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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import { select as d3Select, selectAll as d3SelectAll} from "d3-selection";import ChartInternal from "./ChartInternal";import CLASS from "../config/classes";import {extend, isArray, isValue} from "./util";
// Grid position and text anchor helpersconst getGridTextAnchor = d => isValue(d.position) || "end";const getGridTextDx = d => (d.position === "start" ? 4 : (d.position === "middle" ? 0 : -4));const getGridTextX = (isX, width, height) => d => { let x = isX ? 0 : width;
if (d.position === "start") { x = isX ? -height : 0; } else if (d.position === "middle") { x = (isX ? -height : width) / 2; }
return x;};
extend(ChartInternal.prototype, { initGrid() { const $$ = this;
$$.xgrid = d3SelectAll([]);
$$.initGridLines(); $$.initFocusGrid(); },
initGridLines() { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config;
if (config.grid_x_lines.length || config.grid_y_lines.length) { $$.gridLines = $$.main.insert("g", `.${CLASS.chart}${config.grid_lines_front ? " + *" : ""}`) .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPathForGrid) .attr("class", `${CLASS.grid} ${CLASS.gridLines}`);
$$.gridLines.append("g").attr("class", CLASS.xgridLines); $$.gridLines.append("g").attr("class", CLASS.ygridLines);
$$.xgridLines = d3SelectAll([]); } },
updateXGrid(withoutUpdate) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const xgridData = $$.generateGridData(config.grid_x_type, $$.x); const tickOffset = $$.isCategorized() ? $$.xAxis.tickOffset() : 0; const pos = d => ( ($$.zoomScale || $$.x)(d) + ( tickOffset * (isRotated ? -1 : 1) ));
$$.xgridAttr = isRotated ? { "x1": 0, "x2": $$.width, "y1": pos, "y2": pos, } : { "x1": pos, "x2": pos, "y1": 0, "y2": $$.height, };
$$.xgrid = $$`.${CLASS.xgrids}`) .selectAll(`.${CLASS.xgrid}`) .data(xgridData);
$$.xgrid = $$.xgrid.enter() .append("line") .attr("class", CLASS.xgrid) .merge($$.xgrid);
if (!withoutUpdate) { $$.xgrid.each(function() { const grid = d3Select(this);
Object.keys($$.xgridAttr).forEach(id => { grid.attr(id, $$.xgridAttr[id]) .style("opacity", () => ( grid.attr(isRotated ? "y1" : "x1") === (isRotated ? $$.height : 0) ? "0" : "1" )); }); }); } },
updateYGrid() { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const gridValues = $$.yAxis.tickValues() || $$.y.ticks(config.grid_y_ticks); const pos = d => Math.ceil($$.y(d));
$$.ygrid = $$`.${CLASS.ygrids}`) .selectAll(`.${CLASS.ygrid}`) .data(gridValues);
$$.ygrid = $$.ygrid .enter() .append("line") .attr("class", CLASS.ygrid) .merge($$.ygrid);
$$.ygrid.attr("x1", isRotated ? pos : 0) .attr("x2", isRotated ? pos : $$.width) .attr("y1", isRotated ? 0 : pos) .attr("y2", isRotated ? $$.height : pos);
$$.smoothLines($$.ygrid, "grid"); },
updateGrid(duration) { const $$ = this;
!$$.gridLines && $$.initGridLines();
// hide if arc type $$"visibility", $$.hasArcType() ? "hidden" : "visible");
$$.hideGridFocus(); $$.updateXGridLines(duration); $$.updateYGridLines(duration); },
/** * Update X Grid lines * @param {Number} duration * @private */ updateXGridLines(duration) { const $$ = this; const main = $$.main; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
config.grid_x_show && $$.updateXGrid();
$$.xgridLines =`.${CLASS.xgridLines}`) .selectAll(`.${CLASS.xgridLine}`) .data(config.grid_x_lines);
