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Chainable iterators (sync and async) for TypeScript, with support for opt-in, bounded parallelism

/** * A classic queue. Unbounded size. */export class Queue<T> { #arr = new Array<T|undefined>() #start = 0

get size(): number { return this.#arr.length - this.#start} get isEmpty(): boolean { return this.size === 0 }
push(item: T): void { this.#arr.push(item) this.#maybeShrink() }
pop(): T { if (this.isEmpty) { throw new Error(`Popping from empty Queue`) }
let index = this.#start++
// type may be `undefined`, but only if we have a programming error. let item = this.#arr[index]! // unset to allow for GC of objects: this.#arr[index] = undefined

return item }
// Don't resize down on pop()s, because we might just be draining the queue // and done with it. (in which case GC will handle it for us) #maybeShrink() { if (this.#start > 100 && this.#start > this.#arr.length / 2) { this.#arr = this.#arr.slice(this.#start) this.#start = 0 } }}