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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license * @ignore */import { timeParse as d3TimeParse, timeFormat as d3TimeFormat, utcParse as d3UtcParse, utcFormat as d3UtcFormat} from "d3-time-format";import { select as d3Select, selectAll as d3SelectAll} from "d3-selection";import {transition as d3Transition} from "d3-transition";import Axis from "../axis/Axis";import CLASS from "../config/classes";import {document, window} from "../internals/browser";import {notEmpty, asHalfPixel, getOption, isArray, isFunction, isNumber, isObject, isString, isValue, callFn, sortValue} from "./util";
/** * Internal chart class. * - Note: Instantiated internally, not exposed for public. * @class ChartInternal * @ignore * @private */export default class ChartInternal { constructor(api) { const $$ = this;
$$.api = api; $$.config = $$.getOptions(); $$.data = {}; $$.cache = {}; $$.axes = {}; $$.rendered = false; }
beforeInit() { const $$ = this;
// can do something callFn($$.config.onbeforeinit, $$, $$.api); }
afterInit() { const $$ = this;
// can do something callFn($$.config.onafterinit, $$, $$.api); }
init() { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config;
const bindto = { element: config.bindto, classname: "bb" };
if (isObject(config.bindto)) { bindto.element = config.bindto.element || "#chart"; bindto.classname = config.bindto.classname || bindto.classname; }
// select bind element $$.selectChart = isFunction(bindto.element.node) ? config.bindto.element : d3Select(bindto.element || []);
if ($$.selectChart.empty()) { $$.selectChart = d3Select(document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"))); }
$$.selectChart.html("").classed(bindto.classname, true); $$.initToRender(); }
/** * Initialize the rendering process * @param {Boolean} forced Force to render process * @private */ initToRender(forced) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const target = $$.selectChart; const isHidden = () =>"display") === "none" ||"visibility") === "hidden";
const isLazy = config.render.lazy || isHidden(); const MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver;
if (isLazy && MutationObserver && config.render.observe !== false && !forced) { new MutationObserver((mutation, observer) => { if (!isHidden()) { observer.disconnect(); !$$.rendered && $$.initToRender(true); } }).observe(target.node(), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["class", "style"] }); }
if (!isLazy || forced) { const convertedData = $$.convertData(config, $$.initWithData);
convertedData && $$.initWithData(convertedData); $$.afterInit(); } }
initParams() { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
// datetime to be used for uniqueness $$.datetimeId = `bb-${+new Date()}`; $$.initClip();
$$.dragStart = null; $$.dragging = false; $$.flowing = false; $$.cancelClick = false; $$.mouseover = false; $$.transiting = false;
$$.color = $$.generateColor(); $$.levelColor = $$.generateLevelColor(); $$.point = $$.generatePoint();
$$.extraLineClasses = $$.generateExtraLineClass();
$$.dataTimeFormat = config.data_xLocaltime ? d3TimeParse : d3UtcParse; $$.axisTimeFormat = config.axis_x_localtime ? d3TimeFormat : d3UtcFormat;
const isDragZoom = $$.config.zoom_enabled && $$.config.zoom_enabled.type === "drag";
$$.defaultAxisTimeFormat = d => { const isZoomed = isDragZoom ? this.zoomScale : this.zoomScale && $$.x.orgDomain().toString() !== this.zoomScale.domain().toString();
const specifier = (d.getMilliseconds() && ".%L") || (d.getSeconds() && ".:%S") || (d.getMinutes() && "%I:%M") || (d.getHours() && "%I %p") || (d.getDate() !== 1 && "%b %d") || (isZoomed && d.getDate() === 1 && "%b\'%y") || (d.getMonth() && "%-m/%-d") || "%Y";
