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This server was built with Spigot in Java. This server works as plugin modular, so don’t worry about adding your own plugins. It will not affect to the server’s working process. Just, don’t forget to restart server and you’re ready to go! If you want to create your own server with my codes, just head to the Deploy your own section.

Deploy Your Own

To deploy your own server with my instances follow the steps provided below


  1. You have two options to proceed with server manager, install or use it remotely.
    • To install CLI, execute
      deno install --unstable --allow-all --name=betalander
    • To use it remotely
      deno run --allow-all --unstable build
  2. If you installed CLI, spawn cmd in any folder
    and type betalander build then proceed with installation.
    If you used the remote session, proceed with it and it will create server file.
  3. Enter the folder
  4. Run start.bat file
  5. Wait until it starts for the first time!
  6. Open minecraft
  7. Add new server with localhost:25565 credential
  8. Voila! You’re ready to go!

Attention In order to update server file, spawn cmd session on server folder then type betalander update or just execute update.cmd file!


  1. You have two options to proceed with server manager, install or use it remotely.
    • To install CLI, execute
      deno install --unstable --allow-all --name=betalander
    • To use it remotely
      deno run --allow-all --unstable build
  2. If you installed CLI, spawn new terminal in any folder
    and type betalander build then proceed with installation.
    If you used the remote session, proceed with it and it will create server file.
  3. Enter the folder
  4. Run file
  5. Wait until it starts for the first time!
  6. Open minecraft
  7. Add new server with localhost:25565 credential
  8. Voila! You’re ready to go!

Attention In order to update server file, spawn cmd session on server folder then type betalander update or just execute file!

Sharing server between localhost or public

If you live in country where every citizen have public ip adress do the following

For localhost

  1. Open CMD, Powershell or terminal
  2. Type (for Windows) ipconfig or (for Linux/Ubuntu) ifconfig
  3. Find your IPv4 adress connecting you to your router
  4. Share your adress in this form :25565
    • Example: or

For public

  1. Open browser
  2. Type what's my ip
  3. Copy address
  4. Enter router
  5. Port forward internal 25565 to outer 25565
  6. Share the result like this :25565

If you live in a country where the whole country uses a single ip adress like me do the following

For localhost do the same as I mention below in public one, but for public you need to do something more extra

  1. Download ngrok from [download sources](#download-sources)
  2. Open ngrok homepage
  3. Register and follow guides from ngrok
  4. When you finish setting up your ngrok instance execute this
    ./ngrok tcp 25565
  5. Copy ip adress and share it.

Download Sources

Download ngrok package (Win x64)
Download ngrok package (Linux x64)


The server page is still in beta phase so feel free to open issues and give me some suggestions.

Important Note Under the MIT license, if you’re running your own instance, you should add a link to the source (this repository) in your bot’s bio or about page. If you’re modifying this source and making your own bot, you should link to the source of your own version of the bot according to the MIT license. Check LICENSE for more info.