// exit $$.xgridLines.exit().transition() .duration(duration) .style("opacity", "0") .remove();
// enter const xgridLine = $$.xgridLines.enter().append("g");
xgridLine.append("line") .style("opacity", "0");
xgridLine.append("text") .attr("transform", isRotated ? "" : "rotate(-90)") .attr("dy", -5) .style("opacity", "0");
$$.xgridLines = xgridLine.merge($$.xgridLines);
$$.xgridLines .attr("class", d => `${CLASS.xgridLine} ${d.class || ""}`.trim()) .select("text") .attr("text-anchor", getGridTextAnchor) .attr("dx", getGridTextDx) .transition() .duration(duration) .text(d => d.text) .transition() .style("opacity", "1"); },
/** * Update Y Grid lines * @param {Number} duration * @private */ updateYGridLines(duration) { const $$ = this; const main = $$.main; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
config.grid_y_show && $$.updateYGrid();
$$.ygridLines =`.${CLASS.ygridLines}`) .selectAll(`.${CLASS.ygridLine}`) .data(config.grid_y_lines);
// exit $$.ygridLines.exit() .transition() .duration(duration) .style("opacity", "0") .remove();
// enter const ygridLine = $$.ygridLines.enter().append("g");
ygridLine.append("line") .style("opacity", "0");
ygridLine.append("text") .attr("transform", isRotated ? "rotate(-90)" : "") .style("opacity", "0");
$$.ygridLines = ygridLine.merge($$.ygridLines);
// update const yv = $$.yv.bind($$);
$$.ygridLines .attr("class", d => `${CLASS.ygridLine} ${d.class || ""}`.trim()) .select("line") .transition() .duration(duration) .attr("x1", isRotated ? yv : 0) .attr("x2", isRotated ? yv : $$.width) .attr("y1", isRotated ? 0 : yv) .attr("y2", isRotated ? $$.height : yv) .transition() .style("opacity", "1");
$$"text") .attr("text-anchor", getGridTextAnchor) .attr("dx", getGridTextDx) .transition() .duration(duration) .attr("dy", -5) .attr("x", getGridTextX(isRotated, $$.width, $$.height)) .attr("y", yv) .text(d => d.text) .transition() .style("opacity", "1"); },
redrawGrid(withTransition) { const $$ = this; const isRotated = $$.config.axis_rotated; const xv = $$.xv.bind($$);
let lines = $$"line"); let texts = $$"text");
lines = (withTransition ? lines.transition() : lines) .attr("x1", isRotated ? 0 : xv) .attr("x2", isRotated ? $$.width : xv) .attr("y1", isRotated ? xv : 0) .attr("y2", isRotated ? xv : $$.height);
texts = (withTransition ? texts.transition() : texts) .attr("x", getGridTextX(!isRotated, $$.width, $$.height)) .attr("y", xv) .text(d => d.text);
return [ (withTransition ? lines.transition() : lines).style("opacity", "1"), (withTransition ? texts.transition() : texts).style("opacity", "1") ]; },
initFocusGrid() { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isFront = config.grid_front; const className = `.${CLASS[isFront && $$.gridLines ? "gridLines" : "chart"]}${isFront ? " + *" : ""}`;
$$.grid = $$.main.insert("g", className) .attr("clip-path", $$.clipPathForGrid) .attr("class", CLASS.grid);
config.grid_x_show && $$.grid.append("g").attr("class", CLASS.xgrids);
config.grid_y_show && $$.grid.append("g").attr("class", CLASS.ygrids);
if (config.grid_focus_show) { $$.grid.append("g") .attr("class", CLASS.xgridFocus) .append("line") .attr("class", CLASS.xgridFocus);
// to show xy focus grid line, should be 'tooltip.grouped=false' if (config.grid_focus_y && !config.tooltip_grouped) { $$.grid.append("g") .attr("class", CLASS.ygridFocus) .append("line") .attr("class", CLASS.ygridFocus); } } },