return $$.axisTimeFormat(specifier)(d); };
$$.hiddenTargetIds = []; $$.hiddenLegendIds = []; $$.focusedTargetIds = []; $$.defocusedTargetIds = [];
$$.isLegendRight = config.legend_position === "right"; $$.isLegendInset = config.legend_position === "inset";
$$.isLegendTop = config.legend_inset_anchor === "top-left" || config.legend_inset_anchor === "top-right"; $$.isLegendLeft = config.legend_inset_anchor === "top-left" || config.legend_inset_anchor === "bottom-left";
$$.legendStep = 0; $$.legendItemWidth = 0; $$.legendItemHeight = 0;
$$.currentMaxTickWidths = { x: {size: 0, ticks: [], domain: ""}, y: {size: 0, domain: ""}, y2: {size: 0, domain: ""} };
$$.rotated_padding_left = 30; $$.rotated_padding_right = isRotated && !config.axis_x_show ? 0 : 30; $$.rotated_padding_top = 5;
$$.withoutFadeIn = {}; $$.inputType = $$.convertInputType();
$$.axes.subx = d3SelectAll([]); // needs when excluding subchart.js }
initWithData(data) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config;
// for arc type, set axes to not be shown // $$.hasArcType() && ["x", "y", "y2"].forEach(id => (config[`axis_${id}_show`] = false));
$$.axis = new Axis($$); config.zoom_enabled && $$.initZoom();
// Init data as targets $$.data.xs = {}; $$.data.targets = $$.convertDataToTargets(data);
if (config.data_filter) { $$.data.targets = $$.data.targets.filter(config.data_filter); }
// Set targets to hide if needed if (config.data_hide) { $$.addHiddenTargetIds( config.data_hide === true ? $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets) : config.data_hide ); } if (config.legend_hide) { $$.addHiddenLegendIds( config.legend_hide === true ? $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets) : config.legend_hide ); }
// Init sizes and scales $$.updateSizes(); $$.updateScales(true);
// Set domains for each scale if ($$.x) { $$.x.domain(sortValue($$.getXDomain($$.data.targets))); $$.subX.domain($$.x.domain());
// Save original x domain for zoom update $$.orgXDomain = $$.x.domain(); }
if ($$.y) { $$.y.domain($$.getYDomain($$.data.targets, "y")); $$.subY.domain($$.y.domain()); }
if ($$.y2) { $$.y2.domain($$.getYDomain($$.data.targets, "y2")); $$.subY2 && $$.subY2.domain($$.y2.domain()); }
// -- Basic Elements -- $$.svg = $$.selectChart.append("svg") .style("overflow", "hidden") .style("display", "block");
if (config.interaction_enabled && $$.inputType) { const isTouch = $$.inputType === "touch";
$$.svg .on(isTouch ? "touchstart" : "mouseenter", () => callFn(config.onover, $$, $$.api)) .on(isTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseleave", () => callFn(config.onout, $$, $$.api)); }
config.svg_classname && $$.svg.attr("class", config.svg_classname);
// Define defs $$.defs = $$.svg.append("defs");
$$.clipChart = $$.appendClip($$.defs, $$.clipId); $$.clipXAxis = $$.appendClip($$.defs, $$.clipIdForXAxis); $$.clipYAxis = $$.appendClip($$.defs, $$.clipIdForYAxis); $$.clipGrid = $$.appendClip($$.defs, $$.clipIdForGrid);
// set color patterns if (isFunction(config.color_tiles) && $$.patterns) { $$.patterns.forEach(p => $$.defs.append(() => p.node)); }
// Bind resize event $$.bindResize();
// Define regions const main = $$.svg.append("g").attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("main"));
$$.main = main;
// initialize subchart when subchart show option is set config.subchart_show && $$.initSubchart();
$$.initTooltip && $$.initTooltip(); $$.initLegend && $$.initLegend(); $$.initTitle && $$.initTitle();
// -- Main Region --
// text when empty if (config.data_empty_label_text) { main.append("text") .attr("class", `${CLASS.text} ${CLASS.empty}`) .attr("text-anchor", "middle") // horizontal centering of text at x position in all browsers. .attr("dominant-baseline", "middle"); // vertical centering of text at y position in all browsers, except IE. }
