECUTABLE]) { await generateExecutable(platform); } else { await downloadBinary(platform); if (bundleStyle === bundleStyles[STYLE_JSBUNDLE]) await createJSBundle(); } await publishApp(appName, slotName);} else { printHelp();}
async function fileExists(path: string) { try { const f = await Deno.lstat(path); return f.isFile; } catch { return false; }}
async function directoryExists(path: string) { try { const f = await Deno.lstat(path); return f.isDirectory; } catch { return false; }}
async function listFiles(dir: string) { const files: string[] = []; for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(dir)) { files.push(`${dir}/${}`); if (dirEntry.isDirectory) { (await listFiles(`${dir}/${}`)).forEach((s) => { files.push(s); }); } } return files;}
async function generateExecutable(platformArg?: string) { try { await Deno.remove('./bin', { recursive: true }); await Deno.remove(`./${bundleFileName}`); } catch { }
const platform = platformArg ||; await Deno.mkdir(`./bin/${platform}`, { recursive: true });
const cmd = [ "deno", "compile", "--unstable", ...(semver.satisfies(Deno.version.deno, ">=1.7.1 <1.10.0") ? ["--lite"] : []), // `--lite` option is implemented only between v1.7.1 and v1.9.x ...commonDenoOptions.concat(additionalDenoOptions), "--output", `./bin/${platform}/${baseExecutableFileName}`, ...(['windows', 'linux'].includes(platform) ? ['--target', platform === 'windows' ? 'x86_64-pc-windows-msvc' : 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'] : [] ), "worker.ts" ];`Running command: ${cmd.join(" ")}`); const generateProcess ={ cmd }); await generateProcess.status();}
async function createJSBundle() { const cmd = ["deno", "bundle", "--unstable", "worker.ts", bundleFileName];`Running command: ${cmd.join(" ")}`); const generateProcess ={ cmd }); await generateProcess.status();}
async function getAppPlatform(appName: string, slotName?: string): Promise<string> {`Checking platform type of : ${appName + (slotName ? `/${slotName}` : "")} ...`); const azResourceCmd = [ "az", "resource", "list", "--resource-type", `Microsoft.web/sites${slotName ? "/slots" : ""}`, "-o", "json", ]; const azResourceProcess = await runWithRetry( { cmd: azResourceCmd, stdout: "piped" }, "az.cmd", ); const azResourceOutput = await azResourceProcess.output(); const resources = JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode(azResourceOutput), ); azResourceProcess.close();
try { const resource = resources.find((resource: any) => === (appName + (slotName ? `/${slotName}` : "")) );
const azFunctionAppSettingsCmd = [ "az", "functionapp", "config", "appsettings", "set", "--ids",, ...(slotName ? ["--slot", slotName] : [] ), "--settings", "FUNCTIONS_WORKER_RUNTIME=custom", "-o", "json", ]; const azFunctionAppSettingsProcess = await runWithRetry( { cmd: azFunctionAppSettingsCmd, stdout: "null" }, "az.cmd", ); await azFunctionAppSettingsProcess.status(); azFunctionAppSettingsProcess.close();
return (resource.kind as string).includes("linux") ? "linux" : "windows"; } catch { throw new Error(`Not found: ${appName + (slotName ? `/${slotName}` : "")}`); }}
async function updateHostJson(platform: string, bundleStyle: string) { // update `defaultExecutablePath` and `arguments` in host.json const hostJsonPath = "./host.json"; if (!(await fileExists(hostJsonPath))) { throw new Error(`\`${hostJsonPath}\` not found`); }
const hostJSON: any = await readJson(hostJsonPath); if (!hostJSON.customHandler) hostJSON.customHandler = {}; hostJSON.customHandler.description = { defaultExecutablePath: `bin/${platform}/${bundleStyle === bundleStyles[STYLE_EXECUTABLE] ? baseExecutableFileName : "deno"}${platform === "windows" ? ".exe" : ""}`, arguments: bundleStyle === bundleStyles[STYLE_EXECUTABLE] ? [] : [ "run", ...commonDenoOptions.concat(additionalDenoOptions), bundleStyle === bundleStyles[STYLE_JSBUNDLE] ? bundleFileName : "worker.ts" ] };
await writeJson(hostJsonPath, hostJSON); // returns a promise}
function writeJson(path: string, data: object): void { Deno.writeTextFileSync(path, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));}
function readJson(path: string): string { const decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); return JSON.parse(decoder.decode(Deno.readFileSync(path)));}
async function downloadBinary(platform: string) { const binDir = `./bin/${platform}`; const binPath = `${binDir}/deno${platform === "windows" ? ".exe" : ""}`; const archive: any = { "windows": "pc-windows-msvc", "linux": "unknown-linux-gnu", };
// remove unnecessary files/dirs in "./bin" if (await directoryExists("./bin")) { const entries = (await listFiles("./bin")) .filter((entry) => !binPath.startsWith(entry)) .sort((str1, str2) => str1.length < str2.length ? 1 : -1); for (const entry of entries) { await Deno.remove(entry); } } try { await Deno.remove(`./${bundleFileName}`); } catch { }