/** * Show grid focus line * @param {Array} selectedData * @private */ showGridFocus(selectedData) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const dataToShow = selectedData.filter(d => d && isValue($$.getBaseValue(d)));
// Hide when bubble/scatter/stanford plot exists if (!config.tooltip_show || dataToShow.length === 0 || $$.hasType("bubble") || $$.hasArcType()) { return; }
const focusEl = $$.main.selectAll(`line.${CLASS.xgridFocus}, line.${CLASS.ygridFocus}`); const isEdge = config.grid_focus_edge && !config.tooltip_grouped; const xx = $$.xx.bind($$);
focusEl .style("visibility", "visible") .data(dataToShow.concat(dataToShow)) .each(function(d) { const el = d3Select(this); const pos = { x: xx(d), y: $$.getYScale( }; let xy;
if (el.classed(CLASS.xgridFocus)) { // will contain 'x1, y1, x2, y2' order xy = isRotated ? [ null, // x1 pos.x, // y1 isEdge ? pos.y : $$.width, // x2 pos.x // y2 ] : [ pos.x, isEdge ? pos.y : null, pos.x, $$.height ]; } else { const isY2 = $$.axis.getId( === "y2";
xy = isRotated ? [ pos.y, // x1 isEdge && !isY2 ? pos.x : null, // y1 pos.y, // x2 isEdge && isY2 ? pos.x : $$.height // y2 ] : [ isEdge && isY2 ? pos.x : null, pos.y, isEdge && !isY2 ? pos.x : $$.width, pos.y ]; }
["x1", "y1", "x2", "y2"] .forEach((v, i) => el.attr(v, xy[i])); });
$$.smoothLines(focusEl, "grid"); },
hideGridFocus() { const $$ = this;
$$.inputType === "mouse" && $$.main.selectAll(`line.${CLASS.xgridFocus}, line.${CLASS.ygridFocus}`) .style("visibility", "hidden"); },
updateGridFocus() { const $$ = this; const xgridFocus = $$`line.${CLASS.xgridFocus}`);
if ($$.inputType === "touch") { if (!xgridFocus.empty()) { const d = xgridFocus.datum();
d && $$.showGridFocus([d]); } } else { const isRotated = $$.config.axis_rotated;
xgridFocus .attr("x1", isRotated ? 0 : -10) .attr("x2", isRotated ? $$.width : -10) .attr("y1", isRotated ? -10 : 0) .attr("y2", isRotated ? -10 : $$.height); }
// need to return 'true' as of being pushed to the redraw list // ref: getRedrawList() return true; },
generateGridData(type, scale) { const $$ = this; const tickNum = $$`.${CLASS.axisX}`) .selectAll(".tick") .size(); let gridData = [];
if (type === "year") { const xDomain = $$.getXDomain(); const firstYear = xDomain[0].getFullYear(); const lastYear = xDomain[1].getFullYear();
for (let i = firstYear; i <= lastYear; i++) { gridData.push(new Date(`${i}-01-01 00:00:00`)); } } else { gridData = scale.ticks(10);
if (gridData.length > tickNum) { // use only int gridData = gridData.filter(d => String(d).indexOf(".") < 0); } }
return gridData; },
getGridFilterToRemove(params) { return params ? line => { let found = false;
(isArray(params) ? params.concat() : [params]).forEach(param => { if ((("value" in param && line.value === param.value) || ("class" in param && line.class === param.class))) { found = true; } });
return found; } : () => true; },
removeGridLines(params, forX) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const toRemove = $$.getGridFilterToRemove(params); const toShow = line => !toRemove(line); const classLines = forX ? CLASS.xgridLines : CLASS.ygridLines; const classLine = forX ? CLASS.xgridLine : CLASS.ygridLine;
$$`.${classLines}`) .selectAll(`.${classLine}`) .filter(toRemove) .transition() .duration(config.transition_duration) .style("opacity", "0") .remove();
const gridLines = `grid_${forX ? "x" : "y"}_lines`;
config[gridLines] = config[gridLines].filter(toShow); },});