// Regions $$.initRegion();
// Add Axis here, when clipPath is 'false' !config.clipPath && $$.axis.init();
// Define g for chart area main.append("g").attr("class", CLASS.chart) .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPath);
// Cover whole with rects for events $$.initEventRect();
// Define g for chart $$.initChartElements();
// Grids $$.initGrid();
// if zoom privileged, insert rect to forefront // TODO: is this needed? main.insert("rect", config.zoom_privileged ? null : `g.${CLASS.regions}`) .attr("class", CLASS.zoomRect) .attr("width", $$.width) .attr("height", $$.height) .style("opacity", "0") .on("dblclick.zoom", null);
// Add Axis here, when clipPath is 'true' config.clipPath && $$.axis.init();
// Set targets $$.updateTargets($$.data.targets);
// Draw with targets $$.updateDimension();
// oninit callback callFn(config.oninit, $$, $$.api);
// Set background $$.setBackground();
$$.redraw({ withTransition: false, withTransform: true, withUpdateXDomain: true, withUpdateOrgXDomain: true, withTransitionForAxis: false, initializing: true });
// data.onmin/max callback if (config.data_onmin || config.data_onmax) { const minMax = $$.getMinMaxData();
callFn(config.data_onmin, $$, minMax.min); callFn(config.data_onmax, $$, minMax.max); }
// export element of the chart $$.api.element = $$.selectChart.node();
$$.rendered = true; }
initChartElements() { const $$ = this;
["Bar", "Radar", "Line", "Bubble", "Arc", "Gauge", "Pie"].forEach(v => { $$[`init${v}`](); });
notEmpty($$.config.data_labels) && $$.initText(); }
setChartElements() { const $$ = this;
$$.api.$ = { chart: $$.selectChart, svg: $$.svg, defs: $$.defs, main: $$.main, tooltip: $$.tooltip, legend: $$.legend, title: $$.title, grid: $$.grid, arc: $$.arcs, bar: { bars: $$.mainBar }, line: { lines: $$.mainLine, areas: $$.mainArea, circles: $$.mainCircle }, text: { texts: $$.mainText } }; }
/** * Set background element/image * @private */ setBackground() { const $$ = this; const bg = $$.config.background;
if (notEmpty(bg)) { const element = $$`.${CLASS[$$.hasArcType() ? "chart" : "regions"]}`) .insert(bg.imgUrl ? "image" : "rect", ":first-child");
if (bg.imgUrl) { element.attr("href", bg.imgUrl); } else if (bg.color) {"fill", bg.color); }
element .attr("class", bg.class || null) .attr("width", "100%") .attr("height", "100%"); } }
smoothLines(el, type) { if (type === "grid") { el.each(function() { const g = d3Select(this);
["x1", "x2", "y1", "y2"] .forEach(v => g.attr(v, Math.ceil(g.attr(v)))); }); } }
/** * Update size values * @param {Boolean} isInit If is called at initialization * @private */ updateSizes(isInit) { const $$ = this;
!isInit && $$.setContainerSize();
const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const hasArc = $$.hasArcType();
const legend = { width: $$.legend ? $$.getLegendWidth() : 0, height: $$.legend ? $$.getLegendHeight() : 0 };
const legendHeightForBottom = $$.isLegendRight || $$.isLegendInset ? 0 : legend.height; const xAxisHeight = isRotated || hasArc ? 0 : $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight("x");
const subchartXAxisHeight = config.subchart_axis_x_show && config.subchart_axis_x_tick_text_show ? xAxisHeight : 30; const subchartHeight = config.subchart_show && !hasArc ? (config.subchart_size_height + subchartXAxisHeight) : 0;
