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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import ChartInternal from "./ChartInternal";import {extend, brushEmpty, getBrushSelection, getMinMax, isDefined, notEmpty, isValue, isObject, isNumber, diffDomain, sortValue} from "./util";
extend(ChartInternal.prototype, { getYDomainMinMax(targets, type) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isMin = type === "min";
const dataGroups = config.data_groups; const ids = $$.mapToIds(targets); const ys = $$.getValuesAsIdKeyed(targets);
if (dataGroups.length > 0) { const hasValue = $$[`has${isMin ? "Negative" : "Positive"}ValueInTargets`](targets);
for (let j = 0, idsInGroup; (idsInGroup = dataGroups[j]); j++) { // Determine baseId idsInGroup = idsInGroup.filter(v => ids.indexOf(v) >= 0);
if (idsInGroup.length === 0) { continue; }
const baseId = idsInGroup[0]; const baseAxisId = $$.axis.getId(baseId);
// Initialize base value. Set to 0 if not match with the condition if (hasValue && ys[baseId]) { ys[baseId] = ys[baseId].map(v => ( (isMin ? v < 0 : v > 0) ? v : 0 )); }
for (let k = 1, id; (id = idsInGroup[k]); k++) { if (!ys[id]) { continue; }
const axisId = $$.axis.getId(id);
ys[id].forEach((v, i) => { const val = +v; const meetCondition = isMin ? val > 0 : val < 0;
if (axisId === baseAxisId && !(hasValue && meetCondition)) { ys[baseId][i] += val; } }); } } }
return getMinMax(type, Object.keys(ys).map(key => getMinMax(type, ys[key]))); },
getYDomainMin(targets) { return this.getYDomainMinMax(targets, "min"); },
getYDomainMax(targets) { return this.getYDomainMinMax(targets, "max"); },
/** * Check if hidden targets bound to the given axis id * @return {Boolean} * @private */ isHiddenTargetWithYDomain(id) { const $$ = this;
return $$.hiddenTargetIds .some(v => $$.axis.getId(v) === id); },
getYDomain(targets, axisId, xDomain) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const pfx = `axis_${axisId}`;
if ($$.isStackNormalized()) { return [0, 100]; }
const targetsByAxisId = targets.filter(t => $$.axis.getId( === axisId); const yTargets = xDomain ? $$.filterByXDomain(targetsByAxisId, xDomain) : targetsByAxisId;
if (yTargets.length === 0) { if ($$.isHiddenTargetWithYDomain(axisId)) { return $$[axisId].domain(); } else { // use domain of the other axis if target of axisId is none return axisId === "y2" ? $$.y.domain() : // When all data bounds to y2, y Axis domain is called prior y2. // So, it needs to call to get y2 domain here $$.getYDomain(targets, "y2", xDomain); } }
const yMin = config[`${pfx}_min`]; const yMax = config[`${pfx}_max`]; let yDomainMin = $$.getYDomainMin(yTargets); let yDomainMax = $$.getYDomainMax(yTargets);
const center = config[`${pfx}_center`]; let isZeroBased = ["area", "bar", "bubble", "line", "scatter"] .some(v => $$.hasType(v, yTargets) && config[`${v}_zerobased`]); const isInverted = config[`${pfx}_inverted`]; const showHorizontalDataLabel = $$.hasDataLabel() && config.axis_rotated; const showVerticalDataLabel = $$.hasDataLabel() && !config.axis_rotated;
// MEMO: avoid inverting domain unexpectedly yDomainMin = isValue(yMin) ? yMin : (isValue(yMax) ? (yDomainMin < yMax ? yDomainMin : yMax - 10) : yDomainMin); yDomainMax = isValue(yMax) ? yMax : (isValue(yMin) ? (yMin < yDomainMax ? yDomainMax : yMin + 10) : yDomainMax);
if (isNaN(yDomainMin)) { // set minimum to zero when not number yDomainMin = 0; }
if (isNaN(yDomainMax)) { // set maximum to have same value as yDomainMin yDomainMax = yDomainMin; }
if (yDomainMin === yDomainMax) { yDomainMin < 0 ? yDomainMax = 0 : yDomainMin = 0; }
const isAllPositive = yDomainMin >= 0 && yDomainMax >= 0; const isAllNegative = yDomainMin <= 0 && yDomainMax <= 0;
// Cancel zerobased if axis_*_min / axis_*_max specified if ((isValue(yMin) && isAllPositive) || (isValue(yMax) && isAllNegative)) { isZeroBased = false; }
// Bar/Area chart should be 0-based if all positive|negative if (isZeroBased) { isAllPositive && (yDomainMin = 0); isAllNegative && (yDomainMax = 0); }
const domainLength = Math.abs(yDomainMax - yDomainMin); const padding = {top: domainLength * 0.1, bottom: domainLength * 0.1};
if (isDefined(center)) { const yDomainAbs = Math.max(Math.abs(yDomainMin), Math.abs(yDomainMax));
yDomainMax = center + yDomainAbs; yDomainMin = center - yDomainAbs; }
