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Basejump Edge Function Core

Convenience functions for working with Supabase Edge Functions alongside Basejump.

Billing Endpoint

All the functionality needed to enable revenue generating on accounts within Basejump.

import {serve} from "";
import {
} from "";

const stripeResponse = stripeBillingEndpoint({

serve(async (req) => {
    const response = await billingEndpoint(req, stripeResponse);
    return response;

Billing Webhooks

Webhook consumer for events from your billing provider.

import {serve} from "";
import {
} from "";

const stripeResponse = stripeBillingWebhookEndpoint({

serve(async (req) => {
    const response = await billingWebhookEndpoint(req, stripeResponse);
    return response;

Requiring an account member / owner

Convenience function useful for ensuring a user should have access to a specific function.

import {serve} from "";
import {
} from "";

serve(async (req) => {
    if (req.method === "OPTIONS") {
        return new Response("ok", {headers: corsHeaders});

    const body = await req.json();

    const response = await requireAccountMember(req, {
            accountId: body.account_id,
            allowedRoles: ["owner", "member"],
                () => new Response("Unauthorized", {status: 401}),
                async (supabaseClient) => {
                    return new Response("Authorized", {status: 200});
                (error) => new Response(error.message, {status: 500}),

    return response;

Creating your own Billing adapters

Out of the box, Basejump provides support for a Stripe billing adapter. But there’s no reason you can’t provide your own adapters for other services, such as Lemon Squeezy.

Billing adapters should implement a client facing Edge function for handling requests as well as a webhook edge function for keeping subscriptions up to date.

Custom Billing Edge function

An Edge Function responsible for handling specific requests from the client applications.

export default function customBillingEndpoint(config) {
    return {
        async getPlans({
                           accountId, subscriptionId, customerId
                       }) {
            // Get available plans from your provider
            return {
                plans: [
                        id: "plan_123",
                        name: "Plan 123",
                        description: "Plan 123",
                        amount: 1000,
                        currency: "usd",
                        interval: "month",
                        interval_count: 1,
                        trial_period_days: 30,
                        metadata: {},
        async getBillingPortalUrl({accountId, subscriptionId, customerId}) {
            // load the billing portal url from your provider
            return {
                url: "",
        async getNewSubscriptionUrl({accountId, email, planId}) {
            // load the new subscription url from your provider
            return {
                url: "",
        async getBillingStatus({accountId, subscriptionId, customerId}) {
            // load the billing status from your provider
            return {
                customer: {
                    id: "cus_123",
                    email: ""
                subscription: {
                    id: "sub_123",
                    status: "active",
                    plan_name: "Plan 123",

Custom Billing Webhook function

Responsible for receiving webhooks from the billing platform and updating customer/subscription objects

export default function customBillingWebhookEndpoint(config) {
    return {
        async handleEvent(req) {
            // handle the event from your provider
            return {
                customer: {
                    id: "cus_123",
                    email: ""
                subscription: {
                    id: "sub_123",
                    status: "active",
                    plan_name: "Plan 123",