// for main $$.margin = isRotated ? { top: $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight("y2") + $$.getCurrentPaddingTop(), right: hasArc ? 0 : $$.getCurrentPaddingRight(), bottom: $$.getHorizontalAxisHeight("y") + legendHeightForBottom + $$.getCurrentPaddingBottom(), left: subchartHeight + (hasArc ? 0 : $$.getCurrentPaddingLeft()) } : { top: 4 + $$.getCurrentPaddingTop(), // for top tick text right: hasArc ? 0 : $$.getCurrentPaddingRight(), bottom: xAxisHeight + subchartHeight + legendHeightForBottom + $$.getCurrentPaddingBottom(), left: hasArc ? 0 : $$.getCurrentPaddingLeft() };
// for subchart $$.margin2 = isRotated ? { top: $$, right: NaN, bottom: 20 + legendHeightForBottom, left: $$.rotated_padding_left } : { top: $$.currentHeight - subchartHeight - legendHeightForBottom, right: NaN, bottom: subchartXAxisHeight + legendHeightForBottom, left: $$.margin.left };
// for legend $$.margin3 = { top: 0, right: NaN, bottom: 0, left: 0 };
$$.updateSizeForLegend && $$.updateSizeForLegend(legend);
$$.width = $$.currentWidth - $$.margin.left - $$.margin.right; $$.height = $$.currentHeight - $$ - $$.margin.bottom;
if ($$.width < 0) { $$.width = 0; }
if ($$.height < 0) { $$.height = 0; }
$$.width2 = isRotated ? $$.margin.left - $$.rotated_padding_left - $$.rotated_padding_right : $$.width;
$$.height2 = isRotated ? $$.height : $$.currentHeight - $$ - $$.margin2.bottom;
if ($$.width2 < 0) { $$.width2 = 0; }
if ($$.height2 < 0) { $$.height2 = 0; }
// for arc $$.arcWidth = $$.width - ($$.isLegendRight ? legend.width + 10 : 0); $$.arcHeight = $$.height - ($$.isLegendRight ? 0 : 10);
if ($$.hasType("gauge") && !config.gauge_fullCircle) { $$.arcHeight += $$.height - $$.getGaugeLabelHeight(); }
$$.updateRadius && $$.updateRadius();
if ($$.isLegendRight && hasArc) { $$.margin3.left = $$.arcWidth / 2 + $$.radiusExpanded * 1.1; }
if (!hasArc && config.axis_x_show && config.axis_x_tick_autorotate) { $$.updateXAxisTickClip(); } }
/** * Update targeted element with given data * @param {Object} targets Data object formatted as 'target' * @private */ updateTargets(targets) { const $$ = this;
// Text $$.updateTargetsForText(targets);
// Bar $$.updateTargetsForBar(targets);
// Line $$.updateTargetsForLine(targets);
// Arc & Radar $$.hasArcType(targets) && ( $$.hasType("radar") ? $$.updateTargetsForRadar(targets) : $$.updateTargetsForArc(targets) );
// Sub Chart $$.updateTargetsForSubchart && $$.updateTargetsForSubchart(targets);
// Fade-in each chart $$.showTargets(); }
/** * Display targeted elements * @private */ showTargets() { const $$ = this;
$$.svg.selectAll(`.${}`) .filter(d => $$.isTargetToShow( .transition() .duration($$.config.transition_duration) .style("opacity", "1"); }
getWithOption(options) { const withOptions = { Y: true, Subchart: true, Transition: true, EventRect: true, Dimension: true, TrimXDomain: true, Transform: false, UpdateXDomain: false, UpdateOrgXDomain: false, Legend: false, UpdateXAxis: "UpdateXDomain", TransitionForExit: "Transition", TransitionForAxis: "Transition" };
Object.keys(withOptions).forEach(key => { let defVal = withOptions[key];
if (isString(defVal)) { defVal = withOptions[defVal]; }
withOptions[key] = getOption(options, `with${key}`, defVal); });
return withOptions; }
redraw(options = {}, transitionsValue) { const $$ = this; const main = $$.main; const config = $$.config; const targetsToShow = $$.filterTargetsToShow($$.data.targets);
const initializing = options.initializing; const flow = options.flow; const wth = $$.getWithOption(options); const duration = wth.Transition ? config.transition_duration : 0; const durationForExit = wth.TransitionForExit ? duration : 0; const durationForAxis = wth.TransitionForAxis ? duration : 0; const transitions = transitionsValue || $$.axis.generateTransitions(durationForAxis);
// update legend and transform each g
