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Chainable iterators (sync and async) for TypeScript, with support for opt-in, bounded parallelism
/** * Wraps a Promise and lets you observe its state. */export class StatefulPromise<T> implements Promise<T>{
#state: PromiseState = "pending" #inner: Promise<T>
constructor(p: Promise<T>) { this.#inner = p
this.#watch(p) }
get state(): PromiseState { return this.#state }
async #watch(p: Promise<T>) { try { await p this.#state = "resolved" } catch (_err) { this.#state = "rejected" } } // Wrappers. (Thanks, VSCode, for generating these types. :p) then<TResult1=T,TResult2=never>( onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1|PromiseLike<TResult1>)|null|undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: unknown) => TResult2|PromiseLike<TResult2>)|null|undefined ): Promise<TResult1|TResult2> { return this.#inner.then(onfulfilled, onrejected) } catch<TResult=never>( onrejected?: ((reason: unknown) => TResult|PromiseLike<TResult>)|null|undefined ): Promise<T|TResult> { return this.#inner.catch(onrejected) } finally(onfinally?: (() => void)|null|undefined): Promise<T> { return this.#inner.finally(onfinally) }
[Symbol.toStringTag] = "StatefulPromise"
export type PromiseState = "pending" | "resolved" | "rejected"
/** Shorter helper method */export function stateful<T>(p: Promise<T>): StatefulPromise<T> { return new StatefulPromise(p)}