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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license */import { select as d3Select, selectAll as d3SelectAll} from "d3-selection";import ChartInternal from "./ChartInternal";import CLASS from "../config/classes";import {capitalize, extend, getBoundingRect, getRandom, isNumber, isObject, isString, getTranslation} from "./util";
extend(ChartInternal.prototype, { /** * Initializes the text * @private */ initText() { const $$ = this;
$$`.${CLASS.chart}`).append("g") .attr("class", CLASS.chartTexts);
$$.mainText = d3SelectAll([]); },
/** * Update chartText * @private * @param {Object} $$.data.targets */ updateTargetsForText(targets) { const $$ = this; const classChartText = $$.classChartText.bind($$); const classTexts = $$.classTexts.bind($$); const classFocus = $$.classFocus.bind($$); const mainTextUpdate = $$`.${CLASS.chartTexts}`).selectAll(`.${CLASS.chartText}`) .data(targets) .attr("class", d => classChartText(d) + classFocus(d));
const mainTextEnter = mainTextUpdate.enter().append("g") .attr("class", classChartText) .style("opacity", "0") .style("pointer-events", "none");
mainTextEnter.append("g") .attr("class", classTexts); },
/** * Update text * @private * @param {Number} Fade-out transition duration */ updateText(durationForExit) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const dataFn = $$.labelishData.bind($$); const classText = $$.classText.bind($$);
$$.mainText = $$.main.selectAll(`.${CLASS.texts}`).selectAll(`.${CLASS.text}`) .data(d => (this.isRadarType(d) ? d.values : dataFn(d)));
$$.mainText.exit() .transition() .duration(durationForExit) .style("fill-opacity", "0") .remove();
$$.mainText = $$.mainText.enter() .append("text") .merge($$.mainText) .attr("class", classText) .attr("text-anchor", d => (config.axis_rotated ? (d.value < 0 ? "end" : "start") : "middle")) .style("fill", $$.updateTextColor.bind($$)) .style("fill-opacity", "0") .text((d, i, j) => { const value = $$.isBubbleZType(d) ? $$.getBubbleZData(d.value, "z") : d.value;
return $$.dataLabelFormat(,, i, j); }); },
updateTextColor(d) { const $$ = this; const labelColors = $$.config.data_labels_colors; let color;
if (isString(labelColors)) { color = labelColors; } else if (isObject(labelColors)) { color = labelColors[]; }
return color || $$.color(d); },
/** * Redraw chartText * @param {Function} x Positioning function for x * @param {Function} y Positioning function for y * @param {Boolean} forFlow * @param {Boolean} withTransition transition is enabled * @private */ redrawText(x, y, forFlow, withTransition) { const $$ = this; const t = getRandom(); const opacityForText = forFlow ? 0 : $$.opacityForText.bind($$);
$$.mainText.each(function(d, i) { const text = d3Select(this);
// do not apply transition for newly added text elements (withTransition && text.attr("x") ? text.transition(t) : text) .attr("x", x.bind(this)(d, i)) .attr("y", y.bind(this)(d, i)) .style("fill", $$.updateTextColor.bind($$)) .style("fill-opacity", opacityForText); });
// need to return 'true' as of being pushed to the redraw list // ref: getRedrawList() return true; },
/** * Gets the getBoundingClientRect value of the element * @private * @param {HTMLElement|d3.selection} element * @param {String} className * @returns {Object} value of element.getBoundingClientRect() */ getTextRect(element, className) { const $$ = this; let base = (element.node ? element.node() : element);
if (!/text/i.test(base.tagName)) { base = base.querySelector("text"); }
const text = base.textContent; const cacheKey = `$${text.replace(/\W/g, "_")}`; let rect = $$.getCache(cacheKey);
if (!rect) { $$.svg.append("text") .style("visibility", "hidden") .style("font", d3Select(base).style("font")) .classed(className, true) .text(text) .call(v => { rect = getBoundingRect(v.node()); }) .remove();
$$.addCache(cacheKey, rect); }
return rect; },
/** * Gets the x or y coordinate of the text * @param {Object} indices Indices values * @param {Boolean} forX whether or not to x * @returns {Number} coordinates * @private */ generateXYForText(indices, forX) { const $$ = this; const types = Object.keys(indices); const points = {}; const getter = forX ? $$.getXForText : $$.getYForText;
$$.hasType("radar") && types.push("radar");
types.forEach(v => { points[v] = $$[`generateGet${capitalize(v)}Points`](indices[v], false); });
return function(d, i) { const type = ($$.isAreaType(d) && "area") || ($$.isBarType(d) && "bar") || ($$.isRadarType(d) && "radar") || "line";
return$$, points[type](d, i), d, this); }; },