if (wth.Legend && config.legend_show) { $$.updateLegend($$.mapToIds($$.data.targets), options, transitions); } else if (wth.Dimension) { // need to update dimension (e.g. axis.y.tick.values) because y tick values should change // no need to update axis in it because they will be updated in redraw() $$.updateDimension(true); }
// update axis // @TODO: Make 'init' state to be accessible everywhere not passing as argument. $$.axis.redrawAxis(targetsToShow, wth, transitions, flow, initializing);
// update circleY based on updated parameters $$.updateCircleY();
// Data empty label positioning and text. config.data_empty_label_text &&`text.${CLASS.text}.${CLASS.empty}`) .attr("x", $$.width / 2) .attr("y", $$.height / 2) .text(config.data_empty_label_text) .style("display", targetsToShow.length ? "none" : null);
// grid $$.updateGrid(duration);
// rect for regions $$.updateRegion(duration);
// bars $$.updateBar(durationForExit);
// lines, areas and circles $$.updateLine(durationForExit); $$.updateArea(durationForExit); $$.updateCircle();
// text $$.hasDataLabel() && $$.updateText(durationForExit);
// title $$.redrawTitle && $$.redrawTitle();
// arc $$.arcs && $$.redrawArc(duration, durationForExit, wth.Transform);
// radar $$.radars && $$.redrawRadar(durationForExit);
// circles for select $$.mainText && main.selectAll(`.${CLASS.selectedCircles}`) .filter($$.isBarType.bind($$)) .selectAll("circle") .remove();
// event rects will redrawn when flow called if (config.interaction_enabled && !flow && wth.EventRect) { $$.bindZoomEvent(); }
initializing && $$.setChartElements();
$$.generateRedrawList(targetsToShow, flow, duration, wth.Subchart); $$.callPluginHook("$redraw", options, duration); }
/** * Generate redraw list * @param {Object} targets targets data to be shown * @param {Object} flow * @param {Object} duration * @param {Boolean} withSubchart whether or not to show subchart * @private */ generateRedrawList(targets, flow, duration, withSubchart) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const shape = $$.getDrawShape();
// subchart config.subchart_show && $$.redrawSubchart(withSubchart, duration, shape);
// generate flow const flowFn = flow && $$.generateFlow({ targets, flow, duration: flow.duration, shape, xv: $$.xv.bind($$) }); const isTransition = (duration || flowFn) && $$.isTabVisible();
// redraw list const redrawList = $$.getRedrawList(shape, flow, flowFn, isTransition);
// callback function after redraw ends const afterRedraw = flow || config.onrendered ? () => { flowFn && flowFn(); callFn(config.onrendered, $$, $$.api); } : null;
if (afterRedraw) { // Only use transition when current tab is visible. if (isTransition && redrawList.length) { // Wait for end of transitions for callback const waitForDraw = $$.generateWait();
// transition should be derived from one transition d3Transition().duration(duration) .each(() => { redrawList .reduce((acc, t1) => acc.concat(t1), []) .forEach(t => waitForDraw.add(t)); }) .call(waitForDraw, afterRedraw); } else if (!$$.transiting) { afterRedraw(); } }
// update fadein condition $$.mapToIds($$.data.targets).forEach(id => { $$.withoutFadeIn[id] = true; }); }
/** * Get the shape draw function * @return {Object} * @private */ getDrawShape() { const $$ = this; const isRotated = $$.config.axis_rotated; const hasRadar = $$.hasType("radar"); const shape = {type: {}, indices: {}};
// setup drawer - MEMO: these must be called after axis updated if ($$.hasTypeOf("Line") || $$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasType("scatter")) { const indices = $$.getShapeIndices($$.isLineType);
shape.indices.line = indices; shape.type.line = $$.generateDrawLine ? $$.generateDrawLine(indices, false) : undefined;
if ($$.hasTypeOf("Area")) { const indices = $$.getShapeIndices($$.isAreaType);
