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An extension of the Map class with more Array-like features.
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/** * @class BetterMap */export class BetterMap<K, V> extends Map<K, V> { name: string; /** * Create a new BetterMap * @param {string} name A friendly name for the BetterMap */ constructor(name?: string) { super(); = typeof name === "string" ? name : "unknown items"; } /** * Convert the map into an array of values / keys * @returns Array of items in the map */ array(): V[]; array(keys: boolean): K[]; array(keys = false): K[] | V[] { return keys ?<K>((_: V, x: K) => x) :<V>((x: V) => x); } /** * Return the nth element of the map. * @param {number} pos Position to get data. * @returns {V} Item at specified index. */ at(pos: number): V | undefined { if (pos > (this.size - 1)) pos = pos % (this.size - 1); if (pos < 0) pos = (this.size) + (pos % (this.size - 1)); const val = this.values(); for (let i = 0; i < pos; ++i) {; } return; } /** * Array#every but for a Map * @param fn Function to run on every element. * @returns {boolean} True or false */ every(fn: (v: V, k: K) => boolean): boolean { for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { if (!fn(v, k)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Array#filter but for a Map * @param fn Function to be passed. * @returns {BetterMap} BetterMap with elements that passed. */ filter(fn: (v: V, k: K) => boolean): BetterMap<K, V> { const newColl = new BetterMap<K, V>(; for (const [key, val] of this.entries()) { if (fn(val, key)) { newColl.set(key, val); } } return newColl; } /** * @param fn Function to be passed. * @returns A value from the map. If none found, returns undefined. */ find(fn: (v: V, k: K) => boolean): V | undefined { for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { if (fn(v, k)) { return v; } } return undefined; } /** * @param fn Function to be passed. * @returns A key from the map. If none found, returns undefined. */ findKey(fn: (v: V, k: K) => boolean): K | undefined { for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { if (fn(v, k)) { return k; } } return undefined; } /** * Get the first element(s) from the map. * @param {number} n Number of elements to fetch. * @returns The first element / undefined. */ first(): V | undefined; first(n: number): V[]; first(n?: number): V | V[] | undefined { if(n && n < 0) return this.last(-n) const iter = this.values(); if (n && n > this.size) return; return (typeof n === "number" && !isNaN(n)) ? Array.from({ length: n }, () => :; } /** * Get the first (n) element's key from the map. * @param {number} n Number of elements to fetch. * @returns The first element's key / undefined. */ firstKey(): K | undefined; firstKey(n: number): K[]; firstKey(n?: number): K | K[] | undefined { if(n && n < 0) return this.firstKey(-n) const iter = this.keys(); if (n && n > this.size) return; return (typeof n === "number" && !isNaN(n)) ? Array.from({ length: n }, () => :; } /** * Convert the key-value pairs into key-value pairs... I mean a JavaScript object. * @returns {Record<string, V>} */ json(): Record<string, V> { const json: Record<string, V> = {}; for (const item of this.entries()) { json[`${item[0]}`] = item[1]; // Object.defineProperty(json, `${item[0]}`, { // value: item[1], // }); } return json; } /** * Return the nth key of the map. * @param {number} pos Position to get data. * @returns {K} Key at specified index. */ keyAt(pos: number): K | undefined { if (pos > (this.size - 1)) pos = pos % (this.size - 1); if (pos < 0) pos = (this.size) + (pos % (this.size - 1)); const val = this.keys(); for (let i = 0; i < pos; ++i) {; } return; } /** * Get last value(s) in the Map. */ last(): V | undefined; last(n: number): V[]; last(n?: number): V | V[] | undefined { if(n && n < 0) return this.first(-n) const arr = this.array(); return (typeof n === "number" && !isNaN(n)) ? arr.slice(-n) : arr[arr.length - 1]; } /** * Get last key(s) in the Map. */ lastKey(): K | undefined; lastKey(n: number): K[]; lastKey(n?: number): K | K[] | undefined { if(n && n < 0) return this.firstKey(-n) const arr = this.array(true); return (typeof n === "number" && !isNaN(n)) ? arr.slice(-n) : arr[arr.length - 1]; }
/** * Map the Map into an Array. * @param fn Function for mapping. * @returns {T[]} Array. */ map<T>(fn: (v: V, k: K) => T): T[] | [] { const arr = []; for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { arr.push(fn(v, k)); } return arr; } /** * Get a random element from the BetterMap. * @returns {boolean} True or false */ random(): V | undefined; random(count: number): V[]; random(count?: number): V | undefined | V[] { if (!count) return this.#random(); const randomArr = []; for (let c = count; c > 0; --c) { const random = this.#random(); if (random) randomArr.push(random); } return randomArr; } /** * Get a random key from the BetterMap. * @returns {boolean} True or false */ randomKey(): K | undefined; randomKey(count: number): K[]; randomKey(count?: number): K | undefined | K[] { if (!count) return this.#random(true); const randomArr = []; for (let c = count; c > 0; --c) { const random = this.#random(true); if (random) randomArr.push(random); } return randomArr; } #random(): V | undefined; #random(key: boolean): K | undefined; #random(key = false): V | K | undefined { const max = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.size); const iter = key ? this.keys() : this.values(); for (let i = 0; i < max; ++i) {; } return; } /** * Reduce data in the map. * @param fn Reducer function. * @returns {T} Reduced data. */ reduce<T>(fn: (acc: T, val: [K, V]) => T, first: T): T { const iter = this.entries(); let val; let result = first === undefined ? : first; while ((val = !== undefined) { result = fn(result, val); } return result; } /** * Check if at least one entry from the Map passes the function. * @param fn Function to run on every element. * @returns {boolean} True or false */ some(fn: (val: V, key: K) => boolean): boolean { for (const [k, v] of this.entries()) { if (fn(v, k)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Sort elements in the better map. * @param fn Function to use for sorting. * @returns {BetterMap<K, V>} sorted BetterMap. */ sort(fn: (v1: V, v2: V, k1: K, k2: K) => number = () => 0): BetterMap<K, V> { const items = [...this.entries()]; items.sort((a, b) => fn(a[1], b[1], a[0], b[0])); const newColl = new BetterMap<K, V>(; for (const [k, v] of items) { newColl.set(k, v); } return newColl; } toString(): string { return `[BetterMap[${this.size}] of <${}>]`; } /** * Duplicate of BetterMap#json * @returns {Record<string, V>} */ toJSON(): Record<string, V> { return this.json(); } /** * Create a new map from an existing Map or an array of key-value pairs * @param data Existing Map / Array of Key-Value pairs. * @returns {BetterMap<K1, V1>} */ static from<K1, V1>(data: Map<K1, V1> | [K1, V1][]): BetterMap<K1, V1> { const returnMap = new BetterMap<K1, V1>(); if (data instanceof Map) { data.forEach((v: V1, k: K1) => returnMap.set(k, v)); } if (Array.isArray(data)) { data.forEach(([k, v]) => returnMap.set(k, v)); } return returnMap; }}