// add padding for data label if (showHorizontalDataLabel) { const diff = diffDomain($$.y.range()); const ratio = $$.getDataLabelLength(yDomainMin, yDomainMax, "width") .map(v => v / diff);
["bottom", "top"].forEach((v, i) => { padding[v] += domainLength * (ratio[i] / (1 - ratio[0] - ratio[1])); }); } else if (showVerticalDataLabel) { const lengths = $$.getDataLabelLength(yDomainMin, yDomainMax, "height");
["bottom", "top"].forEach((v, i) => { padding[v] += $$.axis.convertPixelsToAxisPadding(lengths[i], domainLength); }); }

// if padding is set, the domain will be updated relative the current domain value // ex) $$.height=300,, domainLength=4 --> domain=6 const p = config[`${pfx}_padding`];
if (notEmpty(p)) { ["bottom", "top"].forEach(v => { padding[v] = $$.axis.getPadding(p, v, padding[v], domainLength); }); }
// Bar/Area chart should be 0-based if all positive|negative if (isZeroBased) { isAllPositive && (padding.bottom = yDomainMin); isAllNegative && ( = -yDomainMax); }
const domain = [yDomainMin - padding.bottom, yDomainMax +];
return isInverted ? domain.reverse() : domain; },
getXDomainMinMax(targets, type) { const $$ = this; const configValue = $$.config[`axis_x_${type}`]; const dataValue = getMinMax(type, => getMinMax(type, => v.x)))); let value = isObject(configValue) ? configValue.value : configValue;
value = isDefined(value) && $$.isTimeSeries() ? $$.parseDate(value) : value;
if (isObject(configValue) && && ( (type === "min" && value < dataValue) || (type === "max" && value > dataValue) )) { value = undefined; }
return isDefined(value) ? value : dataValue; },
getXDomainMin(targets) { return this.getXDomainMinMax(targets, "min"); },
getXDomainMax(targets) { return this.getXDomainMinMax(targets, "max"); },
getXDomainPadding(domain) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const diff = domain[1] - domain[0]; const xPadding = config.axis_x_padding; let maxDataCount; let padding;
if ($$.isCategorized()) { padding = 0; } else if ($$.hasType("bar")) { maxDataCount = $$.getMaxDataCount(); padding = maxDataCount > 1 ? (diff / (maxDataCount - 1)) / 2 : 0.5; } else { padding = diff * 0.01; }
let left = padding; let right = padding;
if (isObject(xPadding) && notEmpty(xPadding)) { left = isValue(xPadding.left) ? xPadding.left : padding; right = isValue(xPadding.right) ? xPadding.right : padding; } else if (isNumber(config.axis_x_padding)) { left = xPadding; right = xPadding; }
return {left, right}; },
getXDomain(targets) { const $$ = this; const xDomain = [$$.getXDomainMin(targets), $$.getXDomainMax(targets)]; let [firstX, lastX] = xDomain; const padding = $$.getXDomainPadding(xDomain); let min = 0; let max = 0;
// show center of x domain if min and max are the same if ((firstX - lastX) === 0 && !$$.isCategorized()) { if ($$.isTimeSeries()) { firstX = new Date(firstX.getTime() * 0.5); lastX = new Date(lastX.getTime() * 1.5); } else { firstX = firstX === 0 ? 1 : (firstX * 0.5); lastX = lastX === 0 ? -1 : (lastX * 1.5); } }
if (firstX || firstX === 0) { min = $$.isTimeSeries() ? new Date(firstX.getTime() - padding.left) : firstX - padding.left; }
if (lastX || lastX === 0) { max = $$.isTimeSeries() ? new Date(lastX.getTime() + padding.right) : lastX + padding.right; }
return [min, max]; },
updateXDomain(targets, withUpdateXDomain, withUpdateOrgXDomain, withTrim, domain) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const zoomEnabled = config.zoom_enabled;
if (withUpdateOrgXDomain) { $$.x.domain(domain || sortValue($$.getXDomain(targets))); $$.orgXDomain = $$.x.domain();
zoomEnabled && $$.zoom.updateScaleExtent();
$$.subX.domain($$.x.domain()); $$.brush && $$.brush.scale($$.subX); }
if (withUpdateXDomain) { const domainValue = domain || (!$$.brush || brushEmpty($$)) ? $$.orgXDomain : getBrushSelection($$).map($$.subX.invert);
$$.x.domain(domainValue); zoomEnabled && $$.zoom.updateScaleExtent(); }
// Trim domain when too big by zoom mousemove event withTrim && $$.x.domain($$.trimXDomain($$.x.orgDomain()));
return $$.x.domain(); },
trimXDomain(domain) { const zoomDomain = this.getZoomDomain(); const [min, max] = zoomDomain;
if (domain[0] <= min) { domain[1] = +domain[1] + (min - domain[0]); domain[0] = min; }
if (max <= domain[1]) { domain[0] = +domain[0] - (domain[1] - max); domain[1] = max; }
return domain; },});