shape.indices.area = indices; shape.type.area = $$.generateDrawArea ? $$.generateDrawArea(indices, false) : undefined; } }
if ($$.hasType("bar")) { const indices = $$.getShapeIndices($$.isBarType); = indices; = $$.generateDrawBar ? $$.generateDrawBar(indices) : undefined; }
shape.pos = { xForText: $$.generateXYForText(shape.indices, true), yForText: $$.generateXYForText(shape.indices, false),
// generate circle x/y functions depending on updated params cx: (hasRadar ? $$.radarCircleX : (isRotated ? $$.circleY : $$.circleX)).bind($$), cy: (hasRadar ? $$.radarCircleY : (isRotated ? $$.circleX : $$.circleY)).bind($$) };
return shape; }
getRedrawList(shape, flow, flowFn, isTransition) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const hasArcType = $$.hasArcType(); const {cx, cy, xForText, yForText} = shape.pos; const list = [];
if (!hasArcType) { const {area, bar, line} = shape.type;
if (config.grid_x_lines.length || config.grid_y_lines.length) { list.push($$.redrawGrid(isTransition)); }
if (config.regions.length) { list.push($$.redrawRegion(isTransition)); }
if ($$.hasTypeOf("Line")) { list.push($$.redrawLine(line, isTransition)); $$.hasTypeOf("Area") && list.push($$.redrawArea(area, isTransition)); }
$$.hasType("bar") && list.push($$.redrawBar(bar, isTransition)); !flow && list.push($$.updateGridFocus()); }
if (!hasArcType || $$.hasType("radar")) { notEmpty(config.data_labels) && list.push($$.redrawText(xForText, yForText, flow, isTransition));
list.push($$.redrawCircle(cx, cy, isTransition, flowFn)); }
return list; }
updateAndRedraw(options = {}) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; let transitions;
// same with redraw options.withTransition = getOption(options, "withTransition", true); options.withTransform = getOption(options, "withTransform", false); options.withLegend = getOption(options, "withLegend", false);
// NOT same with redraw options.withUpdateXDomain = true; options.withUpdateOrgXDomain = true; options.withTransitionForExit = false; options.withTransitionForTransform = getOption(options, "withTransitionForTransform", options.withTransition);
// MEMO: called in updateLegend in redraw if withLegend if (!(options.withLegend && config.legend_show)) { transitions = $$.axis.generateTransitions( options.withTransitionForAxis ? config.transition_duration : 0 );
// Update scales $$.updateScales(); $$.updateSvgSize();
// Update g positions $$.transformAll(options.withTransitionForTransform, transitions); }
// Draw with new sizes & scales $$.redraw(options, transitions); }
redrawWithoutRescale() { this.redraw({ withY: false, withSubchart: false, withEventRect: false, withTransitionForAxis: false }); }
isTimeSeries() { return this.config.axis_x_type === "timeseries"; }
isCategorized() { return this.config.axis_x_type.indexOf("category") >= 0 || this.hasType("radar"); }
isCustomX() { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config;
return !$$.isTimeSeries() && (config.data_x || notEmpty(config.data_xs)); }
isTimeSeriesY() { return this.config.axis_y_type === "timeseries"; }
getTranslate(target, index = 0) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const hasGauge = $$.hasType("gauge"); let padding = 0; let x; let y;
if (index && /^(x|y2?)$/.test(target)) { padding = $$.getAxisSize(target) * index; }
if (target === "main") { x = asHalfPixel($$.margin.left); y = asHalfPixel($$; } else if (target === "context") { x = asHalfPixel($$.margin2.left); y = asHalfPixel($$; } else if (target === "legend") { x = $$.margin3.left; y = $$ + (hasGauge ? 10 : 0); } else if (target === "x") { x = isRotated ? -padding : 0; y = isRotated ? 0 : $$.height + padding; } else if (target === "y") { x = isRotated ? 0 : -padding; y = isRotated ? $$.height + padding : 0; } else if (target === "y2") { x = isRotated ? 0 : $$.width + padding; y = isRotated ? 1 - padding : 0; } else if (target === "subx") { x = 0; y = isRotated ? 0 : $$.height2; } else if (target === "arc") { x = $$.arcWidth / 2; y = $$.arcHeight / 2; } else if (target === "radar") { const [width] = $$.getRadarSize();