/** * Get centerized text position for bar type data.label.text * @private * @param {Object} d Data object * @param {Array} points Data points position * @param {HTMLElement} textElement Data label text element * @returns {Number} Position value */ getCenteredTextPos(d, points, textElement) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated;
if (config.data_labels.centered && $$.isBarType(d)) { const rect = getBoundingRect(textElement); const isPositive = d.value >= 0;
if (isRotated) { const w = ( isPositive ? points[1][1] - points[0][1] : points[0][1] - points[1][1] ) / 2 + (rect.width / 2);
return isPositive ? -w - 3 : w + 2; } else { const h = ( isPositive ? points[0][1] - points[1][1] : points[1][1] - points[0][1] ) / 2 + (rect.height / 2);
return isPositive ? h : -h - 2; } }
return 0; },
/** * Get data.labels.position value * @param {String} id Data id value * @param {String} type x | y * @return {Number} Position value * @private */ getTextPos(id, type) { const pos = this.config.data_labels_position;
return (id in pos ? pos[id] : pos)[type] || 0; },
/** * Gets the x coordinate of the text * @private * @param {Object} points * @param {Object} data * @param {HTMLElement} element * @returns {Number} x coordinate */ getXForText(points, d, textElement) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; let xPos; let padding;
if (isRotated) { padding = $$.isBarType(d) ? 4 : 6; xPos = points[2][1] + padding * (d.value < 0 ? -1 : 1); } else { xPos = $$.hasType("bar") ? (points[2][0] + points[0][0]) / 2 : points[0][0]; } // show labels regardless of the domain if value is null if (d.value === null) { if (xPos > $$.width) { const {width} = getBoundingRect(textElement);
xPos = $$.width - width; } else if (xPos < 0) { xPos = 4; } }
if (isRotated) { xPos += $$.getCenteredTextPos(d, points, textElement); }
return xPos + $$.getTextPos(, "x"); },
/** * Gets the y coordinate of the text * @private * @param {Object} points * @param {Object} data * @param {HTMLElement} element * @returns {Number} y coordinate */ getYForText(points, d, textElement) { const $$ = this; const config = $$.config; const isRotated = config.axis_rotated; const r = config.point_r; const rect = getBoundingRect(textElement); let baseY = 3; let yPos;
if (isRotated) { yPos = (points[0][0] + points[2][0] + rect.height * 0.6) / 2; } else { yPos = points[2][1];
if (isNumber(r) && r > 5 && ($$.isLineType(d) || $$.isScatterType(d))) { baseY += config.point_r / 2.3; }
if (d.value < 0 || (d.value === 0 && !$$.hasPositiveValue && $$.hasNegativeValue)) { yPos += rect.height + ($$.isBarType(d) ? -baseY : baseY); } else { let diff = -baseY * 2;
if ($$.isBarType(d)) { diff = -baseY; } else if ($$.isBubbleType(d)) { diff = baseY; }
yPos += diff; } }
// show labels regardless of the domain if value is null if (d.value === null && !isRotated) { const boxHeight = rect.height;
if (yPos < boxHeight) { yPos = boxHeight; } else if (yPos > this.height) { yPos = this.height - 4; } }
if (!isRotated) { yPos += $$.getCenteredTextPos(d, points, textElement); }
return yPos + $$.getTextPos(, "y"); },
/** * Calculate if two or more text nodes are overlapping * Mark overlapping text nodes with "text-overlapping" class * @private * @param {number} id * @param {ChartInternal} $$ * @param {string} selector */ markOverlapped(id, $$, selector) { const textNodes = $$.arcs.selectAll(selector); const filteredTextNodes = textNodes.filter(node => !== id); const textNode = textNodes.filter(node => === id); const translate = getTranslation(textNode.node());
// Calculates the length of the hypotenuse const calcHypo = (x, y) => Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2));
textNode.node() && filteredTextNodes.each(function() { const coordinate = getTranslation(this); const filteredTextNode = d3Select(this); const nodeForWidth = calcHypo(translate.e, translate.f) > calcHypo(coordinate.e, coordinate.f) ? textNode : filteredTextNode;
const overlapsX = Math.ceil(Math.abs(translate.e - coordinate.e)) < Math.ceil(nodeForWidth.node().getComputedTextLength()); const overlapsY = Math.ceil(Math.abs(translate.f - coordinate.f)) < parseInt("font-size"), 10);
filteredTextNode.classed(CLASS.TextOverlapping, overlapsX && overlapsY); }); },
/** * Calculate if two or more text nodes are overlapping * Remove "text-overlapping" class on selected text nodes * @private * @param {ChartInternal} $$ * @param {string} selector */ undoMarkOverlapped($$, selector) { $$.arcs.selectAll(selector) .each(function() { d3SelectAll([this, this.previousSibling]) .classed(CLASS.TextOverlapping, false); }); }});