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Run Deno 🦕 on Azure Functions ⚡️
interface Context
import { type Context } from "";

The context object can be used for writing logs, reading data from bindings, setting outputs and using the context.done callback when your exported function is synchronous. A context object is passed to your function from the Azure Functions runtime on function invocation.


bindings: { [key: string]: any; }

Input and trigger binding data, as defined in function.json. Properties on this object are dynamically generated and named based off of the "name" property in function.json.

bindingData: { [key: string]: any; }

Trigger metadata and function invocation data.

log: Logger

Allows you to write streaming function logs. Calling directly allows you to write streaming function logs at the default trace level.

req: HttpRequest

HTTP request object. Provided to your function when using HTTP Bindings.

res: { [key: string]: any; }

HTTP response object. Provided to your function when using HTTP Bindings.