x = $$.width / 2 - width; y = asHalfPixel($$; }
return `translate(${x}, ${y})`; }
initialOpacity(d) { return this.getBaseValue(d) !== null && this.withoutFadeIn[] ? "1" : "0"; }
initialOpacityForCircle(d) { return this.getBaseValue(d) !== null && this.withoutFadeIn[] ? this.opacityForCircle(d) : "0"; }
opacityForCircle(d) { const opacity = this.config.point_show ? "1" : "0";
return isValue(this.getBaseValue(d)) ? (this.isBubbleType(d) || this.isScatterType(d) ? "0.5" : opacity) : "0"; }
opacityForText() { return this.hasDataLabel() ? "1" : "0"; }
/** * Get the zoom or unzoomed scaled value * @param {Date|Number|Object} d Data value * @private */ xx(d) { const $$ = this; const fn = $$.config.zoom_enabled && $$.zoomScale ? $$.zoomScale : this.x;
return d ? fn(isValue(d.x) ? d.x : d) : null; }
xv(d) { const $$ = this; let value = $$.getBaseValue(d);
if ($$.isTimeSeries()) { value = $$.parseDate(value); } else if ($$.isCategorized() && isString(value)) { value = $$.config.axis_x_categories.indexOf(value); }
return Math.ceil($$.x(value)); }
yv(d) { const $$ = this; const yScale = d.axis && d.axis === "y2" ? $$.y2 : $$.y;
return Math.ceil(yScale($$.getBaseValue(d))); }
subxx(d) { return d ? this.subX(d.x) : null; }
transformMain(withTransition, transitions) { const $$ = this; let xAxis; let yAxis; let y2Axis;
if (transitions && transitions.axisX) { xAxis = transitions.axisX; } else { xAxis = $$`.${CLASS.axisX}`);
if (withTransition) { xAxis = xAxis.transition(); } }
if (transitions && transitions.axisY) { yAxis = transitions.axisY; } else { yAxis = $$`.${CLASS.axisY}`);
if (withTransition) { yAxis = yAxis.transition(); } }
if (transitions && transitions.axisY2) { y2Axis = transitions.axisY2; } else { y2Axis = $$`.${CLASS.axisY2}`);
if (withTransition) { y2Axis = y2Axis.transition(); } }
(withTransition ? $$.main.transition() : $$.main) .attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("main"));
xAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("x")); yAxis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("y")); y2Axis.attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("y2"));
$$`.${CLASS.chartArcs}`) .attr("transform", $$.getTranslate("arc")); }
transformAll(withTransition, transitions) { const $$ = this;
$$.transformMain(withTransition, transitions);
$$.config.subchart_show && $$.transformContext(withTransition, transitions);
$$.legend && $$.transformLegend(withTransition); }
updateSvgSize() { const $$ = this; const brush = $$`.${CLASS.brush} .overlay`); const brushSize = {width: 0, height: 0};
if (brush.size()) { brushSize.width = +brush.attr("width"); brushSize.height = +brush.attr("height"); }
$$.svg .attr("width", $$.currentWidth) .attr("height", $$.currentHeight);
$$.svg.selectAll([`#${$$.clipId}`, `#${$$.clipIdForGrid}`]) .select("rect") .attr("width", $$.width) .attr("height", $$.height);
$$`#${$$.clipIdForXAxis}`) .select("rect") .attr("x", $$.getXAxisClipX.bind($$)) .attr("y", $$.getXAxisClipY.bind($$)) .attr("width", $$.getXAxisClipWidth.bind($$)) .attr("height", $$.getXAxisClipHeight.bind($$));
$$`#${$$.clipIdForYAxis}`) .select("rect") .attr("x", $$.getYAxisClipX.bind($$)) .attr("y", $$.getYAxisClipY.bind($$)) .attr("width", $$.getYAxisClipWidth.bind($$)) .attr("height", $$.getYAxisClipHeight.bind($$));
$$`#${$$.clipIdForSubchart}`) .select("rect") .attr("width", $$.width) .attr("height", brushSize.height);
