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🦕🧮 Arbitrary-length decimal library, implemented with ES2020's native BigInt.
export function bigIntAbs(n: bigint): bigint { if (n >= 0n) { return n; } return n * -1n;}
export function getDecimals(n: number | string): number { if (isNaN(n as any)) { throw new Error("InvalidNumber"); } const [preDec, postDec] = _splitString(n.toString(), "."); return postDec.length;}
export function extractExp(n: string): [string, number] { const [mul, expStr] = _splitString(n, "e"); if (expStr === "") { return [n, 0]; }
const exp = parseInt(expStr, 10); if (isNaN(exp)) { throw new Error("InvalidNumber"); } return [mul, exp];}
export function countTrailingZeros(n: bigint, upTo: number): number { if (n === 0n) { return 0; }
let count = 0; let c = n < 0 ? n * -1n : n; while (c % 10n === 0n && count < upTo) { count += 1; c = c / 10n; } return count;}
function _splitString(input: string, char: string): [string, string] { const pos = input.indexOf(char); if (pos === -1) { return [input, ""]; } const after = input.substr(pos + 1); if (after.indexOf(char) !== -1) { throw new Error("InvalidNumber"); // Multiple occurences } return [input.substr(0, pos), after];}