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πŸ“Š Re-usable, easy interface JavaScript chart library based on D3.js
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/** * Copyright (c) 2017 ~ present NAVER Corp. * billboard.js project is licensed under the MIT license * @ignore */import {event as d3Event} from "d3-selection";import {brushSelection as d3BrushSelection} from "d3-brush";import {document, window} from "./browser";import CLASS from "../config/classes";
const isValue = v => v || v === 0;const isFunction = v => typeof v === "function";const isString = v => typeof v === "string";const isNumber = v => typeof v === "number";const isUndefined = v => typeof v === "undefined";const isDefined = v => typeof v !== "undefined";const isBoolean = v => typeof v === "boolean";const ceil10 = v => Math.ceil(v / 10) * 10;const asHalfPixel = n => Math.ceil(n) + 0.5;const diffDomain = d => d[1] - d[0];const isObjectType = v => typeof v === "object";const isEmpty = o => ( isUndefined(o) || o === null || (isString(o) && o.length === 0) || (isObjectType(o) && !(o instanceof Date) && Object.keys(o).length === 0) || (isNumber(o) && isNaN(o)));const notEmpty = o => !isEmpty(o);
/** * Check if is array * @param {Array} arr * @returns {Boolean} * @private */const isArray = arr => arr && arr.constructor === Array;
/** * Check if is object * @param {Object} obj * @returns {Boolean} * @private */const isObject = obj => obj && !obj.nodeType && isObjectType(obj) && !isArray(obj);
const getOption = (options, key, defaultValue) => ( isDefined(options[key]) ? options[key] : defaultValue);
const hasValue = (dict, value) => { let found = false;
Object.keys(dict).forEach(key => (dict[key] === value) && (found = true));
return found;};
/** * Call function with arguments * @param {Function} fn Function to be called * @param {*} args Arguments * @return {Boolean} true: fn is function, false: fn is not function * @private */const callFn = (fn, ...args) => { const isFn = isFunction(fn);
isFn &&; return isFn;};
/** * Replace tag sign to html entity * @param {String} str * @return {String} * @private */const sanitise = str => (isString(str) ? str.replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;") : str);
/** * Set text value. If there's multiline add nodes. * @param {d3Selection} node Text node * @param {String} text Text value string * @param {Array} dy dy value for multilined text * @param {Boolean} toMiddle To be alingned vertically middle * @private */const setTextValue = (node, text, dy = [-1, 1], toMiddle = false) => { if (!node || !isString(text)) { return; }
if (text.indexOf("\n") === -1) { node.text(text); } else { const diff = [node.text(), text].map(v => v.replace(/[\s\n]/g, ""));
if (diff[0] !== diff[1]) { const multiline = text.split("\n"); const len = toMiddle ? multiline.length - 1 : 1;
// reset possible text node.html("");
multiline.forEach((v, i) => { node.append("tspan") .attr("x", 0) .attr("dy", `${i === 0 ? dy[0] * len : dy[1]}em`) .text(v); }); } }};
// substitution of SVGPathSeg API polyfillconst getRectSegList = path => { /* * seg1 ---------- seg2 * | | * | | * | | * seg0 ---------- seg3 * */ const {x, y, width, height} = path.getBBox();
return [ {x, y: y + height}, // seg0 {x, y}, // seg1 {x: x + width, y}, // seg2 {x: x + width, y: y + height} // seg3 ];};
const getPathBox = path => { const {width, height} = path.getBoundingClientRect(); const items = getRectSegList(path); const x = items[0].x; const y = Math.min(items[0].y, items[1].y);
return { x, y, width, height };};
// return brush selection arrayconst getBrushSelection = ctx => { let selection = null; const event = d3Event; const main = ctx.context || ctx.main;
// check from event if (event && === "BrushEvent") { selection = event.selection; // check from brush area selection } else if (main && (selection =`.${CLASS.brush}`).node())) { selection = d3BrushSelection(selection); }
return selection;};
// Get boundingClientRect. Cache the evaluated value once it was called.const getBoundingRect = node => node.rect || (node.rect = node.getBoundingClientRect());
// retrun random numberconst getRandom = (asStr = true) => Math.random() + (asStr ? "" : 0);
const brushEmpty = ctx => { const selection = getBrushSelection(ctx);
if (selection) { // brush selected area // two-dimensional: [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]] // one-dimensional: [x0, x1] or [y0, y1] return selection[0] === selection[1]; }
return true;};
const extend = (target = {}, source) => { for (const p in source) { target[p] = source[p]; }
return target;};
/** * Return first letter capitalized * @param {String} str * @return {String} capitalized string * @private */const capitalize = str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
/** * Convert to array * @param {Object} v * @returns {Array} * @private */const toArray = v => [];
/** * Get css rules for specified stylesheets * @param {Array} styleSheets The stylesheets to get the rules from * @returns {Array} * @private */const getCssRules = styleSheets => { let rules = [];