$$`.${CLASS.zoomRect}`) .attr("width", $$.width) .attr("height", $$.height); }
updateDimension(withoutAxis) { const $$ = this;
if (!withoutAxis) { if ($$.xAxis && $$.config.axis_rotated) { $$.xAxis.create($$.axes.x); $$.subXAxis.create($$.axes.subx); } else { $$.yAxis && $$.yAxis.create($$.axes.y); $$.y2Axis && $$.y2Axis.create($$.axes.y2); } }
// pass 'withoutAxis' param to not animate at the init rendering $$.updateScales(withoutAxis); $$.updateSvgSize(); $$.transformAll(false); }
bindResize() { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const resizeFunction = $$.generateResize(); const list = [];
list.push(() => callFn(config.onresize, $$, $$.api));
if (config.resize_auto) { list.push(() => $$.api.flush(false, true)); }
list.push(() => callFn(config.onresized, $$, $$.api));
// add resize functions list.forEach(v => resizeFunction.add(v));
// attach resize event window.addEventListener("resize", $$.resizeFunction = resizeFunction); }
generateResize() { const fn = [];
function callResizeFn() { // Delay all resize functions call, to prevent unintended excessive call from resize event if (callResizeFn.timeout) { window.clearTimeout(callResizeFn.timeout); callResizeFn.timeout = null; }
callResizeFn.timeout = window.setTimeout(() => { fn.forEach(f => f()); }, 200); }
callResizeFn.add = f => fn.push(f); callResizeFn.remove = f => fn.splice(fn.indexOf(f), 1);
return callResizeFn; }
endall(transition, callback) { let n = 0;
transition .each(() => ++n) .on("end", function(...args) { !--n && callback.apply(this, ...args); }); }
generateWait() { let transitionsToWait = []; const f = function(transition, callback) { let timer;
function loop() { let done = 0;
for (let i = 0, t; (t = transitionsToWait[i]); i++) { if (t === true || (t.empty && t.empty())) { done++; continue; }
try { t.transition(); } catch (e) { done++; } }
timer && clearTimeout(timer);
if (done === transitionsToWait.length) { callback && callback(); } else { timer = setTimeout(loop, 50); } }
loop(); };
f.add = function(transition) { isArray(transition) ? (transitionsToWait = transitionsToWait.concat(transition)) : transitionsToWait.push(transition); };
return f; }
parseDate(date) { const $$ = this; let parsedDate;
if (date instanceof Date) { parsedDate = date; } else if (isString(date)) { parsedDate = $$.dataTimeFormat($$.config.data_xFormat)(date); } else if (isNumber(date) && !isNaN(date)) { parsedDate = new Date(+date); }
if (!parsedDate || isNaN(+parsedDate)) { console && console.error && console.error(`Failed to parse x '${date}' to Date object`); }
return parsedDate; }
isTabVisible() { return !document.hidden; }
convertInputType() { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; let isMobile = false;
// if (/Mobi/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && config.interaction_inputType_touch) { // Some Edge desktop return true: const hasTouchPoints = window.navigator && "maxTouchPoints" in window.navigator && window.navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;
// Ref: // On IE11 with IE9 emulation mode, ('ontouchstart' in window) is returning true const hasTouch = ("ontouchmove" in window || (window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch));
isMobile = hasTouchPoints || hasTouch; }
const hasMouse = config.interaction_inputType_mouse && !isMobile ? ("onmouseover" in window) : false;
return (hasMouse && "mouse") || (isMobile && "touch") || null; }
/** * Call plugin hook * @param {String} phase The lifecycle phase * @private */ callPluginHook(phase, ...args) { this.config.plugins.forEach(v => { if (phase === "$beforeInit") { v.$$ = this; this.api.plugins.push(v); }
v[phase](...args); }); }}