const binZipPath = `${binDir}/`; if (!(await fileExists(binPath))) { const downloadUrl = `${Deno.version.deno}/deno-x86_64-${archive[platform] }.zip`;`Downloading deno binary from: ${downloadUrl} ...`); // download deno binary (that gets deployed to Azure) const response = await fetch(downloadUrl); await ensureDir(binDir); const zipFile = await Deno.create(binZipPath); const download = new Deno.Buffer(await response.arrayBuffer()); await Deno.copy(download, zipFile); Deno.close(zipFile.rid);
const zip = await readZip(binZipPath);
await zip.unzip(binDir);
if ( !== "windows") { await Deno.chmod(binPath, 0o755); }
await Deno.remove(binZipPath);`Downloaded deno binary at: ${await Deno.realPath(binPath)}`); }}
async function initializeFromTemplate(downloadBranch: string = "main") { const templateZipPath = `./`; const templateDownloadPath = `${downloadBranch}.zip`; let isEmpty = true; for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(".")) { isEmpty = false; }
if (isEmpty) {"Initializing project...");`Downloading from ${templateDownloadPath}...`); // download deno binary (that gets deployed to Azure) const response = await fetch(templateDownloadPath); const zipFile = await Deno.create(templateZipPath); const download = new Deno.Buffer(await response.arrayBuffer()); await Deno.copy(download, zipFile); Deno.close(zipFile.rid);
const zip = await readZip(templateZipPath);
const subDirPath = `azure-functions-deno-template-${downloadBranch}`;
await zip.unzip("."); await Deno.remove(templateZipPath);
for await (const entry of walk(".")) { if (entry.path.startsWith(subDirPath) && entry.path !== subDirPath) { const dest = entry.path.replace(subDirPath, ".");; if (entry.isDirectory) { await Deno.mkdir(dest, { recursive: true }); } else { await move(entry.path, dest); } } } await Deno.remove(subDirPath, { recursive: true }); } else { console.error("Cannot initialize. Folder is not empty."); }}
async function generateFunctions() {"Generating functions..."); const generateProcess ={ cmd: [ "deno", "run", ...commonDenoOptions, "--allow-write", "--unstable", "--no-check", "worker.ts", ], env: { "DENOFUNC_GENERATE": "1" }, }); const status = await generateProcess.status(); if (status.code || !status.success) Deno.exit(status.code);}
async function runFunc(...args: string[]) { let cmd = ["func", ...args]; const env = { "logging__logLevel__Microsoft": "warning", "logging__logLevel__Worker": "warning", };
const proc = await runWithRetry({ cmd, env }, "func.cmd"); await proc.status(); proc.close();}
async function runWithRetry( runOptions: Deno.RunOptions, backupCommand: string,) { try {`Running command: ${runOptions.cmd.join(" ")}`); return; } catch (ex) { if ( === "windows") { `Could not start ${runOptions.cmd[0] } from path, searching for executable...`, ); const whereCmd = ["where.exe", backupCommand]; const proc ={ cmd: whereCmd, stdout: "piped", }); await proc.status(); const rawOutput = await proc.output(); const newPath = new TextDecoder().decode(rawOutput).split(/\r?\n/).find( (p) => p.endsWith(backupCommand), ); if (newPath) { const newCmd = [...runOptions.cmd].map(e => e.toString()); newCmd[0] = newPath; const newOptions = { ...runOptions }; newOptions.cmd = newCmd;`Running command: ${newOptions.cmd.join(" ")}`); return; } else { throw `Could not locate ${backupCommand}. Please ensure it is installed and in the path.`; } } else { throw ex; } }}
async function publishApp(appName: string, slotName?: string) { const runFuncArgs = [ "azure", "functionapp", "publish", appName ]; await runFunc(...(slotName ? runFuncArgs.concat(["--slot", slotName]) : runFuncArgs));}
function printLogo() { const logo = ` @@@@@@@@@@@, @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ %%%%%% @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ %%%%%% @@@@@ @ @ *@@@@@ @ %%%%%% @ @@@ @@@@@ @@ %%%%%% @@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ %%%%%%%%%%% @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ %%%%%%%%%% @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@ %%%% @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@ %%% @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@ %% @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ %% @@@@@@@ % `;;}
function printHelp() { printLogo();"Deno for Azure Functions - CLI");`Commands:
denofunc --help This screen
denofunc init Initialize project in an empty folder
denofunc start Generate functions artifacts and start Azure Functions Core Tools
denofunc publish <function_app_name> [options] Publish to Azure options: --slot <slot_name> Specify name of the deployment slot --bundle-style executable|jsbundle|none Select bundle style on deployment
executable: Bundle as one executable(default option for Deno v1.6.0 or later). jsbundle: Bundle as one javascript worker & Deno runtime none: No bundle --allow-run Same as Deno's permission option --allow-write Same as Deno's permission option `);}