styleSheets.forEach(sheet => { try { if (sheet.cssRules && sheet.cssRules.length) { rules = rules.concat(toArray(sheet.cssRules)); } } catch (e) { console.error(`Error while reading rules from ${sheet.href}: ${e.toString()}`); } });
return rules;};
/** * Gets the SVGMatrix of an SVGGElement * @param {SVGGraphicsElement} node * @return {SVGMatrix} matrix * @private */const getTranslation = node => { const transform = node ? node.transform : null; const baseVal = transform && transform.baseVal;
return baseVal && baseVal.numberOfItems ? baseVal.getItem(0).matrix : {a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0, e: 0, f: 0};};
/** * Get unique value from array * @param {Array} data * @return {Array} Unique array value * @private */const getUnique = data => { const isDate = data[0] instanceof Date; const d = (isDate ? : data) .filter((v, i, self) => self.indexOf(v) === i);
return isDate ? => new Date(v)) : d;};
/** * Merge array * @param {Array} arr * @return {Array} * @private */const mergeArray = arr => (arr && arr.length ? arr.reduce((p, c) => p.concat(c)) : []);
/** * Merge object returning new object * @param {Object} target * @param {Object} objectN * @returns {Object} merged target object * @private */const mergeObj = (target, ...objectN) => { if (!objectN.length || (objectN.length === 1 && !objectN[0])) { return target; }
const source = objectN.shift();
if (isObject(target) && isObject(source)) { Object.keys(source).forEach(key => { const value = source[key];
if (isObject(value)) { !target[key] && (target[key] = {}); target[key] = mergeObj(target[key], value); } else { target[key] = isArray(value) ? value.concat() : value; } }); }
return mergeObj(target, ...objectN);};
/** * Sort value * @param {Array} data value to be sorted * @param {Boolean} isAsc true: asc, false: desc * @return {Number|String|Date} sorted date * @private */const sortValue = (data, isAsc = true) => { let fn;
if (data[0] instanceof Date) { fn = isAsc ? (a, b) => a - b : (a, b) => b - a; } else { if (isAsc && !data.every(isNaN)) { fn = (a, b) => a - b; } else if (!isAsc) { fn = (a, b) => (a > b && -1) || (a < b && 1) || (a === b && 0); } }
return data.concat().sort(fn);};
/** * Get min/max value * @param {String} type 'min' or 'max' * @param {Array} data Array data value * @return {Number|Date|undefined} * @private */const getMinMax = (type, data) => { let res = data.filter(v => notEmpty(v));
if (res.length) { if (isNumber(res[0])) { res = Math[type](...res); } else if (res[0] instanceof Date) { res = sortValue(res, type === "min")[0]; } } else { res = undefined; }
return res;};
/** * Get range * @param {Number} start Start number * @param {Number} end End number * @param {Number} step Step number * @return {Array} * @private */const getRange = (start, end, step = 1) => { const res = []; const n = Math.max(0, Math.ceil((end - start) / step)) | 0;
for (let i = start; i < n; i++) { res.push(start + i * step); }
return res;};
// emulate eventconst emulateEvent = { mouse: (() => { const getParams = () => ({ bubbles: false, cancelable: false, screenX: 0, screenY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0 });
try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new MouseEvent("t");
return (el, eventType, params = getParams()) => { el.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(eventType, params)); }; } catch (e) { // Polyfills DOM4 MouseEvent return (el, eventType, params = getParams()) => { const mouseEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
// mouseEvent.initMouseEvent( eventType, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, window, 0, // the event's mouse click count params.screenX, params.screenY, params.clientX, params.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0, null );
el.dispatchEvent(mouseEvent); }; } })(), touch: (el, eventType, params) => { const touchObj = new Touch(mergeObj({ identifier:, target: el, radiusX: 2.5, radiusY: 2.5, rotationAngle: 10, force: 0.5 }, params));
el.dispatchEvent(new TouchEvent(eventType, { cancelable: true, bubbles: true, shiftKey: true, touches: [touchObj], targetTouches: [], changedTouches: [touchObj] })); }};
/** * Process the template & return bound string * @param {String} tpl Template string * @param {Object} data Data value to be replaced * @return {String} * @private */const tplProcess = (tpl, data) => { let res = tpl;
for (const x in data) { res = res.replace(new RegExp(`{=${x}}`, "g"), data[x]); }
return res;};
export { asHalfPixel, brushEmpty, callFn, capitalize, ceil10, diffDomain, emulateEvent, extend, getBrushSelection, getBoundingRect, getCssRules, getMinMax, getOption, getPathBox, getRandom, getRange, getRectSegList, getTranslation, getUnique, hasValue, isArray, isBoolean, isDefined, isEmpty, isFunction, isNumber, isObject, isObjectType, isString, isUndefined, isValue, mergeArray, mergeObj, notEmpty, sanitise, setTextValue, sortValue, toArray, tplProcess};